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Created June 13, 2014 12:05
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Dockerode - container creation fails on OS X after 3 times
var Docker = require('dockerode');
var docker = new Docker({ host: 'http://localhost', port: 2375 });
var DOCKER_IMAGE = '227971251e9f';
function getContainerOpts(image, cmd) {
return {
'Hostname': '',
'User': '',
'AttachStdin': true,
'AttachStdout': true,
'AttachStderr': true,
'Tty': true,
'OpenStdin': true,
'StdinOnce': false,
'Env': null,
'Cmd': ['bash'],
'Dns': ['', ''],
'Image': image,
'Volumes': {},
'VolumesFrom': '',
'DisableNetwork': true,
"Memory": 36700160, // 35 MB
function init() {
var options = getContainerOpts(DOCKER_IMAGE)
console.log('before create')
// create seems to silently fail after 3 times
docker.createContainer(options, function(createErr, container) {
if(createErr) console.log(createErr);
console.log('Container created with response:', container)
var attach_opts = {stream: true, stdin: true, stdout: true, stderr: true}
container.attach(attach_opts, function handler(err, stream) {
console.log('inside attach');
container.start(function(err, data) {
container.wait(function(err, data) {
// clean up
setInterval(init, 5000);
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