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Last active June 14, 2024 10:23
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Save kishida/05656bfcbe840f269784f7dbbee5928e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop. with FFM API
// based on
// at Sep 14, 2023
import java.lang.foreign.Arena;
import java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment;
import java.lang.foreign.SegmentAllocator;
import java.lang.foreign.ValueLayout;
import static java.lang.foreign.ValueLayout.JAVA_FLOAT;
import static java.lang.foreign.ValueLayout.JAVA_INT;
import java.nio.ByteOrder;
import java.nio.FloatBuffer;
import java.nio.channels.FileChannel;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.StandardOpenOption;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Set;
import jdk.incubator.vector.FloatVector;
import jdk.incubator.vector.VectorSpecies;
import jdk.incubator.vector.VectorOperators;
public class Llama {
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Transformer model
static class Config{
int dim; // transformer dimension
int hidden_dim; // for ffn layers
int n_layers; // number of layers
int n_heads; // number of query heads
int n_kv_heads; // number of key/value heads (can be < query heads because of multiquery)
int vocab_size; // vocabulary size, usually 256 (byte-level)
int seq_len; // max sequence length
void load(SegmentAllocator alloc) {
dim = alloc.allocate(JAVA_INT).get(JAVA_INT, 0);
hidden_dim = alloc.allocate(JAVA_INT).get(JAVA_INT, 0);
n_layers = alloc.allocate(JAVA_INT).get(JAVA_INT, 0);
n_heads = alloc.allocate(JAVA_INT).get(JAVA_INT, 0);
n_kv_heads = alloc.allocate(JAVA_INT).get(JAVA_INT, 0);
vocab_size = alloc.allocate(JAVA_INT).get(JAVA_INT, 0);
seq_len = alloc.allocate(JAVA_INT).get(JAVA_INT, 0);
public String toString() {
return "dim:%d hidden_dim:%d n_layers:%d n_heads:%d n_kv_heads:%d vocab_size:%d seq_len:%d"
.formatted(dim, hidden_dim, n_layers, n_heads, n_kv_heads, vocab_size, seq_len);
static FloatBuffer toBuffer(MemorySegment seg) {
return seg.asByteBuffer().order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN).asFloatBuffer();
static class TransformerWeights{
// token embedding table
MemorySegment token_embedding_table; // (vocab_size, dim)
// weights for rmsnorms
FloatBuffer[] rms_att_weight; // (layer, dim) rmsnorm weights
FloatBuffer[] rms_ffn_weight; // (layer, dim)
// weights for matmuls. note dim == n_heads * head_size
FloatBuffer[] wq; // (layer, dim, n_heads * head_size)
FloatBuffer[] wk; // (layer, dim, n_kv_heads * head_size)
FloatBuffer[] wv; // (layer, dim, n_kv_heads * head_size)
FloatBuffer[] wo; // (layer, n_heads * head_size, dim)
// weights for ffn
FloatBuffer[] w1; // (layer, hidden_dim, dim)
FloatBuffer[] w2; // (layer, dim, hidden_dim)
FloatBuffer[] w3; // (layer, hidden_dim, dim)
// final rmsnorm
FloatBuffer rms_final_weight; // (dim,)
// (optional) classifier weights for the logits, on the last layer
MemorySegment wcls;
static FloatBuffer[] alloc(SegmentAllocator allocator, int layers, int size) {
return IntStream.range(0, layers)
.mapToObj(i -> allocator.allocate(JAVA_FLOAT, size))
void memory_map_weights(Config p, SegmentAllocator allocator, boolean shared_weights) {
int head_size = p.dim / p.n_heads;
// make sure the multiplications below are done in 64bit to fit the parameter counts of 13B+ models
int n_layers = p.n_layers;
this.token_embedding_table = allocator.allocate(JAVA_FLOAT, p.vocab_size * p.dim);
this.rms_att_weight = alloc(allocator, n_layers, p.dim);
this.wq = alloc(allocator, n_layers, p.dim * p.dim);
this.wk = alloc(allocator, n_layers, p.dim * (p.n_kv_heads * head_size));
this.wv = alloc(allocator, n_layers, p.dim * (p.n_kv_heads * head_size));
this.wo = alloc(allocator, n_layers, p.dim * p.dim);
this.rms_ffn_weight = alloc(allocator, n_layers, p.dim);
this.w1 = alloc(allocator, n_layers, p.dim * p.hidden_dim);
this.w2 = alloc(allocator, n_layers, p.hidden_dim * p.dim);
this.w3 = alloc(allocator, n_layers, p.dim * p.hidden_dim);
this.rms_final_weight = toBuffer(allocator.allocate(JAVA_FLOAT, p.dim));
