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Created January 30, 2014 22:04
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Find what percentage of memcache keys don't have expiries set
import re
import telnetlib
import time
from collections import Counter
hosts = [
('localhost', 11211)
def get_keys(host, port, sample_ratio=.01, re_key_match=None):
t = telnetlib.Telnet(host, port)
t.write('stats items\n')
items = t.read_until('END').split('\r\n')
slabs = set([])
slab_info = {}
expiries = Counter()
item_count = 0
filtered_count = 0
lowest_timestamp = int(time.mktime(time.gmtime())) + 10000
for item in items:
parts = item.split(':')
if len(parts) == 3:
slab_id = int(parts[1])
if parts[2].split(' ')[0] == 'number':
slab_info[slab_id] = {}
slab_info[slab_id]['items'] = int(parts[2].split(' ')[1])
for slab in slabs:
sample_count = int(round(slab_info[slab]['items'] * sample_ratio))
t.write('stats cachedump {0} {1}\n'.format(slab, sample_count))
cache_lines = t.read_until('END').split('\r\n')
for line in cache_lines:
cache_parts = line.split(' ')
if cache_parts[0] == 'ITEM' and len(cache_parts) == 6:
if int(cache_parts[4]) < lowest_timestamp:
lowest_timestamp = int(cache_parts[4])
if re_key_match:
if re_key_match.match(cache_parts[1]):
item_count += 1
expiries[cache_parts[4]] += 1
filtered_count += 1
item_count += 1
# Counter for expiries
expiries[cache_parts[4]] += 1
print 'lowest_timestamp: %s' % lowest_timestamp
no_expiry_count = expiries[str(lowest_timestamp)]
expiry_ratio = (no_expiry_count / float(item_count)) * 100.0
if filtered_count > 0:
print 'Filtered {0} keys due to regex fails'.format(filtered_count)
print 'Sample ratio of {0}% shows {1} ({2}%) of {3} sampled keys have '\
'infinite expiries set'.format(
sample_ratio * 100,
print 'Most Common:'
print expiries.most_common(20)
for host in hosts:
print 'Host: %s' % host[0]
# Match keys via an compiled re object
host[0], host[1],
# No key matching
# get_keys(
# host[0],
# host[1]
# )
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