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Created December 5, 2010 15:28
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;; 基本設定
(setq iiimcf-server-control-hostlist
(list (concat "/tmp/.iiim-" (user-login-name) "/:0.0")))
(require 'iiimcf-sc)
(setq iiimcf-server-control-default-language "ja")
(setq iiimcf-server-control-default-input-method "atokx3")
(setq default-input-method 'iiim-server-control)
;; キー設定
(setq iiimcf-keycode-spec-alist
'((13 10 0) ; c-m commit -> [Enter]
(7 27) ; c-g -> [esc]
;; MS-IMEのキー体系を仮定
(1 36 65535) ; c-a head position -> [Home]
(5 35 65535) ; c-e last position -> [End]
(2 37 65535) ; c-b backward bunsetu -> [←]
(16 38 65535) ; c-p previous candidate -> [↑]
(6 39 65535) ; c-f next bunsetu -> [→]
(14 40 65535) ; c-n next candidate -> [↓]
(11 37 65535 1) ; c-k narrow bunsetu -> [Shift+←]
(12 39 65535 1) ; c-l widen bunsetu -> [Shift+→]
(21 121 65535) ; c-u alphabet -> [F10]
(15 118 65535) ; c-o kana -> [F7]
(defun atok-insert-half-space ()
(interactive) (insert " "))
(define-key iiimcf-server-control-initial-state-keymap
(kbd "S-SPC") 'atok-insert-half-space)
(defun atok-undo-commit ()
(when iiimcf-server-control-ic-id
(iiimcf-server-control-keyforward last-input-event)
(iiimcf-set-icfocus iiimcf-server-control-ic-id)))
(define-key iiimcf-server-control-initial-state-keymap
(kbd "<C-backspace>")
;; (iiimp-debug)
;; 候補一覧ポップアップ
(require 'popup)
(defvar iiimcf-UI-draw-lookup-choice-popup-instance nil)
(defun iiimcf-UI-draw-lookup-choice-popup-position ()
;; uic via dynamic scope!!!
(let* ((pos (marker-position (iiimcf-UI-marker uic)))
(text (iiimcf-UI-preedit-text uic))
(len (length text))
(pts 0) pte cprop position)
(setq text (copy-sequence text))
(while pts
(setq cprop (get-text-property pts 'iiim-feedback text)
pte (next-single-property-change pts 'iiim-feedback text))
(if (eq 'reverse (car cprop))
(setq position (+ pos pts) pts nil)
(setq pts pte)))
(defun iiimcf-UI-draw-lookup-choice-popup (mk candidates)
(let ((cands (aref candidates 0))
(index (aref candidates 1))
(title (aref candidates 2)) lst)
(setq lst (loop for pair in cands
for num = (car pair)
for str = (cdr pair)
collect (popup-make-item
(format "%s:%s" num str))))
(unless (and
(popup-p iiimcf-UI-draw-lookup-choice-popup-instance))
(setq iiimcf-UI-draw-lookup-choice-popup-instance
(popup-create (iiimcf-UI-draw-lookup-choice-popup-position) ; pos
(popup-preferred-width lst) ; width
10 ; height
:around t
:face 'popup-menu-face
:selection-face 'popup-menu-selection-face)))
(popup-set-list iiimcf-UI-draw-lookup-choice-popup-instance lst)
(popup-draw iiimcf-UI-draw-lookup-choice-popup-instance)
(popup-select iiimcf-UI-draw-lookup-choice-popup-instance index)))
(defun iiimcf-UI-clear-lookup-choice-popup (marker)
(popup-p iiimcf-UI-draw-lookup-choice-popup-instance))
(popup-delete iiimcf-UI-draw-lookup-choice-popup-instance))
(setq iiimcf-UI-draw-lookup-choice-popup-instance nil))
(defadvice iiimcf-UI-draw-lookup-choice-echo-line
(around iiimcf-ui-popup (mk candidates))
(iiimcf-UI-draw-lookup-choice-popup mk candidates)
(defadvice iiimcf-UI-clear-lookup-choice-echo-line
(around iiimcf-ui-popup (mk))
(iiimcf-UI-clear-lookup-choice-popup mk)
(ad-activate-regexp "^iiimcf-ui-popup")
;;(ad-unadvise 'iiimcf-UI-draw-lookup-choice-echo-line)
;;(ad-unadvise 'iiimcf-UI-clear-lookup-choice-echo-line)
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