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Last active September 27, 2015 08:17
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Solution to Word Numbers (Haskell)
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
-- Chris Yuen <>
-- ITA Software's "Word Numbers" puzzle (
import Data.Function
import Data.List
-- | For this problem we'll trie like structure. An "umbrella" value is
-- the total value that this node represents.
data Node = Node
{ nodeLabel :: String
, nodeValue :: Integer
, nodeUmbrellaCount :: Integer
, nodeUmbrellaLength :: Integer
, nodeUmbrellaSum :: Integer
, nodeConts :: [Node]
} deriving (Eq)
instance Ord Node where
compare = compare `on` nodeLabel
-- | For values under one thousand, we brute force it. This simplifies things
-- as we can divide parts into 3-digit chunks evenly.
wordify :: Int -> String
wordify n
| n < 20 = as !! n
| n < 100 = bs !! (n `quot` 10) ++ wordify (n `rem` 10)
| n < 1000 = as !! (n `quot` 100) ++ "hundred" ++ wordify (n `rem` 100)
| otherwise = undefined
as = "" : words ("one two three four five six seven " ++
"eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen " ++
"fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen")
bs = "" : "" : words ("twenty thirty forty fifty sixty " ++
"seventy eighty ninety")
length' :: String -> Integer
length' = fromIntegral . length
numbers :: [String]
numbers = map wordify [1..999]
ones, thousands, millions :: [Node]
ones = sort $ mkNodes [] 0 "" [1..999]
thousands = sort $ mkNodes [ones] 999 "thousand" [1000,2000..999000]
millions = sort $ mkNodes [ones, thousands] 999999 "million" [1000000,2000000..999000000]
mkNodes :: [[Node]] -> Integer -> [Char] -> [Integer] -> [Node]
mkNodes conts umbrellaCount suffix values = zipWith go (map (++ suffix) numbers) values
sumOfSumsOfConts = sum . map (sum . map nodeUmbrellaSum) $ conts
sumOfLengthsOfConts = sum . map (sum . map nodeUmbrellaLength) $ conts
addSum = mkRecursiveAdd (\n i -> n { nodeUmbrellaSum = nodeUmbrellaSum n + i })
addLength = mkRecursiveAdd (\n i -> n { nodeUmbrellaLength = nodeUmbrellaLength n + i })
go label value = case conts of
[] -> Node label value 1 (length' label) value []
_ -> Node label value countWithSelf totalLength totalSum (sort conts')
labelLength = length' label
countWithSelf = umbrellaCount + 1
totalLength = labelLength * countWithSelf + sumOfLengthsOfConts
totalSum = value * countWithSelf + sumOfSumsOfConts
conts' = concatMap (addSum value . addLength labelLength) conts
-- | This is used to create a function that recursively adds
-- a value to a field in a node
-- 'plus' is a function that adds an integer value to the desired field of the node
mkRecursiveAdd :: (Node -> Integer -> Node) -> (Integer -> [Node] -> [Node])
mkRecursiveAdd plus n xs = map go xs
go = if (null . nodeConts . head $ xs) then go1 else go2
go1 x@(Node { .. }) = x `plus` n
go2 x@(Node { .. }) =
(plus x $ n * nodeUmbrellaCount) { nodeConts = mkRecursiveAdd plus n nodeConts }
solve :: Integer -> [Node] -> ([Char], Integer)
solve n = go 0 0 "" 0
go accLength accSum prefix prefixValue ((Node {..}):xs)
| accLength + nodeUmbrellaLength >= n =
if accLength + labelLength >= n
then (combinedLabel, accSum + combinedValue)
else -- Drill into
let accLength' = accLength + labelLength
accSum' = accSum + combinedValue
in go accLength' accSum' combinedLabel combinedValue nodeConts
| otherwise = -- Skip
go (accLength + nodeUmbrellaLength) (accSum + nodeUmbrellaSum) prefix prefixValue xs
combinedValue = prefixValue + nodeValue
combinedLabel = prefix ++ nodeLabel
labelLength = length' combinedLabel
go _ _ _ _ [] = error "Solution not found"
main :: IO ()
main = print . solve 51000000000 $ everything
where everything = sort (ones ++ thousands ++ millions)
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