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Created August 6, 2012 19:17
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Go commandline utility to determine whether a site supports HSTS.
This is a very simple Go command line utility that, given a list of sites
to check, will determine whether those sites support HSTS [1].
Example usage:
<monalisa: ~> $ does_hsts
[+] checking whether supports HSTS: ok
[+] checking whether supports HSTS: not supported
[+] checking whether supports HSTS: SSL failure!
does_hsts requires the go compiler to be installed. See the Go language
website's instructions [2] for installation. To build, run 'make';
installation defaults to /usr/local/bin and can be installed with
'make install'. The PREFIX environment variable can be used to change
the installation directory: 'PREFIX=${HOME} make install' would install
to ${HOME}/bin.
package main
import (
const (
SSLerror = iota
// check_site expects a host and prepends 'https://' onto it to create
// an HTTPS url. A GET request is performed on this URL, and the
// returned headers are checked for the HSTS header.
func Check (site string) int {
res := HSTSno
url := "https://" + site
resp, err := http.Get(url)
if err != nil {
return SSLerror
} else {
defer resp.Body.Close()
_, ok := resp.Header["Strict-Transport-Security"]
if ok {
res = HSTSyes
return res
func main () {
for _, site := range os.Args[1:] {
fmt.Printf("[+] checking whether %v supports HSTS: ", site)
switch res := Check(site) ; res {
case SSLerror: fmt.Println("SSL failure!")
case HSTSno: fmt.Println("not supported")
case HSTSyes: fmt.Println("ok")
default: fmt.Println("oh god there was so much blood")
TARGET := does_hsts
PREFIX ?= /usr/local
all: $(TARGET)
go build -o $(TARGET)
rm $(TARGET)
install: $(TARGET)
install -m 0755 -d $(PREFIX)/bin
install -m 0755 $(TARGET) $(PREFIX)/bin/$(TARGET)
-rm -f $(PREFIX)/bin/$(TARGET)
.PHONY: clean all
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