allocator.allocate(JAVA_FLOAT, p.seq_len * head_size / 2);// skip what used to be freq_cis_real (for RoPE)
allocator.allocate(JAVA_FLOAT, p.seq_len * head_size / 2);// skip what used to be freq_cis_imag (for RoPE)
this.wcls = shared_weights ? this.token_embedding_table : allocator.allocate(JAVA_FLOAT, p.vocab_size * p.dim);
static class RunState{
// current wave of activations
//float[] x; // activation at current time stamp (dim,)
float[] xb; // same, but inside a residual branch (dim,)
float[] xb2; // an additional buffer just for convenience (dim,)
float[] hb; // buffer for hidden dimension in the ffn (hidden_dim,)
float[] hb2; // buffer for hidden dimension in the ffn (hidden_dim,)
float[] q; // query (dim,)
float[] k; // key (dim,)
float[] v; // value (dim,)
float[][] att; // buffer for scores/attention values (n_heads, seq_len)
float[] logits; // output logits
// kv cache
float[][][] key_cache; // (layer, seq_len, dim)
float[][][] value_cache; // (layer, seq_len, dim)
private float[] calloc(int size) {
//return offHeap.allocate(ValueLayout.JAVA_FLOAT, size);
return new float[size];
void malloc(Config p) {
// we calloc instead of malloc to keep valgrind happy
int kv_dim = (p.dim * p.n_kv_heads) / p.n_heads;
//this.x = calloc(p.dim);
this.xb = calloc(p.dim);
this.xb2 = calloc(p.dim);
this.hb = calloc(p.hidden_dim);
this.hb2 = calloc(p.hidden_dim);
this.q = calloc(p.dim);
this.key_cache = new float[p.n_layers][p.seq_len][kv_dim];
this.value_cache = new float[p.n_layers][p.seq_len][kv_dim];
this.att = new float[p.n_heads][p.seq_len];
this.logits = calloc(p.vocab_size);
void free() {
static class CustomSlicingAllocator implements SegmentAllocator {
private final MemorySegment segment;
private long sp = 0L;
public CustomSlicingAllocator(MemorySegment segment) {
this.segment = segment;
MemorySegment trySlice(long byteSize, long byteAlignment) {
MemorySegment slice = segment.asSlice(sp, byteSize, byteAlignment);
sp += byteSize;
return slice;
public MemorySegment allocate(long byteSize, long byteAlignment) {
return trySlice(byteSize, byteAlignment);
static boolean vectorize = false;
static class Transformer {
Config config = new Config(); // the hyperparameters of the architecture (the blueprint)
TransformerWeights weights = new TransformerWeights(); // the weights of the model
RunState state = new RunState(); // buffers for the "wave" of activations in the forward pass
// some more state needed to properly clean up the memory mapping (sigh)
FileChannel fd; // file descriptor for memory mapping
MemorySegment data; // memory mapped data pointer
Arena arena;
void read_checkpoint(String checkpoint) throws IOException {
var path = Path.of(checkpoint);
fd =, Set.of(StandardOpenOption.READ));
arena = Arena.ofShared();
data =, 0, Files.size(path), arena);
SegmentAllocator alloc = new CustomSlicingAllocator(data);
boolean shared_weights = config.vocab_size > 0;
config.vocab_size = Math.abs(config.vocab_size);
weights.memory_map_weights(config, alloc, shared_weights);
void build(String checkpointPath) {
try {
} catch (IOException ex) {
throw new UncheckedIOException(ex);
void free() {
try {
} catch (IOException ex) {
throw new UncheckedIOException(ex);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// neural net blocks; the dynamics of the Transformer
static void rmsnorm(float[] out, float[] x, FloatBuffer weight, int size) {
// calculate sum of squares
float ss = 0.0f;
for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) {
float f = x[j];
ss += f * f;
ss /= size;
ss += 1e-5f;
ss = 1.0f / (float)Math.sqrt(ss); //
// normalize and scale
for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) {
out[j] = weight.get(j) * (ss * x[j]);
static void softmax(float[] x, int size) {
final VectorSpecies<Float> SPECIES = FloatVector.SPECIES_PREFERRED;
// find max value (for numerical stability)
float max_val = x[0];
for (int i = 1; i < size; i++) {
max_val = Float.max(x[i], max_val);
// exp and sum
float sum = 0.0f;
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
sum += x[i] = (float)Math.exp(x[i] - max_val);
// normalize
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
