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Created October 13, 2008 22:40
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A Ruby script to drive iTunes in an alarm–clock–inspired fashion.
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
%w(rubygems chronic rbosa).each {|lib| require lib}
itunes ='iTunes')
playlist = itunes.sources[0]{|p| == 'radio'}.pop
($sleep = true and ARGV.pop if ARGV.last.match(/!/))
directives = eval("{#{ARGV.last.gsub('-', '=>')}}") rescue []
chronic = lambda{|time| time.respond_to?(:integer?) ? + time*60 : (t = Chronic.parse(time, :context => :future); t < ? t += 24*60*60 : t )}
display_time = lambda {|t| t ||=; t.strftime('%H:%M %p')}
presets = {'morning' => {:_1 => ['current', '5am']}, 'bluegrass' => {:_1 => ['jazz', '7am']}, 'routes' => {:_1 => ['current', '5am']}}
directives.merge!(presets[ARGV.first]) if ARGV.size > 1 || directives.nil? # this needs work, I can't just do itunes.rb bluegrass
jobs = do |(cmd, args)| # [":on - ['current', '8:18 am'], :off - 23"]
case cmd.to_s
when *%w(_1 on + start play go)
start = chronic[args.last]
puts "gonna start @ #{display_time[start]}"
[start, lambda{station =;; station.reveal; puts "playing — #{display_time[nil]}"}]
when *%w(_0 _ | off stop)
stop = chronic[args]
puts "gonna stop @ #{display_time[stop]}"
[stop, lambda{itunes.pause; puts "paused — #{display_time[nil]}"}]
end.sort_by {|(time, lambda)| time}
sleep_then_wake_at = lambda do |time|'System Events').sleep if system("sudo pmset schedule wake '#{time.strftime("%D %H:%M:%S")}'")
_do = lambda do |job|
time, action = job; sleep(time - rescue nil; action[]
(sleep_then_wake_at[jobs.first.first]; sleep 21) if $sleep && jobs.first
_do[jobs.shift] unless jobs.empty?
Here's how to use this shit:
itunes.rb ":on - ['kbem', '8:18 am'], :off - 23" will
— turn itunes off in 23 minutes (you can use a more specific time here if you want)
— play the radio station with 'kbem' in it's name in the iTunes playlist radio at 8:18am
— exit successfully?
Other bits?
— You need to make a playlist in iTunes (mine's called radio) with the tracks you want to play.
I use internet radio stations. (see line 5).
— Calling the script with an exclamation mark will schedule your system to wake from sleep
before it starts playing and subsequently put it to sleep.
— Aliases for :on are :+, :start, :play, :go
— Likewise for :off, :_, :|, :stop
— Line 11 allows you to give it preset directives: if you listen to a particular radio show, set
it up here and call it as follows:
itunes.rb bluegrass ":| - 27" !
— Just as a recap, what will that last command do?
Match the preset bluegrass, which translates into ['jazz', '7am'] (line 11); then turn off iTunes
(only if it's playing) 27 minutes hence. The ! means to sleep your computer. It will then wake up
at about 7 and turn on the given station.
–Kjell Olsen
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