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Created August 2, 2023 23:08
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time to splat combinations calc
from itertools import combinations_with_replacement
from collections import namedtuple
Attack = namedtuple('Attack', ['damage', 'label'])
"""If the combo has total damage above this, it is recorded"""
"""The maximum number of attack attempts to hit the target"""
# Translation table for damage values
damage_table = {
"main": [
Attack(33, "main direct"),
Attack(28, "main off-hit"),
"main2": [
Attack(36, "main direct"),
Attack(32, "main off-hit"),
"sub": [
Attack(80, "sub direct"),
Attack(30, "sub off-hit"),
"sub2": [
Attack(60, "sub direct"),
Attack(20, "sub off-hit"),
"special": [
Attack(120, "special direct"),
Attack(60, "special off-hit"),
"special2": [
Attack(99, "special direct"),
Attack(80, "special off-hit"),
def find_combos(main: str, sub: str, special: str) -> tuple[Attack]:
"""For the given set of main, sub, and special, find the combos that are TARGET_DAMAGE or above within MAX_ATTACKS."""
attacks = damage_table[main] + damage_table[sub] + damage_table[special]
attacks = sorted(attacks, key=lambda a: a.damage, reverse=True)
results = set()
for combo in combinations_with_replacement(attacks, r=MAX_ATTACKS):
total_damage = 0
for i, attack in enumerate(combo):
total_damage += attack.damage
if total_damage >= TARGET_DAMAGE:
if add_set_success(results, combo[:i+1]):
yield combo[:i+1]
def add_set_success(s, item) -> bool:
return len(s) != (s.add(item) or len(s))
def ask_for_arg(label: str):
while True:
temp = input("Enter the " + label)
if temp in damage_table:
return temp
print(temp + " not found.")
if __name__ == "__main__":
_main = ask_for_arg("main")
_sub = ask_for_arg("sub")
_special = ask_for_arg("special")
print("Combos that result in {}+ damage:".format(TARGET_DAMAGE))
for _combo in find_combos(_main, _sub, _special):
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