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Last active April 8, 2024 15:03
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  • Save kitten/653fc309a867c85972943e3d42015494 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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hex = {
# for sidebars / sidenavs / passive UI elements
gutter = "161622";
# for selection / cursors
cursor = "242738";
# for overlays / large popups / hint / codelens UIs
element = "0F0E17";
# for borders and thin lines, e.g. to separate panes
split = "2A2D46";
# (ANSI: 0 Black) background colour
black = "0F1018";
# (ANSI: 7 White) foreground colour, identifiers, variables
white = "EDF0F2";
# (ANSI: 1 Bright Black) ghost text / suggestion text
grey = "323744";
# (ANSI: 15 Bright White) comment text
muted = "585D79";
# (ANSI: 1 Red) conditional, boolean, return keywords
red = "F84F6B";
# (ANSI: 9 Bright Red) errors
brightRed = "E93434";
# (ANSI: 2 Green) strings
green = "7DD486";
# (ANSI: 10 Bright Green) special chars
brightGreen = "05AE48";
# (ANSI: 3 Yellow) warnings & structures
yellow = "D7C046";
# (ANSI: 11 Bright Yellow) constants & numbers
orange = "F95A10";
# (ANSI: 4 Blue) functions, search, and some selections
blue = "98BDFB";
# (ANSI: 12 Bright Blue) todos & URL/links
brightBlue = "6A78F6";
# (ANSI: 5 Purple) keywords, statements
magenta = "F651A6";
# (ANSI: 13 Bright Purple) operators, tags, properties
pink = "F2B0C0";
# (ANSI: 6 Cyan) types
aqua = "15C0CB";
# (ANSI: 14 Bright Cyan) delimiters & labels
cyan = "02B394";
# assigns each colour to a hex code, approximate xterm256 code, ANSI code
colors = {
gutter = (mkColor "#${hex.gutter}" 233 15);
cursor = (mkColor "#${hex.cursor}" 235 8);
element = (mkColor "#${hex.element}" 233 15);
split = (mkColor "#${hex.split}" 236 15);
black = (mkColor "#${}" 233 0);
grey = (mkColor "#${hex.grey}" 237 15);
red = (mkColor "#${}" 204 1);
brightRed = (mkColor "#${hex.brightRed}" 203 9);
green = (mkColor "#${}" 114 2);
brightGreen = (mkColor "#${hex.brightGreen}" 35 10);
yellow = (mkColor "#${hex.yellow}" 221 3);
orange = (mkColor "#${}" 202 11);
blue = (mkColor "#${}" 111 4);
brightBlue = (mkColor "#${hex.brightBlue}" 105 12);
pink = (mkColor "#${}" 217 5);
magenta = (mkColor "#${hex.magenta}" 205 13);
aqua = (mkColor "#${hex.aqua}" 37 6);
cyan = (mkColor "#${hex.cyan}" 36 14);
white = (mkColor "#${hex.white}" 255 7);
muted = (mkColor "#${hex.muted}" 60 15);
transparent = (mkColor "NONE" "NONE" 0);
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