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Created March 26, 2024 21:22
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import { createSolidTable, flexRender, getCoreRowModel, getPaginationRowModel } from "@tanstack/solid-table";
import type { HeaderGroup, Row, RowData, TableOptions, Table as TanTable } from "@tanstack/solid-table";
import { createMemo, For, Match, type Resource, Show, splitProps, Switch } from "solid-js";
import Paging from "./table/paging";
import ArchiveBox from "~/assets/archiveBox.svg";
import lists from "~/lib/lists";
export type TableProps<T = any> = Omit<TableOptions<T>, "data" | "getCoreRowModel"> & {
data: Resource<T[]>
emptyDataMessage?: string
initialPageSize?: number
theadClassName?: string
rowClassName?: string
cellClassName?: string
headerCellClassName?: string
resourceState?: Resource<any>["state"]
export type IResourceTable<T = any> = typeof ResourceTable<T>;
export default function ResourceTable<T extends RowData = any>(props: TableProps<T>) {
const [, tanProps] = splitProps(props, ["data"]);
const state = createMemo(() => props.resourceState ??;
const isEmpty = createMemo(() => state() === "ready" && === 0);
const table = createSolidTable<T>({
get data() {
if (state() === "refreshing")
if (state() === "ready")
return [!];
return [];
state: {
manualPagination: props.manualPagination ?? (props.onPaginationChange === undefined ? undefined : true),
getCoreRowModel: getCoreRowModel(),
getPaginationRowModel: props.getPaginationRowModel ?? getPaginationRowModel(),
const rows = createMemo(() => {
return state() === "pending"
? lists.generateEmpty(props.initialPageSize ?? table.getState().pagination.pageSize)
: table.getRowModel().rows;
return (
<table class='table-pin-rows table-pin-cols table-zebra table w-full'>
<thead class={props.theadClassName}>
<For each={table.getHeaderGroups()}>
{headerGroup => <tr children={<Th headerCellClassName={props.headerCellClassName} headerGroup={headerGroup} />} />}
<Match when={state() !== "errored"}>
<tbody class={state() === "pending" ? "animate-pulse" : ""}>
<For each={rows()}>
{row => <tr class={props.rowClassName} children={<Td cellClassName={props.cellClassName} table={table} row={row} />} />}
<Match when={isEmpty()}>
<div class="flex flex-col items-center justify-center gap-3 p-24 text-slate-500">
<ArchiveBox class="w-10" />
{props.emptyDataMessage ?? "No Data"}
<Match when={state() === "errored"}>
<div class="flex flex-col items-center justify-center gap-3 p-24 text-red-700">
<ArchiveBox class="w-10" />
{ ?? "Something Wrong Happend!"}
<Show when={props.state?.pagination}>
<Paging table={table} />
function Th<T>(props: { headerGroup: HeaderGroup<T>; headerCellClassName?: string }) {
return <For each={props.headerGroup.headers}>
{header => (
children={header.isPlaceholder ? undefined : flexRender(header.column.columnDef.header, header.getContext())}
function Td<T>(props: { table: TanTable<T>; row: Row<T> | undefined; cellClassName?: string }) {
const cells = () => props.row === undefined
? lists.generateEmpty(props.table.getVisibleFlatColumns().length)
: props.row.getVisibleCells();
return (
<For each={cells()}>
{cell => (
children={cell === undefined
? <div class="rounded bg-slate-300 text-slate-300 dark:bg-slate-800 dark:text-slate-800" textContent="Loading ..." />
: flexRender(cell.column.columnDef.cell, cell.getContext())} />
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