x[i] /= sum;
static void matmul(float[] xout, float[] x, FloatBuffer ws, int n, int d) {
// W (d,n) @ x (n,) . xout (d,)
// by far the most amount of time is spent inside this little function
MemorySegment w = MemorySegment.ofBuffer(ws);
final VectorSpecies<Float> SPECIES = FloatVector.SPECIES_PREFERRED;
IntStream.range(0, d).parallel().forEach(i -> {
if (vectorize) {Math.floor(i)
final int SIMD_SIZE = SPECIES.length();
final long FLOAT_SIZE = ValueLayout.JAVA_FLOAT.byteSize();
//float val = 0.0f;
FloatVector val =;
for (int j = 0; j < n; j+=SIMD_SIZE) {
// val += get(w, i * n + j) * get(x, j);
FloatVector a = FloatVector.fromMemorySegment(SPECIES, w, (i * n + j + 0*SIMD_SIZE) * FLOAT_SIZE, ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN);
FloatVector b = FloatVector.fromArray(SPECIES, x, j + 0*SIMD_SIZE);
val = a.fma(b, val);
xout[i] = val.reduceLanes(VectorOperators.ADD);
} else {
float val = 0.0f;
for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
val += ws.get(i * n + j) * x[j];
xout[i] = val;
static MemorySegment slice(MemorySegment data, int index, int size) {
long sliceSize = size * JAVA_FLOAT.byteSize();
return data.asSlice(index * sliceSize, sliceSize);
static float[] forward(Transformer transformer, int token, int pos) {
// a few convenience variables
Config p = transformer.config;
TransformerWeights w = transformer.weights;
RunState s = transformer.state;
//float[] x = s.x;
int dim = p.dim;
int kv_dim = (p.dim * p.n_kv_heads) / p.n_heads;
int kv_mul = p.n_heads / p.n_kv_heads; // integer multiplier of the kv sharing in multiquery
int hidden_dim = p.hidden_dim;
int head_size = dim / p.n_heads;
// copy the token embedding into x
MemorySegment content_row = slice(w.token_embedding_table, token, dim);
float[] x = content_row.toArray(JAVA_FLOAT);
// forward all the layers
for(int l = 0; l < p.n_layers; l++) {
// attention rmsnorm
rmsnorm(s.xb, x, w.rms_att_weight[l], dim);
// key and value point to the kv cache
//int loff = l * p.seq_len * kv_dim; // kv cache layer offset for convenience
s.k = s.key_cache[l][pos];
s.v = s.value_cache[l][pos];
// qkv matmuls for this position
matmul(s.q, s.xb, w.wq[l], dim, dim);
matmul(s.k, s.xb, w.wk[l], dim, kv_dim);
matmul(s.v, s.xb, w.wv[l], dim, kv_dim);
// RoPE relative positional encoding: complex-valued rotate q and k in each head
for (int i = 0; i < dim; i+=2) {
int head_dim = i % head_size;
float freq = 1.0f / (float)Math.pow(10000.0f, head_dim / (float)head_size);
float val = pos * freq;
float fcr = (float)Math.cos(val);
float fci = (float)Math.sin(val);
int rotn = i < kv_dim ? 2 : 1; // how many vectors? 2 = q & k, 1 = q only
for (int v = 0; v < rotn; v++) {
float[] vec = v == 0 ? s.q : s.k; // the vector to rotate (query or key)
float v0 = vec[i];
float v1 = vec[i+1];
vec[i] = v0 * fcr - v1 * fci;
vec[i+1] = v0 * fci + v1 * fcr;
// multihead attention. iterate over all heads
final var fl = l;
// #pragma omp parallel for private(h)
// for (int h = 0; h < p.n_heads; h++) {
IntStream.range(0, p.n_heads).parallel().forEach(h -> {
// get the query vector for this head
int qpos = h * head_size;
//MemorySegment q = slice(s.q, h, head_size);
// attention scores for this head
float[] att = s.att[h];
// iterate over all timesteps, including the current one
for (int t = 0; t <= pos; t++) {
// get the key vector for this head and at this timestep
//MemorySegment k = slice(s.key_cache, loff + t * kv_dim, (h / kv_mul), head_size);
// calculate the attention score as the dot product of q and k
float score = 0.0f;
for (int i = 0; i < head_size; i++) {
score += s.q[qpos + i] * s.key_cache[fl][t][h / kv_mul * head_size + i];
score /= (float)Math.sqrt(head_size);
// save the score to the attention buffer
att[t] = score;
// softmax the scores to get attention weights, from 0..pos inclusively
softmax(att, pos + 1);
// weighted sum of the values, store back into xb
//MemorySegment xb = slice(s.xb, h, head_size);
Arrays.fill(s.xb, h * head_size, (h + 1) * head_size, 0);
for (int t = 0; t <= pos; t++) {
// get the value vector for this head and at this timestep
