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Created March 2, 2014 21:54
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I don't even what is this has anyone ever gone so far as to even... YOLO
;;; sbcl --load yolo.lisp
;;; requires quicklisp in your .sbclrc
;;; or just load it in any other CL repl after loading quicklisp
(ql:quickload :usocket) ;; or load it some other way
;;;; some ideas:
;; echo '(defparamter *foo* 42)' | nc 4141
;; echo '(+ 2 2)' | nc 4141
;; used to demonstrate evaluation
(defvar *foo* :bar)
(defun socket-handler (stream)
"reads data from the TCP stream, and if it's a list, evaluates it."
(let ((data (read stream))) ; read that stream
(format t "~%~%*foo*: ~A~%" *foo*) ; show the current value of *foo*
(format t "READ: ~A~%" data) ; print out the data sent
(if (listp data) ; only eval the data if it's a proper list
;; display result of evaling the data
(format t "RESULT: ~A~%" (eval data))
;; show the current value of *foo*
(format t "*foo*: ~A~%~%" *foo*))
(format t "no s-expr sent, will not eval")))))
;; the most basic socket server
(usocket:socket-server "" 4141 #'socket-handler)
import socket
foo = 0
def new_sock():
"""Return a new IPv4 TCP socket."""
return socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
def server():
"""Listen for new connections and attempt to eval the code coming in."""
s = new_sock()
s.bind(("", 4142))
while True:
conn, addr = s.accept()
sock_handler(conn, addr)
except KeyboardInterrupt:
def sock_handler(conn, addr):
"""Read from the socket and attempt to evaluate it."""
buf = ''
while True:
tmp = conn.recv(4096)
if tmp == '' or tmp is None:
buf += tmp
buf = buf.strip() + '\n'
print "received: '%s'" % (buf, )
obj = compile(buf, "<string>", "exec")
print "result:", eval(obj, globals(), locals())
except SyntaxError as exc:
print "failed:", exc
def main():
"""Run that server!"""
if __name__ == '__main__':
send_string () {
echo "$@" | nc $SERVER $PORT
send_file () {
cat $@ | nc $SERVER $PORT
send_string "(+ 2 2)"
send_string "(setf *foo* 42)"
send_string '(defun baz () (format t "hello world~%"))'
send_string "(baz)"
send_string '
(with-open-file (stream #P"/tmp/yololisp.out"
:direction :output
:if-exists :supersede)
(format stream "hello, world~%")))'
send_string '(defun socket-handler (stream)
(format t "CONNECTION ~A:~%" stream)
(format t "NO MORE EVAL FOR YOU~%")))'
send_string () {
echo "$@" | nc $SERVER $PORT
send_file () {
cat $@ | nc $SERVER $PORT
send_string "2 + 2"
send_string "global foo; foo = 42; print 'foo:', foo"
send_string "print 'foo:', foo"
send_string "global baz
def baz():
print 'hello, world!'
send_string "baz()"
send_string 'open("/tmp/yolopy.out", "w").write("yolo!" + chr(0x0a))'
send_string 'global sock_handler;
def sock_handler(conn, addr):
print "no more eval for you"
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