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Created September 27, 2023 15:45
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example of deploying server binary to a server
package main
import (
var (
exeBaseName = "arslexis_website"
frontendZipName = filepath.Join("server", "")
tmuxSessionName = exeBaseName
deployServerDir = "/root/apps/" + exeBaseName
deployServerUser = "root"
deployServerIP = "" // !!! ip address of your server
deployServerPrivateKeyPath = "~/.ssh/server_private_key" // !!! path of ssh private key for your logging in to your server
deployServerCaddyConfigPath = "/etc/caddy/Caddyfile"
caddyConfigDelim = "# ----" // !!! your domain and your port
caddyConfig = ` {
reverse_proxy localhost:9243
systemdRunScriptPath = path.Join(deployServerDir, "")
systemdRunScriptTmpl = `#!/bin/bash
tmux new-session -d -s {sessionName}
tmux send-keys -t {sessionName} "cd {workdDir}" Enter
tmux send-keys -t {sessionName} "./{exeName} -run-prod" Enter
echo "finished running under tmux"
systemdService = fmt.Sprintf(`[Unit]
Description=ArsLexis website
# WorkingDirectory=/root/apps/arslexis_website
`, systemdRunScriptPath)
systemdServicePath = path.Join(deployServerDir, exeBaseName+".service")
systemdServicePathLink = fmt.Sprintf("/etc/systemd/system/%s.service", exeBaseName)
func addNewline(s *string) string {
if strings.HasSuffix(*s, "\n") {
return *s
*s = *s + "\n"
return *s
func collapseMultipleNewlines(s string) string {
s = strings.ReplaceAll(s, "\r\n", "\n") // CRLF => CR
prev := ""
for prev != s {
prev = s
s = strings.ReplaceAll(s, "\n\n\n", "\n\n")
return s
func appendOrReplaceInText(orig string, toAppend string, delim string) string {
content := delim + toAppend + delim
start := strings.Index(orig, delim)
if strings.Contains(orig, content) {
return collapseMultipleNewlines(orig)
if start >= 0 {
end := strings.Index(orig[start+1:], delim)
panicIf(end == -1, "didn't find end delim")
end += start + 1
orig = orig[:start] + "\n" + orig[end+len(delim):]
res := addNewline(&orig) + delim + toAppend + delim
return collapseMultipleNewlines(res)
func appendOrReplaceInFile(path string, toAppend string, delim string) {
st, err := os.Lstat(path)
perm := st.Mode().Perm()
orig, err := os.ReadFile(path)
newContent := appendOrReplaceInText(string(orig), toAppend, delim)
if newContent == string(orig) {
os.WriteFile(path, []byte(newContent), perm)
func writeFileMust(path string, s string, perm fs.FileMode) {
err := os.WriteFile(path, []byte(s), perm)
panicIf(err != nil, "os.WriteFile(%s) failed with '%s'", path, err)
logf(ctx(), "created '%s'\n", path)
func cmdRunMust(exe string, args ...string) string {
cmd := exec.Command(exe, args...)
d, err := cmd.CombinedOutput()
out := string(d)
panicIf(err != nil, "'%s' failed with '%s', out:\n'%s'\n", cmd.String(), err, out)
return out
func cmdRunLoggedMust(exe string, args ...string) string {
cmd := exec.Command(exe, args...)
d, err := cmd.CombinedOutput()
out := string(d)
panicIf(err != nil, "'%s' failed with '%s', out:\n'%s'\n", cmd.String(), err, out)
logf(ctx(), "%s:\n%s\n", cmd.String(), out)
return out
func sftpFileNotExistsMust(sftp *sftp.Client, path string) {
_, err := sftp.Stat(path)
if err == nil {
logf(ctx(), "file '%s' already exists on the server\n", path)
func sftpMkdirAllMust(sftp *sftp.Client, path string) {
err := sftp.MkdirAll(path)
panicIf(err != nil, "sftp.MkdirAll('%s') failed with '%s'", path, err)
logf(ctx(), "created '%s' dir on the server\n", path)
func sshRunCommandMust(client *goph.Client, exe string, args ...string) {
cmd, err := client.Command(exe, args...)