//MemorySegment v = slice(s.value_cache, loff + t * kv_dim, (h / kv_mul), head_size);
// get the attention weight for this timestep
float a = att[t];
// accumulate the weighted value into xb
for (int i = 0; i < head_size; i++) {
s.xb[h * head_size + i] += a * s.value_cache[fl][t][h / kv_mul * head_size + i];
// final matmul to get the output of the attention
matmul(s.xb2, s.xb, w.wo[l], dim, dim);
// residual connection back into x
for (int i = 0; i < dim; i++) {
x[i] += s.xb2[i];
// ffn rmsnorm
rmsnorm(s.xb, x, w.rms_ffn_weight[l], dim);
// Now for FFN in PyTorch we have: self.w2(F.silu(self.w1(x)) * self.w3(x))
// first calculate self.w1(x) and self.w3(x)
matmul(s.hb, s.xb, w.w1[l], dim, hidden_dim);
matmul(s.hb2, s.xb, w.w3[l], dim, hidden_dim);
// SwiGLU non-linearity
for (int i = 0; i < hidden_dim; i++) {
float val = s.hb[i];
// silu(x)=x*σ(x), where σ(x) is the logistic sigmoid
val *= (1.0f / (1.0f + Math.exp(-val)));
// elementwise multiply with w3(x)
val *= s.hb2[i];
s.hb[i] = val;
// final matmul to get the output of the ffn
matmul(s.xb, s.hb, w.w2[l], hidden_dim, dim);
// residual connection
for (int i = 0; i < dim; i++) {
x[i] += s.xb[i];
// final rmsnorm
rmsnorm(x, x, w.rms_final_weight, dim);
// classifier into logits
matmul(s.logits, x, toBuffer(w.wcls), p.dim, p.vocab_size);
return s.logits;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// The Byte Pair Encoding (BPE) Tokenizer that translates strings <. tokens
static class TokenIndex implements Comparable<TokenIndex>{
byte[] str;
int id;
public int compareTo(TokenIndex o) {
for (int i = 0; i < Math.min(str.length, o.str.length); ++i) {
if (str[i] != o.str[i]) {
return str[i] < o.str[i] ? -1 : 1;
if (str[i] == 0) {
return 0;
return, o.str.length);
static class Tokenizer {
byte[][] vocab;
byte[][] slided; // slided cache
float[] vocab_scores;
TokenIndex[] sorted_vocab;
int vocab_size;
int max_token_length;
byte[][] byte_pieces = new byte[256][]; // stores all single-byte strings
static int readInt(byte[] buf) {
return buf[0] | buf[1] << 8 | buf[2] << 16 | buf[3] << 24;
void build(String tokenizer_path, int vocab_size) {
// i should have written the vocab_size into the tokenizer file... sigh
this.vocab_size = vocab_size;
// malloc space to hold the scores and the strings
this.vocab = new byte[vocab_size][];
this.slided = new byte[vocab_size][];
this.vocab_scores = new float[vocab_size];
this.sorted_vocab = null; // initialized lazily
for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
this.byte_pieces[i] = new byte[]{(byte)i, (byte)0};
// read in the file
byte[] buf = new byte[4];
try (InputStream file = Files.newInputStream(Path.of(tokenizer_path))) {;
this.max_token_length = readInt(buf);
for (int i = 0; i < vocab_size; i++) {;
this.vocab_scores[i] = Float.intBitsToFloat(readInt(buf));;
int len = readInt(buf);
this.vocab[i] = new byte[len + 1];[i], 0, len);
this.vocab[i][len] = '\0'; // add the string terminating token
} catch (IOException ex) {
throw new UncheckedIOException(ex);
void free() {
// do nothing
static int hex2int(int c) {
if (c <= '9') return c - '0';
if (c <= 'F') return c - 'A' + 10;
if (c <= 'f') return c - 'a' + 10;
return 0;
static byte[] decode(Tokenizer t, int prev_token, int token) {
byte[] piece = t.vocab[token];
int offset = 0;
// following BOS (1) token, sentencepiece decoder strips any leading whitespace (see PR #89)
if (prev_token == 1 && piece[0] == ' ') { offset++; }
// careful, some tokens designate raw bytes, and look like e.g. '<0x01>'
// parse this and convert and return the actual byte
if (piece[0 + offset] == '<' &&
piece[1 + offset] == '0' &&
piece[2 + offset] == 'x' &&
piece[5 + offset] == '>') {
int byte_val = hex2int(piece[3 + offset]) * 16 + hex2int(piece[4 + offset]);
return t.byte_pieces[byte_val];
if (offset == 0) {
return piece;
if (t.slided[token] == null) {
t.slided[token] = Arrays.copyOfRange(piece, 1, piece.length);
return t.slided[token];
static void safe_printf(byte[] piece) {
// piece might be a raw byte token, and we only want to print printable chars or whitespace
// because some of the other bytes can be various control codes, backspace, etc.
