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Created December 8, 2014 07:25
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/* Copyright 2014 the SumatraPDF project authors (see AUTHORS file).
License: Simplified BSD (see COPYING.BSD) */
/* NOTE: this is unfinished work in progress */
/* NoFreeAllocator (ScratchAllocator ?) is designed for quickly and easily
allocating temporary memory that doesn't outlive the stack frame
in which it was allocated.
Consider this piece of code:
bool NormalizedFileExists(const WCHAR *path)
ScopedMem<WCHAR> normpath(Normalize(path));
return FileExist(normpath.Get());
This is a simpler version but it leaks:
bool NormalizedFileExists(const WCHAR *path)
WCHAR *normpath = Normalize(path);
return FileExist(normpath);
What if could guarantee that normapth will be freed at some point
in the future? NoFreeAllocator has the necessary magic.
We have a thread-local global object used nf::alloc() and other
no-free functions.
AllocatorMark is an object placed on the stack to mark
a particular position in the allocation sequence. When this
object goes out of scope, we'll free all allocations done with
no-free allocatora from the moment in was constructed.
Allocation and de-allocation is fast because we allocate memory
in blocks. Allocation, most of the time, is just bumping a pointer.
De-allocation involves freeing just few blocks.
In the simplest scenario we can put AllocatorMark in WinMain.
The memory would be freed but we would grow memory used without bounds.
We can tweak memory used by using AllocatorMark in more
places. The more often it's used, the lower max memory usage will be.
A natural place for placing them are window message loops.
They can also be used in threads by placing an object at the
beginning of a thread function.
We can optimize things by using a genereously sized blocks e.g. 1MB
is nothing by today's standards and the bigger our memory block,
the less mallocs/frees we do.
Another advantage is that this generates less executable code: every
time ScopedMem<T> is used, it adds a few bytes of code.
The downside is that we need to write new versions of functions that
allocate the memory.
Another downside is that this memory isn't visible to memory profilers
and doesn't have the debugging features of some allocators (we
could easily add most of them, like detection of memory over-writes)
This allocator bears some resemblance to NSAutoReleasePool and
garbage-collection in general.
#include "BaseUtil.h"
#include "NoFreeAllocator.h"
enum {
KB = 1024,
MB = 1024 * KB,
namespace nf {
struct MemBlock {
struct MemBlock * next;
size_t size;
size_t left;
size_t Used() { return size - left; }
// data follows
__declspec(thread) MemBlock * gCurrMemBlock = NULL;
__declspec(thread) AllocStats * gStats = NULL;
isFirst = false;
if (!gStats) {
isFirst = true;
gStats = AllocArray<AllocStats>(1);
block = gCurrMemBlock;
pos = 0;
if (block)
pos = block->Used();
if (isFirst) {
gStats = NULL;
while (gCurrMemBlock) {
MemBlock *toFree = gCurrMemBlock;
gCurrMemBlock = gCurrMemBlock->next;
while (gCurrMemBlock != block) {
MemBlock *toFree = gCurrMemBlock;
gCurrMemBlock = gCurrMemBlock->next;
if (gCurrMemBlock)
gCurrMemBlock->left = gCurrMemBlock->size - pos;
void *alloc(size_t size)
// gStats is created on the first AllocatorMark. If it's not
// there, we've been incorrectly called without AllocatorMark
// somewhere above in the callstack chain
MemBlock *m = gCurrMemBlock;
if (!m || (size > m->left)) {
size_t blockSize = std::max((size_t)MEM_BLOCK_SIZE, size + sizeof(MemBlock));
MemBlock *block = (MemBlock*)malloc(blockSize);
if (!block)
return NULL;
