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Created September 28, 2016 11:45
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Robust correction
#' robustODE function
#' @export
robustODE <- function(LS, init = initPars, crit.Tukey = 0.01, crit.huber = 0.05, optim.ctrl, resODE, maxit = 10) {
environment(LS) <- environment()
if (missing(resODE)) stop("Provide function to calculate residual")
## =========================================================================
## IRLS and robust
## =========================================================================
# 1. Obtain starting values.
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Use OLS to compute residuals and
message("Step 1. Estimating initial scale and weights")
weighted <- FALSE
fit <- optim(init, LS, optim.ctrl)
e <- resODE(fit)
s <- mad(e) # MAD scale median(abs(resid))/0.6745
# 2. Huber estimation:
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Use Huber function with C = 1.345.
es <- abs(e) / s
old.Huber <- w <- first.w <- getWeight(es, "Huber")
# iteration until the maximum change in weights value is less than 0.05.
hubercv <- FALSE
weighted <- TRUE
CheckConv <- function(old, current, crit) {
change <- abs(current - old) # absolute changes
return(max(change) < crit)
message("Step 2. Starting Huber estimation...")
iter <- 0
while(!hubercv) {
iter <- iter + 1
message("H-iter: ", iter) <- optim(init, LS, optim.ctrl)
current.e <- resODE(
current.s <- mad(current.e) # MAD scale median(abs(resid))/0.6745 <- abs(current.e) / current.s
current.Huber <- getWeight(, "Huber")
convergedH <- CheckConv(old.Huber, current.Huber, crit.huber)
if (convergedH) {
hubercv <- TRUE
message("Huber weights converged!")
} else if (iter == maxit) {
hubercv <- TRUE
message("Huber weights are not converged after ", maxit, " iterations!")
message("Continuing Tukey step")
} else {
old.Huber <- w <- current.Huber
# 3. Tukey estimation:
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Calculate case weight by using the biweight function with c = 4.685.
tukeycv <- FALSE
iter <- 0
old.Tukey <- w <- getWeight(, "biweight")
message("Step 3. Starting Tukey estimation...")
while(!tukeycv) {
iter <- iter + 1
message("T-iter: ", iter) <- optim(init, LS, optim.ctrl)
current.e <- resODE(
current.s <- mad(current.e) # MAD scale median(abs(resid))/0.6745 <- abs(current.e) / current.s
current.Tukey <- getWeight(, "biweight")
convergedT <- CheckConv(old.Tukey, current.Tukey, crit.Tukey)
if (convergedT) {
tukeycv <- TRUE
message("Tukey weights converged!")
} else if (iter == maxit) {
tukeycv <- TRUE
message("Tukey weights are not converged after ", maxit, " iterations!")
} else {
old.Tukey <- w <- current.Tukey
# return(list(L2 = fit$par, robust =$par) )
return(list(L2 = fit$par, robust =$par,
first.w = first.w, first.r = e,
final.w = current.Tukey, final.r = current.e))
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