if (piece == null) { return; }
if (piece[0] == '\0') { return; }
if (piece[1] == '\0') {
byte byte_val = piece[0];
if (Character.isISOControl(byte_val) && byte_val != ' ' && byte_val != '\n') {
int pos = 0;
for (; pos < piece.length; ++pos) {
if (piece[pos] == 0) break;
System.out.print(new String(piece, 0, pos));
static int str_lookup(byte[] str, TokenIndex[] sorted_vocab, int vocab_size) {
// efficiently find the perfect match for str in vocab, return its index or -1 if not found
var key = new TokenIndex();
key.str = str;
int pos = Arrays.binarySearch(sorted_vocab, key);
return pos < 0 ? -1 : sorted_vocab[pos].id;
static int encode(Tokenizer t, byte[] text, int bos, int eos, int[] tokens ) {
// encode the string text (input) into an upper-bound preallocated tokens[] array
// bos != 0 means prepend the BOS token (=1), eos != 0 means append the EOS token (=2)
if (text == null) throw new RuntimeException("cannot encode NULL text");
if (t.sorted_vocab == null) {
// lazily malloc and sort the vocabulary
t.sorted_vocab = new TokenIndex[t.vocab_size];
for (int i = 0; i < t.vocab_size; i++) {
t.sorted_vocab[i] = new TokenIndex();
t.sorted_vocab[i].str = t.vocab[i];
t.sorted_vocab[i].id = i;
// create a temporary buffer that will store merge candidates of always two consecutive tokens
// *2 for concat, +1 for null terminator +2 for UTF8 (in case max_token_length is 1)
byte[] str_buffer = new byte[t.max_token_length*2 +1 +2];
int str_len = 0;
// start at 0 tokens
int n_tokens = 0;
// add optional BOS (=1) token, if desired
if (bos != 0) tokens[n_tokens++] = 1;
// add_dummy_prefix is true by default
// so prepend a dummy prefix token to the input string, but only if text != ""
// TODO: pretty sure this isn't correct in the general case but I don't have the
// energy to read more of the sentencepiece code to figure out what it's doing
if (text[0] != '\0') {
int dummy_prefix = str_lookup(new byte[]{(byte)' ', (byte)0}, t.sorted_vocab, t.vocab_size);
tokens[n_tokens++] = dummy_prefix;
// Okay UTF-8 time. This will get messy. Here is the reference from Wikipedia:
// Code point ↔ UTF-8 conversion
// First code point Last code point Byte 1 Byte 2 Byte 3 Byte 4
// U+0000 U+007F 0xxxxxxx
// U+0080 U+07FF 110xxxxx 10xxxxxx
// U+0800 U+FFFF 1110xxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx
// U+10000 U+10FFFF 11110xxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx
// process the raw (UTF-8) byte sequence of the input string
for (int c = 0; text[c] != '\0'; c++) {
// reset buffer if the current byte is ASCII or a leading byte
// 0xC0 is 11000000, so (*c & 0xC0) keeps the first 2 bits and zeros the rest
// 0x80 is 10000000
// in UTF-8, all continuation bytes start with "10" in first two bits
// so in English this is: "if this byte is not a continuation byte"
if ((text[c] & 0xC0) != 0x80) {
// this byte must be either a leading byte (11...) or an ASCII char (0x...)
// => reset our location, as we're starting a new UTF-8 codepoint
str_len = 0;
// append the current byte to the buffer
str_buffer[str_len++] = text[c]; // ++ is post-increment, incremented after this line
str_buffer[str_len] = '\0';
// while the next character is a continuation byte, continue appending
// but if there are too many of them, just stop to avoid overruning str_buffer size.
if ((text[c+1] & 0xC0) == 0x80 && str_len < 4) {
// ok c+1 is not a continuation byte, so we've read in a full codepoint
int id = str_lookup(str_buffer, t.sorted_vocab, t.vocab_size);
if (id != -1) {
// we found this codepoint in vocab, add it as a token
tokens[n_tokens++] = id;
} else {
// byte_fallback encoding: just encode each byte as a token
// +3 is here because the first 3 vocab elements are <unk>, <s>, </s>
// so the individual bytes only start at index 3
for (int i=0; i < str_len; i++) {
tokens[n_tokens++] = str_buffer[i] + 3;
str_len = 0; // protect against a sequence of stray UTF8 continuation bytes
// merge the best consecutive pair each iteration, according the scores in vocab_scores
while (true) {
float best_score = -1e10f;
int best_id = -1;
int best_idx = -1;
for (int i=0; i < n_tokens-1; i++) {
// check if we can merge the pair (tokens[i], tokens[i+1])
int pos = 0;
for (byte b: t.vocab[tokens[i]]) {
if (b == 0) break;
str_buffer[pos++] = b;
for (byte b: t.vocab[tokens[i+1]]) {
if (b == 0) break;
str_buffer[pos++] = b;
str_buffer[pos] = 0;
int id = str_lookup(str_buffer, t.sorted_vocab, t.vocab_size);
if (id != -1 && t.vocab_scores[id] > best_score) {
// this merge pair exists in vocab! record its score and position
best_score = t.vocab_scores[id];
best_id = id;
best_idx = i;
if (best_idx == -1) {
break; // we couldn't find any more pairs to merge, so we're done
// merge the consecutive pair (best_idx, best_idx+1) into new token best_id
tokens[best_idx] = best_id;
// delete token at position best_idx+1, shift the entire sequence back 1
