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Created August 11, 2022 16:43
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Using position_nudge() to make the comparison to a background distribution a little nicer.
## Using position_nudge() to make showing a background
## distribution a little nicer, by pushing it very slightly
## to the right. Most of the work is getting the penguins
## data to the point where I can demonstrate position_nudge()
# Classify every penguin's flipper length into
# bins with widths of 10mm; then sum up
# the n in each bin and calculate a proportion.
df_all <- penguins |>
mutate(flip_f = cut_width(flipper_length_mm,
width = 10,
boundary = 10)) |>
group_by(flip_f) |>
summarize(all_n = n()) |>
mutate(all_prop = all_n/sum(all_n)) |>
# Do the same again (every individual penguin classified
# into the 10mm bins), but now calculate the
# sums and proportions within species. Ungroup and
# complete to restore any zero-count category rows within
# species
df_species <- penguins |>
mutate(flip_f = cut_width(flipper_length_mm,
width = 10,
boundary = 10)) |>
group_by(species, flip_f) |>
summarize(species_n = n()) |>
ungroup() |>
complete(species, flip_f,
fill = list(species_n = 0)) |>
group_by(species) |>
mutate(species_prop = species_n/sum(species_n))
# Join the two tables
df <- left_join(df_species, df_all, by = "flip_f")
# Now we have a binned measure of flipper width,
# with proportions calculated by Species and also
# overall, using the same bins. After the join,
# the values for all species are repeated within
# every species. This means that when we draw it
# below and facet by species, it just repeats the
# same in every panel.
# Put the overall distribution in the background, facet on
# species, and nudge the overall one a tiny bit to make the
# comparison look nicer.
df |>
drop_na() |>
ggplot() +
# Add the background layer, nudged with position_nudge()
geom_col(mapping = aes(x = flip_f, y = all_prop),
color = "black", size = 0.1, fill = "gray50",
alpha = 0.7, position = position_nudge(x = 0.05)) +
# Then add the species layer we'll also end up faceting by
geom_col(mapping = aes(x = flip_f, y = species_prop,
fill = species),
color = "black", size = 0.1,
alpha = 0.8) +
ggokabeito::scale_fill_okabe_ito() +
scale_y_continuous(labels = scales::label_percent()) +
guides(fill = "none") +
facet_wrap(~ species, ncol = 1) +
labs(x = "Flipper width in mm", y = "Percent of Penguins",
title = "Flipper Width Distribution by Species",
subtitle = "Distribution for all penguins shown in grey",
caption = "Data: palmerpenguins. Graph: Kieran Healy / @kjhealy.",
fill = "Species") +
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(size = rel(0.6)))
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