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Last active January 24, 2018 23:30
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// async_hooks-based continuation-local storage (simplified)
const asyncHooks = require('async_hooks')
const contexts = {}
let current = {}
init: uid => {
contexts[uid] = current
before: uid => {
if (contexts[uid]) {
current = contexts[uid]
destroy: uid => {
delete contexts[uid]
module.exports = {
bindInCurrentContext: fn => { // akin to bind
const boundContext = current
return (...args) => {
const oldContext = current
current = boundContext
const result = fn(...args)
current = oldContext
return result
bindInNewContext: fn => { // akin to runAndReturn (but lazy)
return (...args) => {
const oldContext = current
current = {}
const result = fn(...args)
current = oldContext
return result
set: (k, v) => {
current[k] = v
get: k => current[k]
const { bindInCurrentContext, bindInNewContext, set, get } = require('./cls-ah')
const wait = ms => ({ then: (fn) => setTimeout(fn, ms) })
bindInNewContext(async () => {
set('key', 2)
console.log('A', get('key'))
await wait(0)
console.log('B', get('key'))
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