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Last active February 13, 2016 04:03
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.same-category-entry-summary {
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var path = location.pathname;//2015 12/8 途中の修正でコードが抜けていました。
//2015 11/5 , 11/19 修正
if(path.indexOf("/archive") < 0 && path.indexOf("/search") < 0 && $('article').length <= 1 ){
/* 関連コンテンツ出力 */
var maxEntries = 3;
var categorytags = [];
var category = $('.categories');
if (category.size()) {
var categoryobjs = category.find('a');
var categoryobjscount = categoryobjs.length;
for(var i=0 ; i < categoryobjscount; i++){
if(categoryobjs.eq(i).text() != "トップ"){
categorytags = ['Web','食べ歩き','フリーエンジニア'];
var origin = location.protocol + '//' +;
var startFetchCategoryEntries = function (d, categories) {
d = d || $.Deferred();
categories = categories || [];
var categoryTag = categorytags.shift();
if (!categoryTag) {
return d;
var category = {
name: categoryTag,
entries: []
$.ajax(origin + '/archive/category/' + encodeURIComponent( (feed) {
var sectionobj = $(feed).find('.entry-list > a');
var sectioncount = sectionobj.length -1;
var sectionNolist =[];
for(var ii=0 ; ii < 20; ii++){
randomNumber = Math.floor( Math.random() * (sectioncount + 1) );
if($.inArray(randomNumber, sectionNolist) == -1){
var sectionNolistcount = sectionNolist.length;
for(var ii=0 ; ii < sectionNolistcount; ii++){
var $feedEntry = sectionobj.eq(sectionNolist[ii]);
var entry = $feedEntry.find('.entry-title');
var thum2 = $feedEntry.find('.thumb img').attr('src');
if (thum2==null||thum2==undefined) thum2="";
var desc = $feedEntry.find('.entry-content p');
var summary = "";
if(desc.text().length >0){
var summary = $.trim(desc.text());
summary = escapeHtml(summary);
var entry = {
title: $.trim(entry.text()),
url: $feedEntry.attr('href'),
thumnailurl: thum2,
summary: summary,
published: new Date($feedEntry.find('time').attr('datetime'))
thiscontentstitle = $('.entry-title').find('a').attr('href');
if (entry.url === thiscontentstitle) continue;
entry.url = entry.url + "?recommend=" + location.pathname;
if (category.entries.length >= maxEntries && maxEntries !== -1) {
startFetchCategoryEntries(d, categories);
}).fail(function (xhr) {
(console.error || console.log).call(console, xhr);
return d;
startFetchCategoryEntries().done(function (categories) {
html = '<div class="same-category-entries">';
var categoriescount = categories.length;
var issmp = false;
if ($(window).width() < 480) {
var issmp = true;
for (var i=0; i< categoriescount; i++) {
categorydata = categories[i];
if (categorydata.entries.length > 0) {
html = html + '<div class="same-category-entries-category">'
+'<h2 class="same-category-entries-category-title"><a class="same-category-entries-category-name" href="/category/' + + ' ">' + + '</a>カテゴリの他の記事</h2>'
+'<ul class="same-category-entries-list">';
var categorydataentriescount = categorydata.entries.length;
for (var ii=0; ii< categorydataentriescount; ii++) {
entry = categorydata.entries[ii];
html = html + '<li class="same-category-entries-entry"><a href="'+entry.url +'"><p class="same-category-entries-entry-thum" >';
if (entry.thumnailurl.length > 0) {
html = html + '<img src ="'+ entry.thumnailurl +'"></p><p class="same-category-entries-entry-title" >'+ entry.title +'</p>';
html = html + '</p><p class="same-category-entries-entry-title" >'+ entry.title +'</p>';
html = html + '<p class="same-category-entries-entry-summary" >'+ entry.summary +'</p>';
publishedYear = entry.published.getFullYear();
publishedMonth = entry.published.getMonth()+1;
publishedDate = entry.published.getDate();
html = html + '</a></li>';
html = html + '</ul></div>';
html = html + '</div>';
var $html = $($.parseHTML(html));
var str = '& < > ` " ' + "'";
var escapeHtml = (function (String) {
var escapeMap = {
'&': '&amp;',
"'": '&#x27;',
'`': '&#x60;',
'"': '&quot;',
'<': '&lt;',
'>': '&gt;'
var escapeReg = '[';
var reg;
for (var p in escapeMap) {
if (escapeMap.hasOwnProperty(p)) {
escapeReg += p;
escapeReg += ']';
reg = new RegExp(escapeReg, 'g');
return function escapeHtml (str) {
str = (str === null || str === undefined) ? '' : '' + str;
return str.replace(reg, function (match) {
return escapeMap[match];
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