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Last active April 11, 2024 09:47
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package tttt
// Awesome 😄 That looks great. It maintains all of the properties of the Frank (or, Langton style 😛) encoding—where one can recurse with different handlers and short-circuit trivially—without losing the tail-recursive stack safety. And I fully trust you when it comes to the JIT-ability of it all!
// The only issues are minor UX ones, in that it could be confusing for the user to know whether to call
import izumi.reflect.Tag
type Id[T] = T
type Const[T] = [U] =>> T
type MX[T] = Any
// KYO CORE //
object core:
import internal.*
opaque type <[+T, -S] >: T = T | Kyo[T, S]
extension [T, S](self: T < S)
def map[U, S2](f: T => U < S2): U < (S & S2) =
def flatMap[U, S2](k: T => U < S2): U < (S & S2) =
def flatMapLoop(v: T < S): U < (S & S2) =
v match
case kyo: Suspend[MX, Any, T, S] @unchecked =>
new Continue[MX, Any, U, S & S2](kyo):
def apply(v: Any) = flatMapLoop(kyo(v))
case v: T @unchecked =>
end flatMapLoop
end flatMap
end extension
case class Handle[Command[_], Result[_], E, T, S](
h: ResultHandler[Command, Result, E],
v: T < (E & S)
abstract class ResultHandler[Command[_], Result[_], E](using val tag: Tag[E]):
def pure[T](v: T): Result[T]
opaque type Handled[T, S] = Result[T] < S | Handle[Command, Result, E, T, S]
protected inline def halt[T, S](v: Result[T] < S): Handled[T, S] = v
protected inline def handle[T, S](v: T < (E & S)): Handled[T, S] = Handle(this, v)
protected inline def handle[T, S](h: ResultHandler[Command, Result, E], v: T < (E & S)): Handled[T, S] =
Handle(h, v)
def apply[T, U, S](
command: Command[T],
k: T => U < (E & S)
): Handled[U, S]
final def run[T, S](value: T < (E & S)): Result[T] < S =
def runLoop(
handler: ResultHandler[Command, Result, E],
value: T < (E & S)
): Result[T] < S =
value match
case suspend: Suspend[Command, Any, T, S] @unchecked if suspend.tag.tag == tag.tag =>
handler(suspend.command, suspend) match
case r: Handle[Command, Result, E, T, S] @unchecked =>
runLoop(r.h, r.v)
case v =>
v.asInstanceOf[Result[T] < S]
case suspend: Suspend[MX, Any, T, S] @unchecked =>
new Continue[MX, Any, Result[T], S](suspend):
def apply(v: Any) =
case v: T @unchecked =>
runLoop(this, value)
end run
end ResultHandler
abstract class Handler[Command[_], E](using override val tag: Tag[E]) extends ResultHandler[Command, Id, E]:
def pure[T](v: T): Id[T] = v
end Handler
abstract class Effect[E](using val tag: Tag[E]):
type Command[_]
def suspend[T](command: Command[T]): T < E = Root(command, tag)
end Effect
private object internal:
sealed abstract class Kyo[+T, -S]
sealed abstract class Suspend[Command[_], T, U, S] extends Kyo[U, S] with Function1[T, U < S]:
def command: Command[T]
def tag: Tag[?]
def apply(v: T): U < S
end Suspend
sealed abstract class Continue[Command[_], T, U, S](
s: Suspend[Command, T, ?, ?]
) extends Suspend[Command, T, U, S]:
val command = s.command
val tag = s.tag
end Continue
final class Root[Command[_], T, E](
val command: Command[T],
val tag: Tag[E]
) extends Suspend[Command, T, T, E]:
def apply(v: T): T < E = v
end Root
end internal
end core
import core.*
// ABORTS //
class Aborts[E: Tag] extends Effect[Aborts[E]]:
override type Command[T] = Left[E, Nothing]
object Aborts:
def abort[E: Tag](value: E): Nothing < Aborts[E] =
def when[E: Tag](b: Boolean)(value: E): Unit < Aborts[E] =
if b then abort(value)
else ()
def fromEither[E: Tag, T, S](either: Either[E, T] < S): T < (Aborts[E] & S) = {
case Right(value) => value
case Left(e) => abort(e)
def handler[E: Tag] =
new ResultHandler[Const[Left[E, Nothing]], [T] =>> Either[E, T], Aborts[E]]:
def pure[T](v: T) = Right(v)
def apply[T, U, S](
command: Left[E, Nothing],
k: T => U < (Aborts[E] & S)
): Handled[U, S] =
def run[E: Tag, T, S](value: T < (Aborts[E] & S)): Either[E, T] < S =
end Aborts
// ENVS //
class Envs[R: Tag] extends Effect[Envs[R]]:
override type Command[T] = Envs.Input[T]
object Envs:
object Input
type Input[T] = Input.type
def get[R: Tag]: R < Envs[R] = Envs[R].suspend(Input)
def run[R: Tag, T, S](env: R)(value: T < (Envs[R] & S)): T < S =
val handler = new Handler[Input, Envs[R]]:
def apply[T, U, S](command: Input[T], k: T => U < (Envs[R] & S)) =
end run
end Envs
// STATES //
class States[S: Tag] extends Effect[States[S]]:
override type Command[T] = States.Command[S, T]
object States:
enum Command[+S, +T]:
case Get[S]() extends Command[S, S]
case Set[S](value: S) extends Command[S, Unit]
def get[S: Tag]: S < States[S] = States[S].suspend(Command.Get())
def set[S: Tag](value: S): Unit < States[S] = States[S].suspend(Command.Set(value))
def modify[S: Tag](f: S => S): Unit < States[S] = get[S].flatMap(s => set(f(s)))
def handler[S: Tag](state: S): Handler[[T] =>> Command[S, T], States[S]] =
new Handler[[T] =>> Command[S, T], States[S]]:
def apply[T, U, S2](command: Command[S, T], k: T => U < (States[S] & S2)) =
command match
case Command.Set(v) =>
handle(handler(v), k(()))
case _: Command.Get[S] @unchecked =>
def run[S: Tag, T, S2](state: S)(value: T < (States[S] & S2)): T < S2 =
end run
end States
object StateExample extends App:
def dump =
var s = "***********\n"
val t = Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace()
s += s"Depth: ${t.size}"
// s += t.mkString("\n")
end dump
def program: Unit < States[Int] =
n1 <- States.get[Int]
_ <- dump
_ <- States.set(n1 + 1)
_ <- dump
n2 <- States.get[Int]
_ <- dump
_ <- States.set(n2 + 1)
_ <- dump
_ <- States.set(n2 + 1)
_ <- dump
_ <- States.set(n2 + 1)
_ <- dump
_ = println(s"n1 = $n1, n2 = $n2")
yield ()
end StateExample
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