for (int i = best_idx+1; i < n_tokens-1; i++) {
tokens[i] = tokens[i+1];
n_tokens--; // token length decreased
// add optional EOS (=2) token, if desired
if (eos != 0) tokens[n_tokens++] = 2;
return n_tokens;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// The Sampler, which takes logits and returns a sampled token
// sampling can be done in a few ways: greedy argmax, sampling, top-p sampling
static class ProbIndex implements Comparable<ProbIndex>{
float prob;
int index;
public int compareTo(ProbIndex o) {
if (this.prob > o.prob) return -1;
if (this.prob < o.prob) return 1;
return 0;
} // struct used when sorting probabilities during top-p sampling
static class Sampler {
int vocab_size;
ProbIndex[] probindex; // buffer used in top-p sampling
float temperature;
float topp;
long rng_state[];
void build(int vocab_size, float temperature, float topp, long rng_seed) {
this.vocab_size = vocab_size;
this.temperature = temperature;
this.topp = topp;
this.rng_state = new long[]{rng_seed};
// buffer only used with nucleus sampling; may not need but it's ~small
this.probindex = new ProbIndex[vocab_size];
for (int i = 0; i < vocab_size; ++i) {
this.probindex[i] = new ProbIndex();
void free() {
static int sample_argmax(float[] probabilities, int n) {
// return the index that has the highest probability
int max_i = 0;
float max_p = probabilities[0];
for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) {
if (probabilities[i] > max_p) {
max_i = i;
max_p = probabilities[i];
return max_i;
static int sample_mult(float[] probabilities, int n, float coin) {
// sample index from probabilities (they must sum to 1!)
// coin is a random number in [0, 1), usually from random_f32()
float cdf = 0.0f;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
cdf += probabilities[i];
if (coin < cdf) {
return i;
return n - 1; // in case of rounding errors
static int sample_topp(float[] probabilities, int n, float topp, ProbIndex[] probindex, float coin) {
// top-p sampling (or "nucleus sampling") samples from the smallest set of
// tokens that exceed probability topp. This way we never sample tokens that
// have very low probabilities and are less likely to go "off the rails".
// coin is a random number in [0, 1), usually from random_f32()
int n0 = 0;
// quicksort indices in descending order of probabilities
// values smaller than (1 - topp) / (n - 1) cannot be part of the result
// so for efficiency we crop these out as candidates before sorting
final float cutoff = (1.0f - topp) / (n - 1);
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
if (probabilities[i] >= cutoff) {
probindex[n0].index = i;
probindex[n0].prob = probabilities[i];
// truncate the list where cumulative probability exceeds topp
float cumulative_prob = 0.0f;
int last_idx = n0 - 1; // in case of rounding errors consider all elements
for (int i = 0; i < n0; i++) {
cumulative_prob += probindex[i].prob;
if (cumulative_prob > topp) {
last_idx = i;
break; // we've exceeded topp by including last_idx
// sample from the truncated list
float r = coin * cumulative_prob;
float cdf = 0.0f;
for (int i = 0; i <= last_idx; i++) {
cdf += probindex[i].prob;
if (r < cdf) {
return probindex[i].index;
return probindex[last_idx].index; // in case of rounding errors
static int random_u32(long[] state) {
// xorshift rng:
state[0] ^= state[0] >> 12;
state[0] ^= state[0] << 25;
state[0] ^= state[0] >> 27;
return (int)((state[0] * 0x2545F4914F6CDD1Dl) >> 32);
static float random_f32(long[] state) { // random float32 in [0,1)
return (random_u32(state) >> 8) / 16777216.0f;
static int sample(Sampler sampler, float[] logits) {
// sample the token given the logits and some hyperparameters
int next;
if (sampler.temperature == 0.0f) {
// greedy argmax sampling: take the token with the highest probability
next = sample_argmax(logits, sampler.vocab_size);
} else {
// apply the temperature to the logits
for (int q=0; q<sampler.vocab_size; q++) {
logits[q] /= sampler.temperature;
// apply softmax to the logits to get the probabilities for next token
softmax(logits, sampler.vocab_size);
// flip a (float) coin (this is our source of entropy for sampling)
float coin = random_f32(sampler.rng_state);
// we sample from this distribution to get the next token
if (sampler.topp <= 0 || sampler.topp >= 1) {
// simply sample from the predicted probability distribution
next = sample_mult(logits, sampler.vocab_size, coin);
} else {
// top-p (nucleus) sampling, clamping the least likely tokens to zero
next = sample_topp(logits, sampler.vocab_size, sampler.topp, sampler.probindex, coin);
return next;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// utilities: time
static long time_in_ms() {
// return time in milliseconds, for benchmarking the model speed
return System.currentTimeMillis();
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// generation loop
