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Created September 20, 2015 20:25
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// ==UserScript==
// @name Tagpro scoreboard color changer
// @version 0.1
// @description Changes the color and opacity of score at bottom
// @author Browncoat or someone
// @include http://tagpro-**
// @include*
// @include http://**
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==
tagpro.ready(function () {
var redTeamColor = "e74c3c";//red team color
var blueTeamColor = "3498db";//blue team color
var opacity = 1;//number from 0 to 1
var redColorHex = "#" + redTeamColor;
var blueColorHex = "#" + blueTeamColor;
// Team score colors
tagpro.ui.scores = function () {
var n = tagpro.score.r ? tagpro.score.r.toString() : "0";
var r = tagpro.score.b ? tagpro.score.b.toString() : "0";
if (tagpro.ui.sprites.redScore) {
tagpro.ui.sprites.redScore.text != n && tagpro.ui.sprites.redScore.setText(n);
tagpro.ui.sprites.blueScore.text != r && tagpro.ui.sprites.blueScore.setText(r);
} else {
var redStroke = "#000000";
if (redColorHex == "#000000") {
redStroke = "#FFFFFF"
var blueStroke = "#000000";
if (blueColorHex == "#000000") {
blueStroke = "#FFFFFF"
tagpro.ui.sprites.redScore = new PIXI.Text(n, {fill: redColorHex, stroke: redStroke, strokeThickness: 0, font: "bold 40pt Arial"});
tagpro.ui.sprites.blueScore = new PIXI.Text(r, {fill: blueColorHex, stroke: blueStroke, strokeThickness: 0, font: "bold 40pt Arial"});
tagpro.ui.sprites.redScore.alpha = opacity;
tagpro.ui.sprites.blueScore.alpha = opacity;
tagpro.ui.sprites.redScore.anchor.x = 1;
tagpro.ui.sprites.blueScore.anchor.x = 0;
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