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Created September 4, 2011 09:00
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Solitaire Cipher in Haskell
-- Solitaire Cipher
module Solitaire where
import Data.Sequence ((><), (|>), (<|))
import qualified Data.Sequence as S
import Debug.Trace
import Control.Arrow
import Data.Char
import Data.Maybe
import Data.List (unfoldr)
alternates = x
where x = 0 : y
y = 1 : x
(!) = S.index
data Card = Card Int | JokerA | JokerB deriving (Eq, Show)
type Deck = S.Seq Card
fred = S.fromList $ map Card [1..52] ++ [JokerA, JokerB]
remove :: Int -> Deck -> Deck
remove i deck = partA >< partB
parts = S.splitAt i deck
partA = fst parts
partB = S.drop 1 . snd $ parts
insert :: Int -> Card -> Deck -> Deck
insert i card deck = (partA |> card) >< partB
parts = S.splitAt i deck
partA = fst parts
partB = snd $ parts
swap :: Deck -> Int -> Int -> Deck
swap deck m n = S.update m (deck ! n) . S.update n (deck ! m) $ deck
moveDown :: Card -> Int -> Deck -> Deck
moveDown card n deck = deck'
size = S.length deck
deck' = go (S.findIndexL (==card) deck)
go (Just i) =
let j = if i + n >= size
then (i + n) `mod` (size-1)
else i + n
in remove i >>> insert (j) card $ deck
tripleCut :: Deck -> Deck
tripleCut deck =
(partC |> (deck ! topJoker)) >< (partB |> (deck ! bottomJoker)) >< partA
Just ia = S.findIndexL (==JokerA) deck
Just ib = S.findIndexL (==JokerB) deck
topJoker = min ia ib
bottomJoker = max ia ib
partA = S.take topJoker deck
partB = S.take (abs (ia-ib) - 1) . S.drop (topJoker + 1) $ deck
partC = S.drop (bottomJoker+1) deck
countCut :: Deck -> Deck
countCut deck = (partB' >< partA) |> bottom
bottom = deck ! (S.length deck - 1)
value = case bottom of
Card n -> n
JokerA -> 27
JokerB -> 27
partA = S.take value deck
partB = S.drop value deck
partB' = S.take (S.length partB - 1) partB
takeValue :: Deck -> Maybe Int
takeValue deck = output
value = case deck ! 0 of
(Card n ) -> n
JokerA -> 53
JokerB -> 53
output = case deck ! value of
(Card n) -> Just n
JokerA -> Nothing
JokerB -> Nothing
-- key :: Deck -> (Deck, Maybe Int)
key = (moveDown JokerA 1) >>> (moveDown JokerB 2) >>> tripleCut >>> countCut >>> (takeValue &&& id)
stream = unfoldr (Just . key)
toChar n = chr $ ord 'A' + ((n - 1) `mod` 26)
toNumber c = ord c - ord 'A' + 1
keystream = map (toChar . fromJust) . filter (/=Nothing) . stream
chunksOf :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]]
chunksOf n = go []
go acc [] = reverse acc
go acc xs | length xs <= n = go (xs:acc) []
| otherwise = go (take n xs : acc) (drop n xs)
encrypt input = result
numbers = map toNumber . prepare $ input
keys = map toNumber (keystream fred)
crypt = zipWith (\x y -> (x + y) `mod`26) numbers keys
result = map toChar crypt
decrypt input = result
numbers = map toNumber $ input
keys = map toNumber (keystream fred)
crypt = zipWith (\x y -> (x - y) `mod`26) numbers keys
result = map toChar crypt
prepare :: String -> String
prepare msg = padded
n = 5 - ((length converted) `rem` 5)
padded = converted ++ replicate (if n < 5 then n else 0) 'X'
converted = map toUpper . filter isLetter $ msg
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