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Last active February 4, 2021 16:14
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import json
import pprint
import sys
import requests
HOST = ''
ZUUL = ''
def get_gerrit_json(path):
r = requests.get('%s/%s' % (HOST, path))
return json.loads(r.content.split(b'\n', 1)[1])
def get_latest_zuul_change_comments(change):
messages = get_gerrit_json('changes/%s/messages' % change)
for message in reversed(messages):
if message['author']['username'] == 'zuul' \
and ('Verified+1' in message['message'] or \
'Verified-1' in message['message']):
print('Chose zuul comment from PS %s on change %s' % (
message['_revision_number'], change))
return message['message']
def parse_human_time(timestr):
sec = 0
for piece in timestr.split():
suffix = piece[-1]
amount = int(piece[:-1])
if suffix == 's':
sec += amount
elif suffix == 'm':
sec += 60 * amount
elif suffix == 'h':
sec += 3600 * amount
print('Unhandled suffix %s in %s' % (suffix, piece))
return sec
def make_human_time(sec):
timestr = []
if sec > 3600:
timestr.append('%ih' % (sec / 3600))
sec %= 3600
if sec > 60:
timestr.append('%im' % (sec / 60))
sec %= 60
timestr.append('%is' % sec)
return ' '.join(timestr)
def parse_job_info(zuul_msg):
jobs = {}
last = None
for line in zuul_msg.split('\n'):
if line.startswith('-'):
_dash, job, url, _colon, status, _in, time = (
line.split(' ', 6))
if '(' in time:
time, voting = time.rsplit(' ', 1)
voting = None
jobs[job] = (url, status, parse_human_time(time), voting)
return jobs
def get_zuul_job(jobname):
if jobname not in JOBCACHE:
r = requests.get('%s/api/tenant/openstack/job/%s' % (
ZUUL, jobname))
JOBCACHE[jobname] = r.json()[0]
except Exception as e:
print('Failed to fetch or parse job info for %s: %s' % (
jobname, e))
JOBCACHE[jobname] = {'nodeset': {'nodes': []}}
return JOBCACHE[jobname]
def get_zuul_nodes(jobname):
while True:
jobdef = get_zuul_job(jobname)
if 'nodeset' in jobdef:
return len(jobdef['nodeset']['nodes'])
if 'parent' not in jobdef:
raise Exception(
'%s has no parent and nodes not found yet' % jobname)
jobname = jobdef['parent']
def do_summary(change):
msg = get_latest_zuul_change_comments(change)
jobinfo = parse_job_info(msg)
total_time = 0
total_nodes = 0
for job, info in jobinfo.items():
job_time = info[2]
nodes = get_zuul_nodes(job)
total_nodes += nodes
print('Job %s takes %i nodes for %s, total %s' % (
job, nodes, make_human_time(job_time),
make_human_time(job_time * nodes)))
if nodes == 0:
print(' ^--- no job info for this job, leaked time! ---^')
total_time += (nodes * job_time)
print('Total time %s' % make_human_time(total_time))
print('Total nodes is %i' % total_nodes)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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