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Last active December 11, 2015 21:48
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(* REPRESENTATION CONVENTION: (left, top, right, bottom)
REPRESENTATION INVARIANT: left < right andalso bottom < top
datatype rectangle = Rect of int * int * int * int;
(* REPRESENTATION CONVENTION: (extent, horizontal, vertical,
topLeft, topRight, bottomLeft, bottomRight)
datatype quadTree = EmptyQuadTree
| Qt of rectangle * rectangle list * rectangle list *
quadTree * quadTree * quadTree * quadTree;
(* emptyQtree(e)
TYPE: rectangle -> quadTree
PRE: (none)
POST: empty Qt with extent e
EXAMPLE: emptyQtree Rect(~10, 10, 10, ~10) =
Qt(Rect(~10, 10, 10, ~10), [], [],
EmptyQuadTree, EmptyQuadTree, EmptyQuadTree, EmptyQuadTree)
fun emptyQtree e =
Qt(e, [], [], EmptyQuadTree, EmptyQuadTree, EmptyQuadTree, EmptyQuadTree)
(* getOrCreateQtree(q, e)
TYPE: quadTree * rectangle -> quadTree
PRE: (none)
POST: empty Qt with extent e if q = EmptyQuadTree, q otherwise
EXAMPLE: getOrCreateQtree(EmptyQuadTree, Rect(~10, 10, 10, ~10)) =
Qt(Rect(~10, 10, 10, ~10), [], [],
EmptyQuadTree, EmptyQuadTree, EmptyQuadTree, EmptyQuadTree)
fun getOrCreateQtree(EmptyQuadTree, e) = emptyQtree e
| getOrCreateQtree(q, _) = q
(* TODO: boundaries *)
(* isPointInRect(r, x, y)
TYPE: rectangle * int * int -> bool
PRE: (none)
POST: true or false depending on if the point (x, y) is within r
EXAMPLE: isPointInRect(Rect(~10, 10, 10, ~10), 0, 0) = true
isPointInRect(Rect(~10, 10, 10, ~10), 10, 10) = false
fun isPointInRect(Rect(l, t, r, b), x, y) =
l <= x andalso x < r andalso y < t andalso y >= b
(* TODO: boundaries *)
(* isRectInRect(r1, r2)
TYPE: rectangle * rectangle -> bool
PRE: (none)
POST: true or false depending on if r1 is within r2
EXAMPLE: isRectInRect(Rect(~10, 10, 10, ~10), Rect(~3, 3, 3, ~3)) = true
isRectInRect(Rect(~10, 10, 10, ~10), Rect(~11, 11, 11, ~11)) = false
fun isRectInRect(Rect(l1, t1, r1, b1), Rect(l2, t2, r2, b2)) =
l2 >= l1 andalso t2 <= t1 andalso r2 <= r1 andalso b2 >= b1
(* getRectsOnPoint(rlist, x, y)
TYPE: rectangle list * int * int -> rectangle list
PRE: (none)
POST: rectangles in rlist that contains point (x, y)
EXAMPLE: getRectsOnPoint([Rect(~10, 10, 10, ~10), Rect(~3, 3, 3, ~3)], 9, 9) =
[Rect(~10, 10, 10, ~10)]
fun getRectsOnPoint(rectangles, x, y) =
List.filter (fn r => isPointInRect(r, x, y)) rectangles
(* isOnVertical(r1, r2)
TYPE: rectangle * rectangle -> bool
PRE: (none)
POST: true or false depending on if r1 lies on the vertical center line of r2
EXAMPLE: isOnVertical(Rect(~10, 10, 10, ~10), Rect(~3, 3, 3, ~3)) = true
fun isOnVertical(Rect(l1, _, r1, _), Rect(l2, _, r2, _)) =
val cy = (l1 + r1) div 2
l2 <= cy andalso cy < r2
(* isOnHorizontal(r1, r2)
TYPE: rectangle * rectangle -> bool
PRE: (none)
POST: true or false depending on if r1 lies on the horizontal center line of r2
EXAMPLE: isOnHorizontal(Rect(~10, 10, 10, ~10), Rect(~3, 3, 3, ~3)) = true
fun isOnHorizontal(Rect(_, t1, _, b1), Rect(_, t2, _, b2)) =
val cx = (t1 + b1) div 2
b2 <= cx andalso cx < t2
(* calculateQuadrants(q)
TYPE: quadTree -> (rectangle * rectangle * rectangle * rectangle)
PRE: q <> EmptyQuadTree
POST: (topLeftRect, topRightRect, bottomLeftRect, bottomRightRect)
fun calculateQuadrants(Qt(Rect(l, t, r, b), _, _, _, _, _, _)) =
val cx = (l + r) div 2
val cy = (t + b) div 2
val tlRect = Rect(l, t, cx, cy + 1)
val trRect = Rect(cx + 1, t, r, cy + 1)
val blRect = Rect(l, cy, cx, b)
val brRect = Rect(cx + 1, cy, r, b)
(tlRect, trRect, blRect, brRect)
(* calculateQuadrants(q, x, y)
TYPE: quadTree -> quadTree
PRE: q <> EmptyQuadTree
POST: the quadrant in q that contains point (x, y)
fun getQuadrantByPosition(qt as Qt(_, _, _, tl, tr, bl, br), x, y) =
val (tlRect, trRect, blRect, brRect) = calculateQuadrants(qt)
if isPointInRect(blRect, x, y) then
else if isPointInRect(tlRect, x, y) then
else if isPointInRect(trRect, x, y) then
(* insert(q, r)
TYPE: quadTree * rectangle -> quadTree
PRE: q <> EmptyQuadTree
POST: q updated with r
fun insert(qt as Qt(e, h, v, tl, tr, bl, br), rt) =
if isOnVertical(e, rt) then
Qt(e, h, rt::v, tl, tr, bl, br)
else if isOnHorizontal(e, rt) then
Qt(e, rt::h, v, tl, tr, bl, br)
val (tlRect, trRect, blRect, brRect) = calculateQuadrants(qt)
if isRectInRect(tlRect, rt) then
Qt(e, h, v, insert(getOrCreateQtree(tl, tlRect), rt), tr, bl, br)
else if isRectInRect(trRect, rt) then
Qt(e, h, v, tl, insert(getOrCreateQtree(tr, trRect), rt), bl, br)
else if isRectInRect(blRect, rt) then
Qt(e, h, v, tl, tr, insert(getOrCreateQtree(bl, blRect), rt), br)
Qt(e, h, v, tl, tr, bl, insert(getOrCreateQtree(br, brRect), rt))
(* query(q, x, y)
TYPE: quadTree * int * int -> rectangle list
PRE: (none)
POST: rectangles in q that contain point (x, y)
fun query(EmptyQuadTree, _, _) = []
| query(qt as Qt(e as Rect(l, t, r, b), h, v, _, _, _, _), x, y) =
val rects = getRectsOnPoint(v, x, y)@getRectsOnPoint(h, x, y)
val cx = (l + r) div 2
val cy = (t + b) div 2
(* Abort query as soon we find out that the point lies on
a center line *)
if x = cx orelse y = cy then
rects@query(getQuadrantByPosition(qt, x, y), x, y)
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