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Created June 11, 2010 15:21
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A trait for setters or stupid, non-cascading objects in general
// A simple trait:
trait CascadingActions {
implicit def tToActioneerT[T](t: T) = Actioneer(t)
case class Actioneer[T](tee: T) {
def withAction(action: (T => Unit)): T =
def withActions(actions: (T => Unit)*): T = {
actions foreach (_ (tee))
// Yet with nice properties when you're dealing with
// an object that take a lot of setters, and you really
// wish it supported cascading:
def newStupid = {
val stupidTemporaryVariable = new StupidObject
stupidTemporaryVariable setSillyProperty "foo"
stupidTemporaryVariable setAnotherOne "bar"
stupidTemporaryVariable // mention it AGAIN here, just so it gets returned
// But instead:
def newStupid = new StupidObject withActions(
_ setSillyProperty "foo",
_ setAnotherOne "bar")
// Wow!
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Cute hack, but this is almost as easy and a little more direct:

 val nso = new StupidObject
  import nso._
  setSillyProperty "foo"
  setAnotherOne "bar"

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kjetilv commented Jun 11, 2010

Hmmm... did you try that? I typed in the following:

class StupidObject { 
    setFoo { 
val nso = new StupidObject {
    import nso._

However, this made the compiler complain: illegal cyclic reference involving value

Removing the import fixes it, because what you are really doing is creating a subclass, right? But that fails if it's final. The compiler complains: illegal inheritance from final class StupidObject

I was a bit puzzled at first, because I couldn't see how the reference could be set to itself before it, well, imported itself. I may simply be confused, of course. Did you make it work?

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paulp commented Jun 11, 2010

def returning[T](x: T)(f: T => Unit): T = { f(x) ; x }

returning(new StupidObject)(x => { x setSillyProperty "foo" ; x setAnotherOne "bar" })

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er, I meant:

class StupidObject {
  var sillyProperty: String = _
  var anotherOne: String = _

val nso = new StupidObject;

  import nso._
  sillyProperty = "foo"
  anotherOne = "bar"

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kjetilv commented Jun 11, 2010

That works too, although I think you mean

def returning[T](x: T)(f: T => Unit) = { f(x); x }

and for extra credit:

def returning[T](x: T)(fs: (T => Unit)*) = { fs foreach (_(x)); x }

or something.

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kjetilv commented Jun 11, 2010

@retronym: yes, that avoids the issue with StupidObject being final, and it doesn't introduce a new subclass. However, it is no longer a single expression, but is back to being a sequence of statements, the last one being the expression returned:

def newStupid {
    val nso = new StupidObject;
        import nso._
        sillyProperty = "foo"
        anotherOne = "bar"
    nso // ... and an expression at the end

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paulp commented Jun 11, 2010

re "although I think you mean..." I meant exactly what I wrote; unfortunately the helpful markup processor betrayed me. If you look at the raw text you will see the untainted vision.

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