panicIf(err != nil, "client.Command() failed with '%s'\n", err)
logf(ctx(), "running '%s' on the server\n", cmd.String())
out, err := cmd.CombinedOutput()
logf(ctx(), "%s:\n%s\n", cmd.String(), string(out))
panicIf(err != nil, "cmd.Output() failed with '%s'\n", err)
func copyToServerMaybeGzippedMust(client *goph.Client, sftp *sftp.Client, localPath, remotePath string, gzipped bool) {
if gzipped {
remotePath += ".gz"
sftpFileNotExistsMust(sftp, remotePath)
u.GzipFile(localPath+".gz", localPath)
localPath += ".gz"
sizeStr := u.FormatSize(u.FileSize(localPath))
logf(ctx(), "uploading '%s' (%s) to '%s'", localPath, sizeStr, remotePath)
timeStart := time.Now()
err := client.Upload(localPath, remotePath)
panicIf(err != nil, "\nclient.Upload() failed with '%s'", err)
logf(ctx(), " took %s\n", time.Since(timeStart))
if gzipped {
// ungzip on the server
sshRunCommandMust(client, "gzip", "-d", remotePath)
func createNewTmuxSession(name string) {
cmd := exec.Command("tmux", "new-session", "-d", "-s", name)
out, err := cmd.CombinedOutput()
if err != nil {
if strings.Contains(string(out), "duplicate session") {
logf(ctx(), "tmux session '%s' already exists\n", name)
panicIf(err != nil, "tmux new-session failed with '%s'\n", err)
logf(ctx(), "%s:\n%s\n", cmd.String(), string(out))
func tmuxSendKeys(sessionName string, text string) {
cmd := exec.Command("tmux", "send-keys", "-t", sessionName, text, "Enter")
out, err := cmd.CombinedOutput()
logf(ctx(), "%s:\n%s\n", cmd.String(), string(out))
panicIf(err != nil, "%s failed with %s\n", cmd.String(), err)
func ExpandTildeInPath(s string) string {
if strings.HasPrefix(s, "~") {
dir, err := os.UserHomeDir()
return dir + s[1:]
return s
func buildForProd(forLinux bool) string {
// re-build the frontend
os.RemoveAll(filepath.Join("frontend", "build"))
runCmdLoggedInDir("frontend", "yarn")
runCmdLoggedInDir("frontend", "yarn", "build")
// get date and hash of current checkin
var exeName string
// git log --pretty=format:"%h %ad %s" --date=short -1
cmd := exec.Command("git", "log", "-1", `--pretty=format:%h %ad %s`, "--date=short")
out, err := cmd.Output()
panicIf(err != nil, "git log failed")
s := strings.TrimSpace(string(out))
//logf(ctx(), "exec out: '%s'\n", s)
parts := strings.SplitN(s, " ", 3)
panicIf(len(parts) != 3, "expected 3 parts in '%s'", s)
date := parts[1]
hashShort := parts[0]
exeName = fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s-%s", exeBaseName, date, hashShort)
// package frontend code into a zip file
err := u.CreateZipWithDirContent(frontendZipName, "frontend/build")
panicIf(err != nil, "u.CreateZipWithDirContent() failed with '%s'\n", err)
size := u.FormatSize(u.FileSize(frontendZipName))
logf(ctx(), "created %s of size %s\n", frontendZipName, size)
// build the binary, for linux if forLinux is true, otherwise for OS arh
cmd := exec.Command("go", "build", "-tags", "embed_frontend", "-o", exeName, "server")
if forLinux {
cmd.Env = os.Environ()
cmd.Env = append(cmd.Env, "GOOS=linux", "GOARCH=amd64")
out, err := cmd.CombinedOutput()
logf(ctx(), "%s:\n%s\n", cmd.String(), out)
panicIf(err != nil, "go build failed")
sizeStr := u.FormatSize(u.FileSize(exeName))
logf(ctx(), "created '%s' of size %s\n", exeName, sizeStr)
// remove to keep things clean
// for debuggint you can comment-out this line
return exeName
func buildLocalProd() {
exeName := buildForProd(false)
exeSize := u.FormatSize(u.FileSize(exeName))
logf(ctx(), "created:\n%s %s\n", exeName, exeSize)
How deploying to hetzner works:
- compile linux binary with name ${app}-YYYY-MM-DD-${hashShort}
- copy binary to hetzner
- run on hetzner
func deployToHetzner() {
exeName := buildForProd(true)
panicIf(!u.FileExists(exeName), "file '%s' doesn't exist", exeName)
serverExePath := path.Join(deployServerDir, exeName)
keyPath := ExpandTildeInPath(deployServerPrivateKeyPath)