block->size = blockSize - sizeof(MemBlock);
block->left = block->size;
block->next = gCurrMemBlock;
gCurrMemBlock = block;
size_t currMemUse = 0;
block = gCurrMemBlock;
while (block) {
currMemUse += (block->size + sizeof(MemBlock));
block = block->next;
if (currMemUse > gStats->maxMemUse)
gStats->maxMemUse = currMemUse;
m = gCurrMemBlock;
CrashAlwaysIf(!m || (size > m->left));
char *res = (char*)m + sizeof(MemBlock) + m->Used();
m->left -= size;
gStats->totalMemAlloced += size;
return (void*)res;
void *memdup(const void *ptr, size_t size)
void *res = alloc(size);
if (res)
memcpy(res, ptr, size);
return res;
namespace str {
char *ToMultiByte(const WCHAR *txt, UINT codePage)
if (!txt) return NULL;
int requiredBufSize = WideCharToMultiByte(codePage, 0, txt, -1, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL);
if (0 == requiredBufSize)
return NULL;
char *res = (char *)alloc(requiredBufSize);
if (!res)
return NULL;
WideCharToMultiByte(codePage, 0, txt, -1, res, requiredBufSize, NULL, NULL);
return res;
char *ToMultiByte(const char *src, UINT codePageSrc, UINT codePageDest)
if (!src) return NULL;
if (codePageSrc == codePageDest)
return Dup(src);
return ToMultiByte(ToWideChar(src, codePageSrc), codePageDest);
WCHAR *ToWideChar(const char *src, UINT codePage)
if (!src) return NULL;
int requiredBufSize = MultiByteToWideChar(codePage, 0, src, -1, NULL, 0);
if (0 == requiredBufSize)
return NULL;
WCHAR *res = (WCHAR*)alloc(sizeof(WCHAR) * requiredBufSize);
if (!res)
return NULL;
MultiByteToWideChar(codePage, 0, src, -1, res, requiredBufSize);
return res;
} // namespace str
} // namespace nf
/* Copyright 2014 the SumatraPDF project authors (see AUTHORS file).
License: Simplified BSD (see COPYING.BSD) */
namespace nf {
// Per-thread stats for no-free allocator. Knowing them allows
// tweaking the sizes of memory blocks and frequency of
// AllocatorMark placement.
struct AllocStats {
size_t allocsCount;
size_t maxMemUse;
uint64 totalMemAlloced;
class AllocatorMark {
// NULL is valid and has a special meaning: it means the first
// MemBlock. It allows us to delay allocating first MemBlock to
// the moment of first nf::alloc() calls (useful for threads that
// might but not necessarily will allocate)
struct MemBlock * block;
// position within block
size_t pos;
// block can be NULL in more than one object but we need to
// know which one was the very first (it has to free all memory)
// We keep track of it with isFirst and we know that because only
// the first allocates gStats
bool isFirst;
void *alloc(size_t size);
void *memdup(const void *ptr, size_t size);
namespace str {
inline char *Dup(const char *s) { return s ? (char *)nf::memdup(s, strlen(s) + 1) : NULL; }
inline WCHAR *Dup(const WCHAR *s) { return s ? (WCHAR *)nf::memdup(s, (wcslen(s) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR)) : NULL; }
char * ToMultiByte(const WCHAR *txt, UINT CodePage);
char * ToMultiByte(const char *src, UINT CodePageSrc, UINT CodePageDest);
WCHAR * ToWideChar(const char *src, UINT CodePage);
namespace conv {
inline WCHAR * FromCodePage(const char *src, UINT cp) { return ToWideChar(src, cp); }
inline char * ToCodePage(const WCHAR *src, UINT cp) { return ToMultiByte(src, cp); }
inline WCHAR * FromUtf8(const char *src) { return FromCodePage(src, CP_UTF8); }
inline char * ToUtf8(const WCHAR *src) { return ToCodePage(src, CP_UTF8); }
inline WCHAR * FromAnsi(const char *src) { return FromCodePage(src, CP_ACP); }
inline char * ToAnsi(const WCHAR *src) { return ToCodePage(src, CP_ACP); }
} // namespace conv
} // namespace str
} // namespace nf
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