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Last active February 19, 2024 08:26
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Intuitive config system that uses environment variables
# flake8: noqa: D100 D101 D102 D105 T201
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
class BaseConfig:
def envvar_prefix(self) -> str:
return "MLCONFIG_"
def __post_init__(self):
def update_based_on_env_vars(self):
import os
from dataclasses import fields
from types import NoneType, UnionType
from typing import get_args, get_origin
import rich
# for key, value in asdict(self).items():
for class_field in fields(self):
key =
vartype = class_field.type
env_var = os.getenv(f"{self.envvar_prefix}{key}")
if env_var:
if get_origin(vartype) is UnionType:
# If the type is Union, we use the first type
# unless the value is None.
if NoneType in get_args(vartype) and env_var == "None":
setattr(self, key, None)
f"{type(self).__name__}: Updating {key} from env var "
f"{self.envvar_prefix}{key}=None as NoneType"
self._set_value_as_type(key, env_var, get_args(vartype)[0])
self._set_value_as_type(key, env_var, vartype)
# Handle the local rank.
env_local_rank = int(os.environ.get("LOCAL_RANK", -1))
if env_local_rank != -1 and env_local_rank != self.local_rank:
self.local_rank = env_local_rank
def _set_value_as_type(self, key, value: str, vartype):
"""Set the string value as the given type."""
import ast
from typing import get_origin
import rich
if get_origin(vartype) is list:
setattr(self, key, ast.literal_eval(value))
assert isinstance(
getattr(self, key), vartype
), f"{type(self).__name__}.{key} has to be {vartype} but got {type(getattr(self, key))}"
elif vartype is bool:
if value == "True":
setattr(self, key, True)
elif value == "False":
setattr(self, key, False)
raise ValueError(
f"{type(self).__name__}: Unknown boolean value for {key}={value} trying to update from env var"
setattr(self, key, vartype(value))
f"{type(self).__name__}: Updating {key} from env var "
f"{self.envvar_prefix}{key}={value} as type {vartype}"
def print_fields(self):
from dataclasses import fields
import rich
rich.print(f"{type(self).__name__}: Fields:")
for fld in fields(self):
rich.print(f"{}: {fld.type} = {fld.default!r}")
def verify_unknown_env_vars(self):
import os
from dataclasses import asdict
# os.environ.keys() is always uppercase
for name, value in os.environ.items():
keys_lower = [k.lower() for k in asdict(self)]
if (
and name[len(self.envvar_prefix) :].lower() not in keys_lower
print(f"ERROR while updating from env var {name}")
print("Possible values are:")
raise ValueError(f"Unknown environment variable {name}={value}")
def confirm_validity(self):
class ExampleConfig(BaseConfig):
BaseConfig 사용법 예: BaseConfig를 inherit해서 변수, 타입, default값을 적으면 됩니다.
`envvar_prefix` 함수를 override해서 환경변수 prefix를 정의하고,
환경변수를 이용해 모든 값을 수정할 수 있습니다.
>>> cfg = ExampleConfig()
>>> cfg
ExampleConfig(train_batch_size=1, alpha=None)
>>> import os
>>> os.environ['MLCONFIG_train_batch_size'] = '2'
>>> ExampleConfig()
ExampleConfig: Updating train_batch_size from env var MLCONFIG_train_batch_size=2 as type <class 'int'>
ExampleConfig(train_batch_size=2, alpha=None)
>>> os.environ['MLCONFIG_alpha'] = '0.5'
>>> ExampleConfig()
ExampleConfig: Updating train_batch_size from env var MLCONFIG_train_batch_size=2 as type <class 'int'>
ExampleConfig: Updating alpha from env var MLCONFIG_alpha=0.5 as type <class 'float'>
ExampleConfig(train_batch_size=2, alpha=0.5)
>>> # Setting alpha to None with the string "None"
>>> os.environ['MLCONFIG_alpha'] = 'None'
>>> ExampleConfig()
ExampleConfig: Updating train_batch_size from env var MLCONFIG_train_batch_size=2 as type <class 'int'>
ExampleConfig: Updating alpha from env var MLCONFIG_alpha=None as NoneType
ExampleConfig(train_batch_size=2, alpha=None)
>>> # Undefined name in environment variable. Maybe a typo?
>>> os.environ['MLCONFIG_unknown'] = '1'
>>> ExampleConfig()
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: Unknown environment variable MLCONFIG_unknown=1
train_batch_size: int = 1
alpha: float | None = None
def envvar_prefix(self) -> str:
return "MLCONFIG_"
def example():
import rich
cfg = ExampleConfig()
if __name__ == "__main__":
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