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Created June 27, 2014 17:23
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the snake game with core.async and swing
(ns my-test
(use [midje.sweet])
(require [clojure.core.async :as async :refer :all])
(import [javax.swing JFrame JButton JPanel SwingUtilities])
(import [java.awt Color Dimension])
(import [java.awt.event ActionListener WindowAdapter KeyListener]))
(defn map-chan [f in]
(let [c (chan)]
(go (loop []
(when-let [v (f (<! in))]
(>! c v))
(defn start-timer! []
(let [c (chan)]
(go (while true (<! (timeout 250)) (>! c :go)))
(defn closing-channel [frame]
(let [c (chan)]
(.addWindowListener frame
(proxy [WindowAdapter] []
(windowClosing [e] (put! c e))))
(defn array-of [coordinates index]
(int-array (map #(nth % index) coordinates)))
(defn points-of [coordinates]
[(array-of coordinates 0) (array-of coordinates 1)])
(defn draw-poly-line [canvas coordinates]
(fn []
(let [[x-points y-points] (points-of coordinates)
g (.getGraphics canvas)
prev-color (.getColor g)]
(.setColor g Color/BLACK)
(.drawPolyline g x-points y-points (count coordinates))
(.setColor g prev-color)))))
(def step 5)
(defmulti calc-new-pos (fn[xy prev-pos dir] [xy dir]))
(defmethod calc-new-pos [:x :right][xy prev-pos dir] (+ prev-pos step))
(defmethod calc-new-pos [:x :left][xy prev-pos dir] (- prev-pos step))
(defmethod calc-new-pos [:y :down][xy prev-pos dir] (+ prev-pos step))
(defmethod calc-new-pos [:y :up][xy prev-pos dir] (- prev-pos step))
(defmethod calc-new-pos :default [xy prev-pos dir] prev-pos)
(defn calc-snake [dir snake-obj counter]
(let [[l-x l-y] (last snake-obj)
old-snake (if (= (mod counter 2) 0) snake-obj (rest snake-obj))]
(conj (vec old-snake) [(calc-new-pos :x l-x dir) (calc-new-pos :y l-y dir)])))
(facts "snake positions"
(fact "snake moves and grows"
(calc-snake :right [[1 2]] 2) => [[1 2] [6 2]]
(calc-snake :right [[2 2]] 4) => [[2 2] [7 2]])
(facts "snake moves"
(calc-snake :right [[1 2]] 1) => [[6 2]]
(calc-snake :down [[1 2]] 1) => [[1 7]]
(calc-snake :left [[10 2]] 1) => [[5 2]]
(calc-snake :up [[10 7]] 1) => [[10 2]]
(def key-to-dir-map {37 :left, 38 :up, 39 :right, 40 :down})
(defn key-channel [obj]
(let [c (chan)]
(.addKeyListener obj
(reify KeyListener
(keyTyped [_ e] )
(keyPressed [_ e] )
(keyReleased [_ e]
(put! c e))))
(defn create-canvas [paint-channel]
(proxy [JButton] []
(getPreferredSize [] (Dimension. 300 300))
(paintComponent [g]
(proxy-super paintComponent g)
(>! paint-channel :repaint)))))
(defmulti inside-window? (fn [dir canvas pos] dir))
(defmethod inside-window? :left [dir canvas [x _]] (>= x (.getX canvas)))
(defmethod inside-window? :right [dir canvas [x _]] (<= x (+ (.getX canvas) (.getWidth canvas))))
(defmethod inside-window? :up [dir canvas [_ y]] (>= y (.getY canvas)))
(defmethod inside-window? :down [dir canvas [_ y]] (<= y (+ (.getY canvas) (.getHeight canvas))))
(def initial-snake (vec (map (fn [x] [x 10]) (take 20 (iterate (partial + step) 0)))))
(defn game-rules-ok? [snake dir canvas]
(apply distinct? snake)
(inside-window? dir canvas (last snake))))
(facts "game rules"
(let [canvas (JButton.)]
(.setBounds canvas 0 0 10 10)
(facts "inside window"
(game-rules-ok? [[0 0]] :right canvas) => truthy
(game-rules-ok? [[11 0]] :right canvas) => falsey
(game-rules-ok? [[11 0]] :left canvas) => truthy
(game-rules-ok? [[11 0]] :up canvas) => truthy
(game-rules-ok? [[11 0]] :down canvas) => truthy
(game-rules-ok? [[11 11]] :down canvas) => falsey)
(facts "snake eating itself"
(game-rules-ok? [[0 0] [0 0]] :right canvas) => falsey
(game-rules-ok? [[0 0] [1 0]] :right canvas) => true
(defn you-loose! [cc]
(println "you loose!")
(put! cc :close))
(defn snake [cc]
(let [paint-channel (chan)
timer-channel (start-timer!)
canvas (create-canvas paint-channel)
dir-channel (map-chan #(key-to-dir-map (.getKeyCode %)) (key-channel canvas))
(loop [last-dir :right
snake-obj initial-snake
counter 0]
(let [[v c] (alts! [paint-channel dir-channel timer-channel])]
(condp = c
(put! dir-channel last-dir)
(recur last-dir snake-obj counter))
(draw-poly-line canvas snake-obj)
(recur last-dir snake-obj counter))
(.repaint canvas (.getBounds canvas))
(let [new-snake (calc-snake v snake-obj counter)]
(if (game-rules-ok? new-snake v canvas)
(recur v new-snake (inc counter))
(you-loose! cc)
(defn frame []
(let [f (JFrame.)
cc (closing-channel f)]
(.add (.getContentPane f) (snake cc))
(.pack f)
(.setVisible f true)
(<! cc)
(println "bye!")
(.setVisible f false))
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kitsu commented Jun 27, 2014

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