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Last active August 14, 2018 22:11
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  • Save kiwi-cam/30dd4e8ceb1c849ded7e11316f7dea83 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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This script will query your forest for a list of all Domain Controllers. It'll then connect to the C$ share on each server and get a copy of Security.evtx from C:\Windows\System32\Winevt\Logs\
Gathers the Security.evtx files from each DC in your Forest
This script will query your forest for a list of all Domain Controllers. It'll then connect to the C$ share on each server and
get a copy of Security.evtx from C:\Windows\System32\Winevt\Logs\. These will then be output to the folder supplied as OutputFolder
.PARAMETER OutputFolder
Required - The folder where the evtx files should be collected.
./Get-DCSecurityLogs.ps1 E:\LogFiles\
./Get-DCSecurityLogs.ps1 -OutputFolder E:\LogFiles\
Version: 1.1
Author: Cameron McConnochie
Creation Date: 10 Aug 2018
Purpose/Change: Fixed bug where credential prompts reoccurred even when valid
Version: 1.0
Author: Cameron McConnochie
Creation Date: 2 Aug 2018
Purpose/Change: Initial script development
if(-Not ($_ | Test-Path -PathType Container) ){
throw "The OutputFolder argument must be a folder."
return $true
$Forest = [System.Directoryservices.ActiveDirectory.Forest]::GetCurrentForest()
$Domains = $Forest.Domains
$DCs = $Domains | ForEach-Object {$_.DomainControllers} | ForEach-Object {$_.Name}
Write-Progress -Activity "Getting all DC Security Logs..." -PercentComplete 0
$count = 0
ForEach ($DC in $DCs){
Write-Progress -Activity "Getting all DC Security Logs..." -Status "Getting Security Logs from $($DC) ($($count+1) of $($DCs.Length))..." -PercentComplete (($count/$DCs.Length)*100)
Write-Host "Getting Security Logs from $($DC)... " -NoNewline
#Variable to track if user cancels
[bool]$Abort = $false
#Trying without additional credentials.
Copy-Item -Path "\\$($DC)\C$\Windows\System32\WinEvt\Logs\Security.evtx" -Destination "$($OutputFolder)\$($DC.Split(".")[0])Security.evtx" -Force -ErrorAction Stop
#Try with existing Credentials
Write-Debug "Using existing Credentials ($($Creds.Username)) and connecting..."
if ($Creds){New-PSDrive -Name Logs -PSProvider FileSystem -Root "\\$($DC)\C$\Windows\System32\WinEvt\Logs" -Credential $Creds -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null}
Write-Debug "Drive connected, attempting copy..."
Copy-Item -Path "Logs:\Security.evtx" -Destination "$($OutputFolder)\$($DC.Split(".")[0])Security.evtx" -Force -ErrorAction Stop
#Trying with new additional credentials
Write-Debug "Getting new Credentials and connecting..."
Do {
IF(Test-Path "Logs:\"){
Write-Debug "Removing Drive map for $($DC)."
Remove-PSDrive -Name Logs
$Creds = Get-Credential -Message "Enter a username and password with Admin access to $($DC.Split(".")[0]):"
#Prompt cancelled, abort operation
if ($Creds -isnot [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]) {
Write-Host "Cancelled" -ForegroundColor Red
$Abort = $true
New-PSDrive -Name Logs -PSProvider FileSystem -Root "\\$($DC)\C$\Windows\System32\WinEvt\Logs" -Credential $Creds -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null
} While (-Not (Test-Path "Logs:\Security.evtx"))
If(-not $Abort){
Write-Debug "Drive connected, attempting copy..."
Copy-Item -Path "Logs:\Security.evtx" -Destination "$($OutputFolder)\$($DC.Split(".")[0])Security.evtx" -Force -ErrorAction Stop
IF(Test-Path "Logs:\"){
Write-Debug "Removing Drive map for $($DC)."
Remove-PSDrive -Name Logs
Write-Host "Done" -ForegroundColor Green
Write-Progress -Activity "Getting all DC Security Logs..." -Completed
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