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Last active July 5, 2016 04:19
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   _       _ _(_)_     |  A fresh approach to technical computing
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  | | |_| | | | (_| |  |  Version 0.4.5 (2016-03-18 00:58 UTC)
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julia> t = ccall( (:mrb_open, "libmruby"), Ptr{UInt8}, ())
Ptr{UInt8} @0x00007fe715987700

julia> r = ccall( (:mrb_load_string, "libmruby"), Void, (t,"puts 'Hello,World!'"))
ERROR: error compiling anonymous: ccall: wrong number of arguments to C function

julia> r = ccall( (:mrb_load_string, "libmruby"), Void, (Ptr{Uint8},CString),(t,"puts 'Hello,World!'"))
WARNING: Base.Uint8 is deprecated, use UInt8 instead.
  likely near no file:0
WARNING: Base.Uint8 is deprecated, use UInt8 instead.
  likely near no file:0
WARNING: Base.Uint8 is deprecated, use UInt8 instead.
  likely near no file:0
WARNING: Base.Uint8 is deprecated, use UInt8 instead.
  likely near no file:0
WARNING: Base.Uint8 is deprecated, use UInt8 instead.
  likely near no file:0
WARNING: Base.Uint8 is deprecated, use UInt8 instead.
  likely near no file:0
ERROR: error interpreting ccall argument tuple
 in anonymous at no file

julia> r = ccall( (:mrb_load_string, "libmruby"), Void, (Ptr{Uint8},CString),t,"puts 'Hello,World!'")
WARNING: Base.Uint8 is deprecated, use UInt8 instead.
  likely near no file:0
WARNING: Base.Uint8 is deprecated, use UInt8 instead.
  likely near no file:0
WARNING: Base.Uint8 is deprecated, use UInt8 instead.
  likely near no file:0
WARNING: Base.Uint8 is deprecated, use UInt8 instead.
  likely near no file:0
WARNING: Base.Uint8 is deprecated, use UInt8 instead.
  likely near no file:0
WARNING: Base.Uint8 is deprecated, use UInt8 instead.
  likely near no file:0
ERROR: UndefVarError: CString not defined
 in anonymous at no file

julia> r = ccall( (:mrb_load_string, "libmruby"), Void, (Ptr{UInt8},CString),t,"puts 'Hello,World!'")
ERROR: UndefVarError: CString not defined
 in anonymous at no file

julia> r = ccall( (:mrb_load_string, "libmruby"), Void, (Ptr{UInt8},Cstring),t,"puts 'Hello,World!'")

julia> r = ccall( (:mrb_load_string, "libmruby"), Void, (Ptr{UInt8},Cstring),t,"puts 'Hello,World!'")

libtool -dynamic -multiply_defined suppress -o libmruby.dylib mruby/build/host/lib/libmruby.a -L/Applications/ -ljulia -undefined dynamic_lookup -macosx_version_min 10.11

install_name_tool -change '@rpath/libjulia.dylib' '/Applications/' libmruby.dylib
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