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Created December 9, 2017 16:19
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module xmas
open Fez.Core
let greet who =
sprintf "Hi %s" who
type Tid = Tid
// this is simply to create an atom
type EtsName = | Good_bad
type EtsOption =
| Named_table
| Protected
type EtsInsertRrt = | True
[<ModCall("ets", "new")>]
let etsNew (name: EtsName) (options: EtsOption list) = Tid
type GoodBadRecord = | T of string * bool
[<ModCall("ets", "insert")>]
let etsInsert (tab: Tid) (o: GoodBadRecord) = True
[<ModCall("ets", "lookup")>]
let etsLookup (tab: Tid) (key: string) : GoodBadRecord list = []
[<ModCall("random", "uniform")>]
let randomUniform (n: int) : int = 1
let randBool () =
match randomUniform 2 with
| 1 -> true
| _ -> false
let seed () =
let t = etsNew Good_bad [Named_table; Protected]
let insert name good =
let True = etsInsert t (T(name, good))
randBool() |> insert "Karl"
randBool() |> insert "Michael"
randBool() |> insert "Diana"
randBool() |> insert "Gerhard"
randBool() |> insert "Jean-Sebastién"
randBool() |> insert "Luke"
randBool() |> insert "Daniil"
randBool() |> insert "Dan"
randBool() |> insert "Arnaud"
type WishlistData =
{ Name : string
Pid : Pid
Stuff : string list }
type Wishlist = Wishlist of WishlistData
type MaybePresent =
| Present of string
| Nothing
let lookup t who =
match etsLookup t who with
| [x] -> Some x
| _ -> None
let rec fcLoop t =
match receive<Wishlist>() with
| Wishlist { Stuff = [] } ->
printfn "an empty wishlist - how strange..."
fcLoop t
| Wishlist { Name = key
Pid = pid
Stuff = stuff } ->
match lookup t key with
| None ->
printfn "curious - I have no record of this person..."
fcLoop t
| Some (T(_, true)) ->
printfn "%s has been good and will get a present" key
pid <! (Present <| List.head stuff)
fcLoop t
| Some (T(_, false)) ->
printfn "%s has NOT been good and will get nothing" key
pid <! Nothing
fcLoop t
let spawnFc () =
fun () -> seed() |> fcLoop
|> spawn
let waitForPresent () =
match receive<MaybePresent>() with
| Present thing ->
printfn "yay I got a %s" thing
| Nothing ->
printfn ":((((("
let sendWishList fc who stuff =
let w = Wishlist { Name = who
Pid = self()
Stuff = stuff}
fc <! w
waitForPresent ()
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