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Created February 26, 2017 20:40
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For-All Each-Do Success Fail
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# This is a hack that allows you to express loop and conditional processing
# of an array of items in terms of function definitions.
# My initial motivation came from the need to process an array of items, and
# then for those successfully processed items, do another different processing
# step, and similarly for the failed items; perform further processing/filtering
# steps for each failed/successful items.
# The end result does what I wanted, but also made me realize its limitations.
# Although it's nice to be able to express the processing steps in a tree-like
# fasion via nested function definitions, there's certain performance overhead
# incurred by the use of code generation and function calls.
# Moreover, it requires all inputs be stored in an array first in memory, and
# more intermediate arrays are created to hold the successful and failed items
# as they are processed. And lastly, due to dynamic function rewrites at runtime,
# source line numbers in error reports become completely useless.
# However, it's an interesting exercise nevertheless, and I believe more
# interesting hacks can come out of the similar ideas or techniques used here.
# Therefore, by sharing the source code, I hope you learn or find something
# useful from it. Comments and suggestions are welcomed!
# Example:
main () {
local inputs results=()
inputs=($(seq 10)) || return $?
# A Each-Do function definition is required. Its body will be wrapped inside
# a loop that iterates through the successful/failed array from the
# previous step.
Each-Do () {
# $IT expands to the current item in the loop
echo "Processing number $IT"
(( $IT % 2 )) # true if $IT is odd
Success () { # for odd numbers
# $_successful is the name of the array holding successfully
# processed items from the previous Each-Do() {...} function.
# There's also a $_failed.
local -n odd_nums=$_successful
local odd_len=${#odd_nums[*]}
# You can nest *-Do() definitions inside Success()/Fail().
Each-Do () {
echo "$IT is odd"
(( IT < odd_len ))
Success-Do () { # alternative for writing just Success() { Each-Do () { ...; }; }
echo "$IT is < $odd_len"
results+=($(( IT ** 2 )))
Fail-Do () { # alternative for writing just Fail() { Each-Do () { ...; }; }
echo "$IT is >= $odd_len"
# NOTE: A 'For-All $_successful' at the end here is implicit added.
Fail () { # for even numbers
local -n even_nums=$_failed
echo "The even numbers are: ${even_nums[*]}"
For-All inputs # kicks off the processing
echo === results=============
local each
for each in ${results[*]}; do
echo $each
# --------------------------------------------------
func2var () { # <func_name> <var_name>
local -n f=${2:?required}
f=$(declare -f ${1:?required}) || return $?
f=${f/$1 /${2}_$((FOR_ALL_NEXT_ID++))_$RANDOM }
For-All () { # <array_name>
# $1 should be the name of the array to be processed.
# $1 should start with a character matching [a-z] to avoid clashing
# with For-All's local variables.
local Each_Do; Each_Do=$(declare -f Each-Do) || {
echo "$FUNCNAME: Each-Do () { ...; } is required!" >&2
return 1
local Success Success_Do Fail Fail_Do
func2var Success Success
func2var Success-Do Success_Do
func2var Fail Fail
func2var Fail-Do Fail_Do
if [[ $Success && $Success_Do ]]; then
echo "$FUNCNAME: Success and Success-Do can't be used at the same level!" >&2
return 1
if [[ $Fail && $Fail_Do ]]; then
echo "$FUNCNAME: Fail and Fail-Do can't be used at the same level!" >&2
return 1
local _successful=successful_$((FOR_ALL_NEXT_ID++))_$RANDOM
local _failed=failed_$((FOR_ALL_NEXT_ID++))_$RANDOM
local _code=("
Each-Do () {
unset -f Each-Do
local IT $_successful=() $_failed=()
for IT in \"\${${1:?required}[@]}\"; do
if ${Each_Do#*\)}; then
local _name
if [[ $Success_Do ]]; then
_name=${Success_Do%% *}
$_name () {
for IT in \"\${$_successful[@]}\"; do
$_name; unset -f $_name
unset -f Success-Do
elif [[ $Success ]]; then
eval "
if declare -F Each-Do >/dev/null; then
For-All $_successful
unset -f Success
_name=${Success%% *}
_code+=($_name "unset -f $_name")
if [[ $Fail_Do ]]; then
_name=${Fail_Do%% *}
$_name () {
for IT in \"\${$_failed[@]}\"; do
$_name; unset -f $_name
unset -f Fail-Do
elif [[ $Fail ]]; then
eval "
if declare -F Each-Do >/dev/null; then
For-All $_failed
unset -f Fail
_name=${Fail%% *}
_code+=($_name "unset -f $_name")
local _IFS=$IFS; IFS=$'\n'
eval "${_code[*]}"; IFS=$_IFS
# declare -f Each-Do
if [[ $BASH_SOURCE = "$0" ]]; then
main "$@"
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kjkuan commented Feb 26, 2017

Disclaimer: Use at your own risk. May contain bugs or hurt your brain. It's Bash.

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