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Created December 3, 2017 18:15
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Danger File for PR checks
const { danger, warn, fail } = require('danger');
const { uniq } = require('lodash');
const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');
// Setup
const pr =;
const bodyAndTitle = (pr.body + pr.title).toLowerCase();
// Custom modifiers for people submitting PRs to be able to say "skip this"
const skipTests = bodyAndTitle.includes('skip new tests');
const skipVisualDiff = bodyAndTitle.includes('skip visual diff');
const skipStories = bodyAndTitle.includes('skip stories');
const hasScreenShots =
pr.body.includes('.png') ||
pr.body.includes('.jpg') ||
// Check for description
if ( < 10) {
fail('This pull request needs a description.');
// Check for reference to JIRA issue
if (!JIRA_REGEX.test(bodyAndTitle)) {
'Is this PR related to a Jira issue? If so link it via the PR title or description by adding the issue id (DAR-XXX)'
// Warn when there is a big PR
const bigPRThreshold = 2000;
if (pr.additions + pr.deletions > bigPRThreshold) {
warn(':exclamation: Big PR');
// Gather changes
const modifiedFiles = danger.git.modified_files.filter(path =>
// Check for console.log statements
modifiedFiles.forEach(file => {
const content = fs.readFileSync(file).toString();
if (content.includes('console.log') || content.includes('console.warn')) {
fail(`a \`console.log\` was left in file (${file})`);
// Check that every file touched has a corresponding test file
const correspondingTestsForModifiedFiles = => {
const newPath = path.dirname(f);
const name = path.basename(f);
return `${newPath}/__tests__/${name}`;
const testFilesThatDontExist = correspondingTestsForModifiedFiles
.filter(f => !f.includes('__stories__')) // skip stories
.filter(f => !fs.existsSync(f));
if (testFilesThatDontExist.length > 0 && !skipTests) {
const output = `Missing Test Files:
${ => `- \`${f}\``).join('\n')}
If these files are supposed to not exist, please update your PR body to include "Skip New Tests".`;
// Find changed React components
const changedComponents = modifiedFiles.filter(file => {
const content = fs.readFileSync(file).toString();
return content.includes('React');
// Check for images in PR description if new components added
if (changedComponents.length > 0 && !skipVisualDiff && !hasScreenShots) {
const output = `Should there be images to represent these components:
${ => `- \`${f}\``).join('\n')}
If these changes are not visual, please update your PR body to include "Skip Visual Diff".`;
// Check that every component touched has a corresponding story
const correspondingStoriesForChangedComponents = uniq( => {
const newPath = path.dirname(f);
return `${newPath}/__stories__/index.js`;
const missingStories = correspondingStoriesForChangedComponents.filter(
f => !fs.existsSync(f)
if (missingStories.length && !skipStories) {
const output = `Missing Stories:
${ => `- \`${f}\``).join('\n')}
If these stories should not exist, please update your PR body to include "Skip Stories".`;
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