panicIf(!u.FileExists(keyPath), "key file '%s' doesn't exist", keyPath)
auth, err := goph.Key(keyPath, "")
panicIf(err != nil, "goph.Key() failed with '%s'", err)
client, err := goph.New(deployServerUser, deployServerIP, auth)
panicIf(err != nil, "goph.New() failed with '%s'", err)
defer client.Close()
// global sftp client for multiple operations
sftp, err := client.NewSftp()
panicIf(err != nil, "client.NewSftp() failed with '%s'", err)
defer sftp.Close()
// check:
// - caddy is installed
// - binary doesn't already exists
_, err = sftp.Stat(deployServerCaddyConfigPath)
panicIf(err != nil, "sftp.Stat() for '%s' failed with '%s'\nInstall caddy on the server?\n", deployServerCaddyConfigPath, err)
sftpFileNotExistsMust(sftp, serverExePath)
// create destination dir on the server
sftpMkdirAllMust(sftp, deployServerDir)
// copy binary to the server
copyToServerMaybeGzippedMust(client, sftp, exeName, serverExePath, true)
// make the file executable
err = sftp.Chmod(serverExePath, 0755)
panicIf(err != nil, "sftp.Chmod() failed with '%s'", err)
logf(ctx(), "created dir on the server '%s'\n", deployServerDir)
sshRunCommandMust(client, serverExePath, "-setup-and-run")
func setupAndRun() {
logf(ctx(), "setupAndRun() for %s\n", exeBaseName)
if len(frontendZipData) < 1024 {
logf(ctx(), "frontendZipData is empty, must be embedded\n")
if !u.FileExists(deployServerCaddyConfigPath) {
logf(ctx(), "%s doesn't exist.\nMust install caddy?\n", deployServerCaddyConfigPath)
// kill existing process
// note: muse use "ps ax" (and not e.g. "pkill") because we don't want to kill ourselves
out := cmdRunMust("ps", "ax")
lines := strings.Split(out, "\n")
pidsToKill := []string{}
for _, l := range lines {
if len(l) == 0 {
parts := strings.Fields(l)
//parts := strings.SplitN(l, "\t", 5)
if len(parts) < 5 {
logf(ctx(), "unexpected line in ps ax: '%s', len(parts)=%d\n", l, len(parts))
pid := parts[0]
name := parts[4]
if !strings.Contains(name, exeBaseName) {
//logf(ctx(), "skipping process '%s' pid: '%s'\n", name, pid)
logf(ctx(), "MAYBE KILLING process '%s' pid: '%s'\n", name, pid)
myPid := fmt.Sprintf("%v", os.Getpid())
if pid == myPid {
logf(ctx(), "NOT KILLING because it's myself\n")
// no suicide allowed
pidsToKill = append(pidsToKill, pid)
logf(ctx(), "found process to kill: '%s' pid: '%s'\n", name, pid)
for _, pid := range pidsToKill {
cmdRunLoggedMust("kill", pid)
if len(pidsToKill) == 0 {
logf(ctx(), "no %s* processes to kill\n", exeBaseName)
ownExeName := filepath.Base(os.Args[0])
if false {
// cd to deployServer
tmuxSendKeys(tmuxSessionName, fmt.Sprintf("cd %s", deployServerDir))
// run the server
tmuxSendKeys(tmuxSessionName, fmt.Sprintf("./%s -run-prod", ownExeName))
// configure systemd to restart on reboot
// script that will be called by systemd on reboot
runScript := strings.ReplaceAll(systemdRunScriptTmpl, "{exeName}", ownExeName)
runScript = strings.ReplaceAll(runScript, "{sessionName}", exeBaseName)
runScript = strings.ReplaceAll(runScript, "{workdDir}", deployServerDir)
writeFileMust(systemdRunScriptPath, runScript, 0755)
// systemd .service file linked from /etc/systemd/system/
writeFileMust(systemdServicePath, systemdService, 0755)
err := os.Symlink(systemdServicePath, systemdServicePathLink)
panicIf(err != nil, "os.Symlink(%s, %s) failed with '%s'", systemdServicePath,
systemdServicePathLink, err)
logf(ctx(), "created symlink '%s' to '%s'\n", systemdServicePathLink, systemdServicePath)
serviceName := exeBaseName + ".service"
// daemon-reload needed if service file changed
cmdRunLoggedMust("systemctl", "daemon-reload")
// cmdRunLoggedMust("systemctl", "start", serviceName)
cmdRunLoggedMust("systemctl", "enable", serviceName)
// update and reload caddy config
appendOrReplaceInFile(deployServerCaddyConfigPath, caddyConfig, caddyConfigDelim)
cmdRunLoggedMust("systemctl", "reload", "caddy")
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