static void generate(Transformer transformer, Tokenizer tokenizer, Sampler sampler, String prompt, int steps) {
String empty_prompt = "";
if (prompt == null) { prompt = empty_prompt; }
// encode the (string) prompt into tokens sequence
byte[] pd;
try {
pd = prompt.getBytes("utf-8");
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException ex) {
throw new UncheckedIOException(ex);
byte[] prompt_data = new byte[pd.length + 1];
for (int i = 0; i < pd.length; ++i) {
prompt_data[i] = pd[i];
prompt_data[pd.length] = 0;
int[] prompt_tokens = new int[prompt_data.length + 3]; // +3 for '\0', ?BOS, ?EOS
int num_prompt_tokens = encode(tokenizer, prompt_data, 1, 0, prompt_tokens);
if (num_prompt_tokens < 1) {
System.err.printf("something is wrong, expected at least 1 prompt token\n");
// start the main loop
long start = 0; // used to time our code, only initialized after first iteration
int next; // will store the next token in the sequence
int token = prompt_tokens[0]; // kick off with the first token in the prompt
int pos = 0; // position in the sequence
while (pos < steps) {
// forward the transformer to get logits for the next token
float[] logits = forward(transformer, token, pos);
// advance the state machine
if (pos < num_prompt_tokens - 1) {
// if we are still processing the input prompt, force the next prompt token
next = prompt_tokens[pos + 1];
} else {
// otherwise sample the next token from the logits
next = sample(sampler, logits);
// data-dependent terminating condition: the BOS (=1) token delimits sequences
if (next == 1) { break; }
// print the token as string, decode it with the Tokenizer object
byte[] piece = decode(tokenizer, token, next);
safe_printf(piece); // same as printf("%s", piece), but skips "unsafe" bytes
token = next;
// init the timer here because the first iteration can be slower
if (start == 0) { start = time_in_ms(); }
// report achieved tok/s (pos-1 because the timer starts after first iteration)
if (pos > 1) {
long end = time_in_ms();
System.err.printf("achieved tok/s: %f\n", (pos-1) / (double)(end-start)*1000);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// chat loop
// I manually inspected the tokens for a few chat conversations compared to
// python reference and that seemed ok, but this was not thoroughly tested and
// is not safely implemented, it's more a proof of concept atm.
static void read_stdin(const char* guide, char* buffer, size_t bufsize) {
// read a line from stdin, up to but not including \n
printf("%s", guide);
if (fgets(buffer, bufsize, stdin) != NULL) {
size_t len = strlen(buffer);
if (len > 0 && buffer[len - 1] == '\n') {
buffer[len - 1] = '\0'; // strip newline
static void chat(Transformer transformer, Tokenizer tokenizer, Sampler sampler,
String cli_user_prompt, String cli_system_prompt, int steps) {
// buffers for reading the system prompt and user prompt from stdin
// you'll notice they are soomewhat haphazardly and unsafely set atm
char[] system_prompt = new char[512];
char[] user_prompt = new char[512];
char[] rendered_prompt = new char[1152];
int num_prompt_tokens = 0;
int[] prompt_tokens = new int[1152];
int user_idx;
// start the main loop
boolean user_turn = true; // user starts
int next; // will store the next token in the sequence
int token; // stores the current token to feed into the transformer
int prev_token;
int pos = 0; // position in the sequence
while (pos < steps) {
// when it is the user's turn to contribute tokens to the dialog...
if (user_turn) {
// get the (optional) system prompt at position 0
if (pos == 0) {
// at position 0, the user can also contribute a system prompt
if (cli_system_prompt == NULL) {
// system prompt was not passed in, attempt to get it from stdin
read_stdin("Enter system prompt (optional): ", system_prompt, sizeof(system_prompt));
} else {
// system prompt was passed in, use it
strcpy(system_prompt, cli_system_prompt);
// get the user prompt
if (pos == 0 && cli_user_prompt != NULL) {
// user prompt for position 0 was passed in, use it
strcpy(user_prompt, cli_user_prompt);
} else {
// otherwise get user prompt from stdin
read_stdin("User: ", user_prompt, sizeof(user_prompt));
// render user/system prompts into the Llama 2 Chat schema
if (pos == 0 && system_prompt[0] != '\0') {
char system_template[] = "[INST] <<SYS>>\n%s\n<</SYS>>\n\n%s [/INST]";
sprintf(rendered_prompt, system_template, system_prompt, user_prompt);
} else {
char user_template[] = "[INST] %s [/INST]";
sprintf(rendered_prompt, user_template, user_prompt);
// encode the rendered prompt into tokens
encode(tokenizer, rendered_prompt, 1, 0, prompt_tokens, &num_prompt_tokens);
user_idx = 0; // reset the user index
user_turn = false;
System.out.printf("Assistant: ");
// determine the token to pass into the transformer next
if (user_idx < num_prompt_tokens) {
