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kokuyouwind / run_task
Last active May 7, 2021 04:09
ECSで任意タスクを実行するスクリプト(クラスタとタスク定義名が揃っている前提、subnet, securityGroupは適切なものに書き換えてください)
#!/bin/bash -e
# ECS環境でコマンドを実行するためのタスク
# 以下の設定が事前に必要
# * aws-cliのインストール
# * ecs-cliのインストール
# * jqのインストール
# usage: run_task env command...
syon /
Last active March 1, 2023 09:27
cVim Theme: FFXIV

cVim Theme: FFXIV


"set nohud
"set autohidecursor
"set noinsertmappings
set smoothscroll
set autoupdategist
set noautofocus
"let scrollstep = 30
let fullpagescrollpercent = 90
" general
set autoupdategist " gistの設定を自動反映
let scrollstep = 150
let fullpagescrollpercent = 100
set smoothscroll
set noautofocus " サイトを開いた時に入力欄にフォーカスが奪われるのを抑止
let searchlimit = 20
let barposition = "bottom"
turtlemonvh / Makefile
Last active January 23, 2024 03:33
Golang Project Makefile Template
# Borrowed from:
BINARY = superdo
TEST_REPORT = tests.xml
GOARCH = amd64
subfuzion /
Last active June 11, 2024 22:07
Makefile for Go projects

Go has excellent build tools that mitigate the need for using make. For example, go install won't update the target unless it's older than the source files.

However, a Makefile can be convenient for wrapping Go commands with specific build targets that simplify usage on the command line. Since most of the targets are "phony", it's up to you to weigh the pros and cons of having a dependency on make versus using a shell script. For the simplicity of being able to specify targets that can be chained and can take advantage of make's chained targets,

mtdtks / cVimrc.vim
Last active March 31, 2019 16:40
let scrollstep = 150
let fullpagescrollpercent = 100
"set nohud
"set autohidecursor
map e goToInput
"open link in new tab (active)
halberom / 00_description
Last active April 14, 2022 19:23
ansible - example of using filters to change each item in a list
The problem:
I wanted to use the jinja 'map' filter to modify each item in a string, in this simple
example, adding '.conf' to each item.
The 'format' filter in jinja takes arguments (value, *args, **kwargs). Unfortunately,
it uses 'value' as the pattern. When called inside map 'value' is the current item in
the list, or in other words *args as far as format is concerned. So it's the wrong way
hiroyuki-sato / gist:ec502a7e37ae488e4256
Last active September 3, 2020 15:51



元ネタ なんちゃって個人情報をembulkで使う

