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Last active December 27, 2022 09:25
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Save kkiernan/bc562611cbc8bb3c9b62 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
import sublime, sublime_plugin, re
class CreateCommand(sublime_plugin.TextCommand):
# Runs the plugin
def run(self, edit, stub, offset):
self.view.insert(edit, offset, stub)
import sublime, sublime_plugin
class ImplementCommand(sublime_plugin.TextCommand):
# Gets the currently selected symbol
def get_selected_symbol(self):
point = self.view.sel()[0]
region = self.view.word(point)
return self.view.substr(region)
# Gets files with names that match the currently selected symbol
def get_matching_files(self):
window = self.view.window()
selected_symbol = self.get_selected_symbol()
locations = window.lookup_symbol_in_index(selected_symbol)
files = []
for location in locations:
return files
# Handles the selection of a quick panel item
def on_done(self, index):
if index == -1:
self.view.run_command("parse", {"path": self.files[index]})
# Runs the plugin
def run(self, edit):
self.files = self.get_matching_files()
if (len(self.files) == 1):
self.view.run_command("parse", {"path": self.files[0]})
if (len(self.files) > 1):
self.view.window().show_quick_panel(self.files, self.on_done)
import sublime, sublime_plugin, re
class ParseCommand(sublime_plugin.TextCommand):
# Normalizes a given path to the current system style
# -- This method is from the PHP Companion utils file
def normalize_to_system_style_path(self, path):
if sublime.platform() == "windows":
path = re.sub(r"/([A-Za-z])/(.+)", r"\1:/\2", path)
path = re.sub(r"/", r"\\", path)
return path
# Runs the plugin
def run(self, edit, path):
# Get the contents of the file at the given path
with open(self.normalize_to_system_style_path(path), "r") as f:
content =
# Get the methods from the content
self.methods = re.findall("(?<!\* )(?:abstract )?(?:public|protected|private)(?: static)? function [A-z0-9]*\([A-z0-9$=, ]*\)[A-z :]*", content)
self.methods.insert(0, 'Insert all methods')
# Show the available methods in the quick panel
if (len(self.methods) > 0):
self.view.window().show_quick_panel(self.methods, self.on_done)
# Handles selection of a quick panel item
def on_done(self, index):
if index == -1:
# Find the closing brackets. We'll place the method
# stubs just before the last closing bracket.
closing_brackets = self.view.find_all("[}]")
# Add the method stub(s) to the current file
region = closing_brackets[-1]
point = region.end() - 1
template = "\n\t{0}\n\t{{\n\t\tthrow new \Exception('Method not implemented');\n\t}}\n"
# Better way to handle add all selection?
if index == 0:
for method in self.methods[1:]:
method_stub = template.format(method)
self.view.run_command("create", {"stub": method_stub, "offset": point})
method_stub = template.format(self.methods[index])
self.view.run_command("create", {"stub": method_stub, "offset": point})
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kkiernan commented Aug 4, 2015

Here is a long winded regex that does a bit better:

Edit (newer version with unit tests):

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kkiernan commented Aug 4, 2015

Take a look at the updated gist when you have some time. It now supports multiple files, like if you are working with a lot of packages that have some overlapping names.

I also tweaked the regex and it seems to be working pretty nicely. It accommodates a mix of abstract, static, and other methods with various visibility. I also tested it with type hinting and return type declarations since I think that has been approved for PHP7.

Updated: Also just added an "Insert all methods" option as well. For interfaces, this would be useful if you have an empty class that you are just starting to work on.

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What keybinding do you use ?

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I am using f1 at the moment. It runs to kick everything off.

{ "keys": ["f1"], "command": "implement" }

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s4wny commented Dec 4, 2015

This seems like a really useful script, could you turn it into a plugin and upload it to package control? It would be much easier to install then and easier for people to find.

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kkiernan commented Jan 8, 2016

Glad you think it looks useful, thanks for the feedback! I was hoping we could add this to PHP Companion (erichard's awesome plugin) instead of making a standalone plugin.

Right now I use it by downloading a zip of this gist and dropping it into my packages folder. I'm on Windows so the directory is C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 3\Packages. Not sure what it is on OS X or Linux. Then you need to add a keybinding like the one I mentioned in the comment above to run the command.

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