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Created September 27, 2021 21:26
# Go to which is the inventory for SteamVR for me
# Open the inspect (Ctrl-shift-C)
# This will also resize the window to display everything
# Copy the inventory_page HTML element
# There should be as many hits for "itemHolder" as there are items in this inventory. If not, make sure the JS has fully rendered
# Paste in the line when prompted by the scratch.
import re
from collections import Counter
if __name__ == '__main__':
html = input("Feed me HTML.")
assert "inventory_page" in html, "inventory_page not found, not copied from parent element."
items_count = html.count("itemHolder")
assert items_count, "No items found when counting itemHolder."
sources = re.finditer(r"src=\"(\S+)\"", html, re.RegexFlag.DOTALL | re.RegexFlag.MULTILINE)
sources = [ for source in sources]
counter = Counter(list(sources))
dupes = [el for el in counter.most_common() if el[1] > 1]
print(f"{len(dupes)} dupes found:")
for dupe in dupes:
print(f"{dupe[0]} appears {dupe[1]} times.")
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