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Last active August 29, 2015 13:57
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#set -x
# Prints the date difference of "start" and "end" date in milliseconds
function datediff {
startsec=$(date -d "$1" +%s)
while [[ $startsec = 0* ]]; do startsec=${startsec#0}; done
endsec=$(date -d "$2" +%s)
while [[ $endsec = 0* ]]; do endsec=${endsec#0}; done
secdiff=$(($endsec - $startsec))
startnano=$(date -d "$1" +%N)
while [[ $startnano = 0* ]]; do startnano=${startnano#0}; done
endnano=$(date -d "$2" +%N)
while [[ $endnano = 0* ]]; do endnano=${endnano#0}; done
nanosecdiff=$(($endnano - $startnano))
echo $(((secdiff * 1000) + (nanosecdiff / 1000000)))
function mass_quote_ack_latency {
grep "MassQuote" | tr '\1' '-' | awk 'match($0, "117=([0-9]*.[0-9]*)",ary) {printf("%s %s %s %s\n",$1,$2,ary[1],$6)}' | sort -nk4 | awk '!(NR%2){printf("%s %s %s %s\n",p,$1,$2,$3)}{p=$1" "$2}' | while read d1 t1 d2 t2 rate; do dt1="$d1 $t1"; dt2="$d2 $t2"; diff=$(datediff "$dt1" "$dt2"); printf "%s ms = (%s - %s) %s\n" "$diff" "$dt1" "$dt2" "$rate"; done
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