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Created May 6, 2009 08:34
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  • Save kjwierenga/107436 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save kjwierenga/107436 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
# steps I took
$ git clone
$ cd rufus-scheduler
$ git branch -a
* master
$ git remote add upstream git://
$ git branch -a
* master
$ git pull upstream master
remote: Counting objects: 232, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (207/207), done.
remote: Total 207 (delta 138), reused 0 (delta 0)
Receiving objects: 100% (207/207), 26.59 KiB, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (138/138), completed with 19 local objects.
From git://
* branch master -> FETCH_HEAD
Auto-merged CHANGELOG.txt
CONFLICT (add/add): Merge conflict in CHANGELOG.txt
Auto-merged CREDITS.txt
CONFLICT (add/add): Merge conflict in CREDITS.txt
Auto-merged Rakefile
CONFLICT (add/add): Merge conflict in Rakefile
Auto-merged lib/rufus-scheduler.rb
CONFLICT (add/add): Merge conflict in lib/rufus-scheduler.rb
Auto-merged lib/rufus/otime.rb
CONFLICT (add/add): Merge conflict in lib/rufus/otime.rb
Auto-merged lib/rufus/scheduler.rb
CONFLICT (add/add): Merge conflict in lib/rufus/scheduler.rb
Auto-merged rufus-scheduler.gemspec
CONFLICT (add/add): Merge conflict in rufus-scheduler.gemspec
Auto-merged spec/stress_schedule_unschedule_spec.rb
CONFLICT (add/add): Merge conflict in spec/stress_schedule_unschedule_spec.rb
Auto-merged test/kjw.rb
CONFLICT (add/add): Merge conflict in test/kjw.rb
Automatic merge failed; fix conflicts and then commit the result.
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