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Created March 14, 2014 14:37
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#include <msp430fg4618.h>
#include <msp430.h>
#include "LCD_Ctrl.h"
#include "stdio.h"
// Lab 4 - Part A2
// Not so sure
#define GREEN BIT2
#define ORANGE BIT1
#define LCD_SIZE 11
/* Exercises for C-code
* 1. Write program to display the number 2 ( segments abdeg ) on the rightmost
* seven segment display.
* 2. Write program to display the number 2 ( segments abdeg ) on the leftmost
* seven segment display.
* 3. Write a C-language program that cna display the numbers 0 - 9 and Letters A-F.
* Program should count up from 0 to F and then repeat indefinitely
* 4. Write a C-language program that counts up from 0 to 999 in decimal and displays this
* count every tenth of a second if SW1 is pressed and begin counting down when SW2 is pressed
unsigned int characters[] = {0x5f,0x06,0x6b,0x2f,0x36,0x3d,0x7d,0x07,0x7f,0x37,0x77,0x7c,0x59,0x6E,0x79,0x71};
unsigned char *LCDSeg = (unsigned char *) &LCDM3;
unsigned int cnt = 2 ;
int main(void) {
volatile unsigned char a; // <Volatile>
volatile unsigned int i; // <Volatile>
WDTCTL = WDTPW + WDTHOLD; // Stop watchdog timer
// Clock Set up
CCTL0 = CCIE; // Set up Timer+Clock
TACTL = TASSEL_1 + MC_1; // [timerA -> ACLK][MODE: UP]
TACCR0 = 0x7FFF ; // TACCR0 is the upper limit of the timer = 32768
P2DIR |= GREEN+ORANGE; // Set Px as output to be able to turn on LED
__bis_SR_register(LPM0 + GIE); // LPM0 with interrupts enabled
#pragma vector = TIMERA0_VECTOR
__interrupt void Timer_A (void){
P2OUT ^= GREEN; // Toggle P1.0 using exclusive-OR
LCDSeg[0] = characters[cnt];
LCDSeg[1] = characters[cnt];
LCDSeg[2] = characters[cnt];
LCDSeg[3] = characters[cnt];
LCDSeg[4] = characters[cnt];
LCDSeg[5] = characters[cnt];
LCDSeg[6] = characters[cnt];
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