// if we are still processing the input prompt, force the next prompt token
token = prompt_tokens[user_idx++];
} else {
// otherwise use the next token sampled from previous turn
token = next;
// EOS (=2) token ends the Assistant turn
if (token == 2) { user_turn = true; }
// forward the transformer to get logits for the next token
MemorySegment logits = forward(transformer, token, pos);
next = sample(sampler, logits);
if (user_idx >= num_prompt_tokens && next != 2) {
// the Assistant is responding, so print its output
char* piece = decode(tokenizer, token, next);
safe_printf(piece); // same as printf("%s", piece), but skips "unsafe" bytes
if (next == 2) { System.out.printf("\n"); }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CLI, include only if not testing
static void error_usage() {
System.err.printf("Usage: run <checkpoint> [options]\n");
System.err.printf("Example: run model.bin -n 256 -i \"Once upon a time\"\n");
System.err.printf(" -t <float> temperature in [0,inf], default 1.0\n");
System.err.printf(" -p <float> p value in top-p (nucleus) sampling in [0,1] default 0.9\n");
System.err.printf(" -s <int> random seed, default time(NULL)\n");
System.err.printf(" -n <int> number of steps to run for, default 256. 0 = max_seq_len\n");
System.err.printf(" -i <string> input prompt\n");
System.err.printf(" -z <string> optional path to custom tokenizer\n");
System.err.printf(" -m <string> mode: generate|chat, default: generate\n");
System.err.printf(" -y <string> (optional) system prompt in chat mode\n");
System.err.printf(" -v <string> 'on' if vectorize\n");
public static void main(String[] args) {
// default parameters
String checkpoint_path = d260k; // e.g. out/model.bin
String tokenizer_path = "tokenizer.bin";
float temperature = 1.0f; // 0.0 = greedy deterministic. 1.0 = original. don't set higher
float topp = 0.9f; // top-p in nucleus sampling. 1.0 = off. 0.9 works well, but slower
int steps = 256; // number of steps to run for
String prompt = null; // prompt string
long rng_seed = 0; // seed rng with time by default
String mode = "generate"; // generate|chat
String system_prompt = null; // the (optional) system prompt to use in chat mode
int argc = args.length;
// poor man's C argparse so we can override the defaults above from the command line
if (argc >= 1) {
checkpoint_path = args[0];
} else {
// error_usage();
for (int i = 1; i < argc; i+=2) {
// do some basic validation
if (i + 1 >= argc) { error_usage(); } // must have arg after flag
if (args[i].charAt(0) != '-') { error_usage(); } // must start with dash
if (args[i].length() != 2) { error_usage(); } // must be -x (one dash, one letter)
// read in the args
switch (args[i].charAt(1)) {
case 't' -> temperature = Float.parseFloat(args[i + 1]);
case 'p' -> topp = Float.parseFloat(args[i + 1]);
case 's' -> rng_seed = Integer.parseInt(args[i + 1]);
case 'n' -> steps = Integer.parseInt(args[i + 1]);
case 'i' -> prompt = args[i + 1];
case 'z' -> tokenizer_path = args[i + 1];
case 'm' -> mode = args[i + 1];
case 'y' -> system_prompt = args[i + 1];
case 'v' -> vectorize = "on".equalsIgnoreCase(args[i + 1]);
default -> error_usage();
System.out.println("vectorize: " + (vectorize ? "on" : "off"));
// parameter validation/overrides
if (rng_seed <= 0) rng_seed = System.currentTimeMillis();
if (temperature < 0.0) temperature = 0.0f;
if (topp < 0.0 || 1.0 < topp) topp = 0.9f;
if (steps < 0) steps = 0;
// build the Transformer via the model .bin file
Transformer transformer = new Transformer();;
if (steps == 0 || steps > transformer.config.seq_len) steps = transformer.config.seq_len; // override to ~max length
// build the Tokenizer via the tokenizer .bin file
Tokenizer tokenizer = new Tokenizer();, transformer.config.vocab_size);
// build the Sampler
Sampler sampler = new Sampler();, temperature, topp, rng_seed);
// run!
if (mode.equals("generate")) {
generate(transformer, tokenizer, sampler, prompt, steps);
} else if (mode.equals("chat")) {
//chat(transformer, tokenizer, sampler, prompt, system_prompt, steps);
System.out.println("chat mode is not implemented yet");
} else {
System.err.printf("unknown mode: %s\n", mode);
// memory and file handles cleanup;;;
public static void main_(String[] args) {
static String d260k = "stories260K.bin";
public static void test_build() {
var transformer = new Transformer();;
public static void test_transformer_read(String[] args) throws IOException {
var transformer = new Transformer();
public static void test_config_load(String[] args) {
var data = Arena.ofShared().allocateFrom(ValueLayout.JAVA_INT, IntStream.range(0, 14).toArray());
var c1 = new Config();
var alloc = SegmentAllocator.slicingAllocator(data);
var c2 = new Config();
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kishida commented Apr 28, 2024

converted from
requires Java 22 or later


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