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Created May 11, 2011 15:44
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Bumps version numbers in package.json and creates a git tag for it
#!/usr/bin/env sh
version() {
ruby <<"EOS"
doc = './package.json'
regex = /("version"\s*:\s*")([^"]+)(")/
cur = regex.match(doc)
if ENV['CMD'] == 'major' then
nxt = (cur[2].to_i + 1).to_s + ".0.0"
elsif ENV['CMD'] == 'minor' then
nxt = cur[2].gsub(/\d+\.\d+$/) { |n| (n.to_i + 1).to_s + ".0" }
nxt = cur[2].gsub(/\d+$/) { |n| n.to_i + 1 }
doc = doc.gsub(regex, "\\1" + nxt + "\\3")'./package.json', 'w') {|f| f.write(doc) }
print nxt
! test -z "`git diff package.json`" && \
echo "ERROR: Can't bump with changes to package.json." && \
exit 1
! test -z "`git diff --cached`" && \
git status -s -uno && \
echo "ERROR: Can't bump with staged changes." && \
exit 1
VERSION=`CMD=$1 version` && \
git add -p ./package.json
! test -z "`git diff package.json`" && \
git checkout -- package.json && \
echo "NOTICE: Aborted version bump." && \
exit 1
git commit -m "bump to version v$VERSION"
git tag "v$VERSION" && \
git push && \
git push --tags
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