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Last active August 29, 2015 14:09
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Source file for the monad post.
(This post is a Literate Haskell file that was run through pandoc to
produce markdown).
It seems customary in the Haskell space to write an introduction to
monads; my attempt in this exposition is not to outdo anyone else, but
to make the topic clear enough that I can write about it. My hope is
that by doing so, it becomes more clear to me.
> module Perhaps where
At this point in my Haskell education, I am halfway through **Learn
You A Haskell** (to the point of having covered functors, but not yet
applicative functors or monads), and a quarter of the way through
**Real World Haskell**. For me to learn a language requires solving
problems, and along the way I've encountered monads.
Yesterday, I watched Brian Beckman's excellent "[Don't Fear the
Monad](" talk, and realised
I've been using a monad quite regularly in my experiments thus far:
the `Maybe` type **is** a monad. This led me to explore what makes
`Maybe` a monad and write some simple code to make it more apparent to
Let's look at `Maybe`:
ghci> :info Maybe
data Maybe a = Nothing | Just a -- Defined in `Data.Maybe'
instance Monad Maybe -- Defined in `Data.Maybe'
-- ... other instances follow
For the sake of exposition, I'll define my own `Maybe` called
`Perhaps`. `Nought` is the equivalent of `Nothing`, and `Only` is the
equivalent of `Just`.
> data Perhaps a = Nought | Only a deriving (Show)
A `Monad` is a type that implements two functions (actually, in
Haskell, it's four): `bind` and `return`.
Looking at the definition of `Monad`:
class Monad m where
(>>=) :: m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
(>>) :: m a -> m b -> m b
return :: a -> m a
fail :: String -> m a
-- Defined in `GHC.Base'
The two easiest functions to implement are `fail` and `return`.
`fail` takes an error string and returns the equivalent of `Nothing.`
> perhapsFail :: String -> Perhaps a
> perhapsFail s = Nought
`return` is one of the important Monad functions. It takes a value of
type `a` and wraps it in the monad. Given the fact that we always have
a value for `return`, it never returns `Nought`.
> perhapsReturn :: a -> Perhaps a
> perhapsReturn x = Only x
The `(>>=)` operator is the Haskell `bind` operator. This is a bit
more tricky. It's type is `Monad m => m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b`. It's
used to **compose** monadic functions. Here is its definition:
> perhapsBind :: Perhaps a -> (a -> Perhaps b) -> Perhaps b
> perhapsBind Nought _ = Nought
> perhapsBind (Only x) f = f x
It takes a `Perhaps` value, and a function for transforming a value of
type `a` into a monad with type `b`.
The `(>>)` operator sequentially composes two monadic functions,
ignoring the result of the first action.
> perhapsShift :: Perhaps a -> Perhaps b -> Perhaps b
> perhapsShift _ x = x
Now, we can make `Perhaps` an instance of the `Monad` type class.
> instance Monad Perhaps where
> (>>=) = perhapsBind
> (>>) = perhapsShift
> return = perhapsReturn
> fail = perhapsFail
There are two rules for monads: they must be associative and they must
have an identity function. Due to Haskell's polymorphism, the identity
function is already provided. Associativity means that
f x >>= g >>= h
should be the same as
(f x >>= g) >>= h
should be the same as
f x >>= (g >>= h)
Let's see this in action. The first function we'll send it to is a
function that returns `Nought` if the number is odd, and `Only n` if
`n` is even.
> perhapsEven :: Integer -> Perhaps Integer
> perhapsEven n
> | even n = Only n
> | odd n = Nought
Here are some examples of `perhapsEven`:
ghci> map perhapsEven [0..5]
[Only 0,
Only 2,
Only 4,
The next function returns a string of the number if it's given a
number that can be divided by (the number isn't zero):
> perhapsDividable :: Integer -> Perhaps String
> perhapsDividable 0 = Nought
> perhapsDividable n = Only (show n)
Some examples:
ghci> map perhapsDividable [0..5]
Only "1",
Only "2",
Only "3",
Only "4",
Only "5"]
We can't just compose `perhapsEven` and `perhapsDividable`; their type
would be
(Integer -> Perhaps Integer) -> (Integer -> Perhaps String)
The types don't line up. Instead,
> perhapsShowEvenDividable :: Integer -> Perhaps String
> perhapsShowEvenDividable n = perhapsEven n >>= perhapsDividable
`perhapsEven` has to be applied first to get to the `Perhaps` type,
then functions can be applied.
> perhapsStringLength :: String -> Perhaps Int
> perhapsStringLength s = Only (length s)
After the first application, we can compose an arbitrary number of
functions (provided the types match up):
ghci> perhapsEven 3 >>= perhapsDividable >>= perhapsStringLength
ghci> perhapsEven 4 >>= perhapsDividable >>= perhapsStringLength
Only 1
So how is this useful?
Imagine `Perhaps` conveys whether a function with side effects
succeeded. Let's consider a pair of functions, `perhapsReadFile` and
perhapsReadFile :: FilePath -> Perhaps String
perhapsParseWidget :: String -> Perhaps Widget
`perhapsReadFile` either returns `Only contents` if it could read the
contents of the file, and `Nought` if nothing could be
read. `perhapsParseWidget` returns `Only w` if the string contains a
valid representation of a widget, and `Nought` otherwise.
In Go, we might write something like:
func readAndUseWidget(fileName string) (w widget.Widget, err error) {
contents, err := ioutil.ReadFile(fileName)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
w, err := widget.Unmarshal(contents)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// do some initial actions on the widget
return w, nil
In Haskell, it's
readAndUseWidget :: FilePath -> Perhaps Widget
readAndUseWidget path = perhapsReadFile path >>= perhapsParseWidget
>>= perhapsInitWidget
It's much more concise, and the error handling can be abstracted out
of view. Monads allow us to safely abstract some of this away.
One useful benefit of this is allowing continued execution in the face
of failures.
If our `readAndUseWidget` wasn't using a monad, and we ran through a
sequence of files to process some widgets, an error would stop us dead
in our tracks. As an example, the following function will die if an
error occurs:
readAndProcessWidgets :: [FilePath] -> [Widget]
readAndProcessWidgets = map readAndUseWidget
Given some paths to widget files, where `widget2.w` doesn't exist:
ghci> readAndProcessWidgets ["widget1.w", "widget2.w", "widget3.w"]
[Widget Foo,*** Exception: widget2.w: openFile: does not exist (No
such file or directory)
We don't even get a complete list of widgets back. With the monad
version, we'd get
ghci> map readAndUseWidget ["widget1.w", "widget2.w", "widget3.w"]
ghci> [Only Widget Foo, Nought, Only Widget Baz]
We get a list back, and can process the widgets that were successfully
We've uesd the monad here to represent failure, but they can be used
to add any additional information to a result besides the pure
result. The `IO` monad carries information noting that the world the
Haskell program has been run in is unstable; the `State` monad carries
some notion of state (state is anathema to functional
programming). They carry information about computational
dependencies—knowing that the world has changed, or the
possibility that a component failed—through a sequence of
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