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Created October 24, 2018 12:28
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VPN tunnel object
> [What's what section]
{ %string } => just some string
{ option1, option2 } => one of the listed
{ %seconds } => time in seconds
{ %number } => just some number
?{ %value } => optional value, depends on something else
!{ %value } => MUST provide data
{ %ip } => IP adress
{ %net } => Subnet in a form like
key: value # comment => After any value additional comment can be added
  left_site: ?{ %string }
    name: ?{ %string }
    location: ?{ %string }
    device_type: { Cisco, *swan, Fortigate, pfsense, fortigate, sophos, check-point, palaalto, watchguard, other}
    contact: ?{ %string }
      name: ?{ %string }
      e-mail: ?{ %string }
      phone: ?{ %string }
  right_site: ?{ %string }
    name: ?{ %string }
    location: ?{ %string }
    device_type: { Cisco, *swan, Fortigate, pfsense, fortigate, sophos, check-point, palaalto, watchguard, other}
    contact: ?{ %string }
      name: ?{ %string }
      e-mail: ?{ %string }
      phone: ?{ %string }
  maintainer: ?{ %string }

  local_end_external: { %ip }
  local_end_internal: ?{ %ip }
  remote_end_external: { %ip }
  remote_end_internal: ?{ %ip }
  tunnelled_traffic_routes: { static, bgp }
    - ?{ %net }
    - ?{ %net }
  tunnelled_traffic_bgp_asn: ?{ %number } # from 0 to 4294967295
  credential_methode: { pubkey, rsasig, ecdsasig, psk, secret, xauthrsasig, xauthpsk, never}
  auth_mode: {SHA1, MD5, SHA_384}
  encryption_alg: {DES, 3DES, AES_128, AES_192, AES_256}
  DH_group: {1,2,5,14,15,16,17,18,22,23,24,25,26,19,20,21,27,28,29,30,31}
  key_lifetime: {%seconds}
  ike_version: {1,2, any}
  agressive_mode: {main, aggressive}
  nat_traversal: {enabled, disabled}
  keep_alive: {yes, no}
    keep_alive_interval: ?{ %seconds}
  dpd_action: {none, clear, hold, restart}
  dpd_timeout: {disabled, %seconds}
  dpd_retry: {%number}

  psk: { %string, shared_on_other_channel } # in comment desc the share methode
  auth_alg: {NULL, MD5, SHA1}
  encryption_alg: {NULL, DES, 3DES, AES_128, AES_192, AES_256}
  PFS: {Enable, Disable} #if enabled, then set DH_group
    DH_group: {1, 2, 5, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21}. # The remote peer/dialup client must use the same group
  peer_adress: { %ip }
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