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Last active November 22, 2017 08:30
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Review of contrail vnc packaging changes

Contrail VNC Debian Packaging Changes

Initial changes to the Contrail VNC packaging for Debian to modernize it and make it a bit more manageable.

Changes description

Most of the changes outside of debian/rules and debian/control are fairly small - the packaging logic is contained in those two files.

debian/rules and debian/control changes

debian/rules is a Makefile that all debian packaging executes, one step at the time, to clean, build, install 1 and create source & binary packages. debian/control is the description of the package — what has to be installed in order to build & package it, what binary packages to create and their metadata (extra dependencies, relation with other packages etc.)

debian/control changes

In the current workflow, before we even get to package building, a separate Makefile packages.make is used to substitute various templated variables with correct text - we add per-release build and install-time dependencies:

  • BUILDDEP_SERIES is replaced with a combination of dependencies, based on the target system, but it can be removed for master - the two main sticking points is installing dh-systemd only on xenial (which is fine but not required - the package exists on both trusty and xenial and debhelper will handle a situation when trusty has no systemd installed/running) and installing a bunch of dependencies only on trusty+ — that's probably required to support precise, but a) we are probably not going to be building 5.0+ for precise and b) going forward, this is not the right way to do that anyway - if that requirement shows up again, we should backport required packages from 18.04 to 16.04 and 14.04 as needed.
  • SUPERVISORDEP_SERIES is used to add an install-time dependency on supervisor for many packages — this can be better supported by usage of a variable ${dist:Depends} that can be then populated in debian/rules.
  • NODEMGRDEP_SERIES adds xenial-only dependencies for nodemgr packages on python-dbus — that can be handled the same way we handle supervisor dependency, through debian/rules code.

I've added a number of packages to the Build-Depends list, so that they can be properly installed before the build, without depending on pre-installed packages.2 I'm also bumping debhelper dependency, and adding dh-exec package - that will come up handy later, when we get to the .install and .dirs files.

debian/rules changes

In debian/rules I'm fixing the INSTALL_ROOT variable to ensure that files are always installed in the correct location, not depending on $PWD as well as add code to support ${dist:Depends} and ${dbus:Depends}3:

VER := $(shell awk -F"=" '$$1 == "DISTRIB_CODENAME" {print $$NF}' /etc/lsb-release)
ifeq ($(findstring xenial,$(VER)),xenial)
        SUBSTVARS += -Vdbus:Depends="dbus, python-pydbus (>= 0.7.0)"
        SUBSTVARS = -Vdist:Depends="supervisor"

as well as adding code to support parallel building, based on debhelper variable (DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS):

ifneq (,$(filter parallel=%,$(DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS)))
        JOBS = -j$(patsubst parallel=%,%,$(filter parallel=%,$(DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS)))
        JOBS =

I've also added a target to generate source tarball (which is a semi-hard requirement of the build process and is called get-orig-source by convention):

        (cd ${SB_TOP}/third_party/ && python
        tar zcf contrail_${DEB_UPSTREAM_VERSION}.orig.tar.gz \
                controller vrouter third_party tools/build tools/generateds \
                openstack/nova_contrail_vif openstack/nova_extensions \
                tools/sandesh SConstruct

Then, there are couple of changes to other targets:

In override_dh_auto_clean we make sure that all files created by the SCons, to make debuild happy 3

debian/*.install and debian/*.dirs

All those files have been made executable, and debhelper exetures a command from shebang to process them, creating a per-release variants on the fly:

  • All comments are stripped out
  • Each line with [ubuntu-${release}] is present only when package is being built for the ${release}.


A number of settings telling debian packaging utilities how to generate and validate source package.

Debian has a strict policy of not modifying files that come from the source package during build - debian/source/options lets you tweak this policy by telling debian tools to ignore some of the files/folders. We use that to ignore .git/ and .repo/ as well as a bunch of folders that come from our "sandbox" but are not part of the Contrail VNC source package.


Scripts that are used to generate per-release *.install and *.dirs files:

  • dh-exec-filter-arch-ex — Filter lines by matching current Ubuntu release with tags
  • dh-exec-filter-comments — Remove all lines starting with #


  1. Installation is done to a temporary directory under debian/

  2. contrail-build scripts install a number of java libraries, are they required for anything but VCenter builds? Java itself is needed for testing.

  3. Debian considers it an error if any file found in the source package is modified during the build process. 2

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