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Last active March 26, 2016 20:17
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Save kirsn/abda630d8752fd8734ce to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Experiment with Hypothesis( and testing WEB2PY ( These tests are only for a few web2py validators.
from decimal import Decimal
import json
import unittest
from hypothesis import given, strategies as st
from gluon import validators as vld
# JSON Test related code:
def nest_data(st_values):
return st.lists(st_values) | st.dictionaries(st.text(), st_values)
def nested_data():
return st.none() | st.integers() | st.floats(-1e308, 1e308) | st.text()
class TestValidators(unittest.TestCase):
def test_IS_ALPHANUMERIC(self, value):
result = vld.IS_ALPHANUMERIC()(value)
assert (result == (value, None)) or (result == (value, 'Enter only letters, numbers, and underscore'))
@given(maxsize=st.integers(), minsize=st.integers(), value=st.text())
def test_IS_LENGTH(self, maxsize, minsize, value):
result = vld.IS_LENGTH(maxsize=maxsize, minsize=minsize)(value)
assert (result == (value, None)) or (result == (value, 'Enter from %s to %s characters' % (minsize, maxsize)))
@given(maxsize=st.integers(), minsize=st.integers(), value=st.floats(), dot=st.characters())
def test_IS_DECIMAL_IN_RANGE(self, maxsize, minsize, value, dot):
result = vld.IS_DECIMAL_IN_RANGE(maximum=maxsize, minimum=minsize, dot=dot)(value)
assert (result == (Decimal(value), None)) or (result == (Decimal(value), 'Enter from %s to %s characters' % (minsize, maxsize)))
labels=st.none() | st.lists(st.text()),
error_message=st.just('Value not allowed'),
def test_IS_IN_SET(self, theset, labels, error_message, multiple, zero, sort, value):
result = vld.IS_IN_SET(theset, labels, error_message, multiple, zero, sort)(value)
assert (result == (value, None)) or (result == (value, 'Value not allowed'))
data=st.recursive(nested_data(), nest_data) | st.text(),
error_message=st.just('Invalid json')
def test_IS_JSON(self, data, native_json, error_message):
result = vld.IS_JSON(error_message=error_message, native_json=native_json)(json.dumps(data))
js = json.dumps(data) if native_json else data
assert result == (js, None) or result == (js, 'Invalid json')
if __name__ == '__main__':
Finding files... done.
Importing test modules ... done.
Falsifying example: test_IS_DECIMAL_IN_RANGE(self=<test_validators.TestValidators testMethod=test_IS_DECIMAL_IN_RANGE>, maxsize=0, minsize=0, value=0.0, dot=u'0')
Falsifying example: test_IS_IN_SET(self=<test_validators.TestValidators testMethod=test_IS_IN_SET>, theset=[], labels=None, error_message='Value not allowed', multiple=True, zero='', sort=False, value=u'')
Falsifying example: test_IS_LENGTH(self=<test_validators.TestValidators testMethod=test_IS_LENGTH>, maxsize=1000000, minsize=1, value=u'')
FAIL: test_IS_DECIMAL_IN_RANGE (test_validators.TestValidators)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "D:\code\git\web2py_hypothesis\tests\", line 32, in test_IS_DECIMAL_IN_RANGE
def test_IS_DECIMAL_IN_RANGE(self, maxsize, minsize, value, dot):
File "D:\programs\open\python27\lib\site-packages\hypothesis\", line 540, in wrapped_test
print_example=True, is_final=True
File "D:\programs\open\python27\lib\site-packages\hypothesis\", line 57, in default_new_style_executor
return function(data)
File "D:\programs\open\python27\lib\site-packages\hypothesis\", line 103, in run
return test(*args, **kwargs)
File "D:\code\git\web2py_hypothesis\tests\", line 34, in test_IS_DECIMAL_IN_RANGE
assert (result == (Decimal(value), None)) or (result == (Decimal(value), 'Enter from %s to %s characters' % (minsize, maxsize)))
FAIL: test_IS_IN_SET (test_validators.TestValidators)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "D:\code\git\web2py_hypothesis\tests\", line 37, in test_IS_IN_SET
File "D:\programs\open\python27\lib\site-packages\hypothesis\", line 540, in wrapped_test
print_example=True, is_final=True
File "D:\programs\open\python27\lib\site-packages\hypothesis\", line 57, in default_new_style_executor
return function(data)
File "D:\programs\open\python27\lib\site-packages\hypothesis\", line 103, in run
return test(*args, **kwargs)
File "D:\code\git\web2py_hypothesis\tests\", line 47, in test_IS_IN_SET
assert (result == (value, None)) or (result == (value, 'Value not allowed'))
FAIL: test_IS_LENGTH (test_validators.TestValidators)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "D:\code\git\web2py_hypothesis\tests\", line 27, in test_IS_LENGTH
def test_IS_LENGTH(self, maxsize, minsize, value):
File "D:\programs\open\python27\lib\site-packages\hypothesis\", line 540, in wrapped_test
print_example=True, is_final=True
File "D:\programs\open\python27\lib\site-packages\hypothesis\", line 57, in default_new_style_executor
return function(data)
File "D:\programs\open\python27\lib\site-packages\hypothesis\", line 103, in run
return test(*args, **kwargs)
File "D:\code\git\web2py_hypothesis\tests\", line 29, in test_IS_LENGTH
assert (result == (value, None)) or (result == (value, 'Enter from %s to %s characters' % (minsize, maxsize)))
Ran 5 tests in 4.252s
FAILED (failures=3)
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