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Created December 28, 2020 21:42
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// Kudos to "Hey Programmer" youtube solution
// main.cpp
// AdventOfCode201213_2
// Created by Kjell-Olov Högdal on 2020-12-28.
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <vector>
extern char const* pExample;
extern char const* pExample2;
extern char const* pData;
using Count = std::uint64_t;
using Offset = unsigned int;
using TimeStamp = std::uint64_t;
using Result = TimeStamp;
using BusId = Offset;
struct Bus {BusId id; bool in_operation;};
using BusSchedule = std::vector<Bus>;
// Transform shuttle service into rack and pinions system :)
struct Pinion {
Count tooth_count; // count of circumface teeth
Offset offset; // offset of the zero tooth
using Pinions = std::vector<Pinion>;
struct RackAndPinions {
Count rack_length;
Pinions pinions;
RackAndPinions rack_and_pinions(BusSchedule const& bus_schedule) {
RackAndPinions result;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i<bus_schedule.size();++i) {
if (bus_schedule[i].in_operation) {
return result;
Count rack_traversal(RackAndPinions const& raps) {
std::cout << "\nrack_traversal";
Count result {1}; // Unit (no operation) for multiplication :)
// Ok, lets keep our reasoning on the tracks! ;)
Pinions const& pinions = raps.pinions;
// 0: To put pinion_0 at its zero position is trivial
// 1: To traverse the rack so pinion_0 always stops at the same position
// we need to step with pinion_0 tooth count.
// This is the same as saying k*delta + offset_1 = l*tooth_count_1
// k and l some integer.
// 2: To find the position where pinion 2 reaches its offset position
// we now need to step so that both pinion 0 and 1 stops at their
// required positions.
// This means we need to step in size of the product of pinion 0,1 tooth counts.
// We can consolidate this to a single loop?
Count delta = pinions[0].tooth_count;
Count position = 0;
for (int i = 1;i<pinions.size();++i) {
std::cout << "\n(" << position << " + " << pinions[i].offset << ") % " << pinions[i].tooth_count << " = ";
std::cout << (position + pinions[i].offset) % pinions[i].tooth_count;
while ((position + pinions[i].offset) % pinions[i].tooth_count != 0) {
position += delta;
std::cout << "\n(" << position << " + " << pinions[i].offset << ") % " << pinions[i].tooth_count << " = ";
std::cout << (position + pinions[i].offset) % pinions[i].tooth_count;
delta *= pinions[i].tooth_count;
// Check result
std::cout << "\n\n<Check>";
for (auto const& pinion : pinions) {
std::cout << "\n(" << position << " + " << pinion.offset << ") % " << pinion.tooth_count << " = ";
std::cout << (position + pinion.offset) % pinion.tooth_count;
result = position;
return result;
int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {
TimeStamp arrive_time;
BusSchedule bus_schedule;
std::basic_istringstream<char> in {pData};
in >> arrive_time;
std::string sBusList;
in >> sBusList;
std::basic_istringstream<char> busses{sBusList};
std::string sBusId;
while (std::getline(busses, sBusId, ',')) {
std::cout << "\nBusId:" << sBusId;
if (sBusId == "x") {
else {
BusId bus_id = std::stoi(sBusId);
// The puzzle is now to determine when the following happens:
// Bus at index 0 in the schedule departs
// Bus at index 0+1 departs one minute later
// ...
// Bus at index 0+i departs i minutes later
// I want to transform this problem into one of one rack and pinions :)
// a) Each bus is modelled as a pinion with the number of teeth being the Bus ID (the roundtrip time in minutes)
// b) Each pinion has its "zero tooth" marked (modelling the bus departure time)
// c) The shuttle service now becomes a "rack and pinion system" where each pinion interacts with the same
// rack rail (they all simultaneously revolve one tooth for each tooth on the rack rail)
// d) We now what to now how many teeth we need to move the rack rail so that:
// 0) Pinion with index 0 has its zero-tooth at a tooth on the rack rail (bus 0 departs at this time)
// 1) gear with index 1 is one tooth off until it will engange the rack rail (bus 1 departs in one minute)
// ...
// i) Gear with index n is n teeth off until it will engage the rack rail (bus i departs in n minutes)
auto raps = rack_and_pinions(bus_schedule);
auto result = rack_traversal(raps);
std::cout << "\n\nResult part 2 = " << result;
std::cout << "\n\nBye";
return 0;
char const* pExample = R"(0000000
char const* pExample2 = R"(000000
char const* pData = R"(1000303
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