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Last active September 28, 2016 11:47
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Metropolis Hasting sampling
#' MetropolisAP function
#' Using fixed range covariance adjusting strategy.
#' @export
#' MetropolisAP()
MetropolisAP <- function(
Y, # the data
tData, # corresponding time points
Inits = smidR:::state,# Vector of initial values
model = smidR::UIV, # Model for deSolve
tODE = smidR:::times,# Time evaluating with deSolve
Sidm = c(3), # indices of the observed state in model
Sidd = c(1), # indices of the observed state in data
nPars = 5, # number of parameters
nStates = 3, # number of equations in the model
vPriors, # require
uniSteps = 0.1, gui = FALSE, nPost = 1000, rMonitor = 500,
nTunes = 10, n.chains = 3,
Burnin = nTunes * rMonitor, thinning = 1, unitarget = 0.45,
target = 0.35, largetarget = 0.234,
acceptTol = 0.075, optim = FALSE, Scale = 2.38)
startt <- proc.time()
tData <- as.character(tData) # avoid rounding error
nReps <- rle(tData)$length # save time computing LL
tData <- unique(tData)
minusLLL <- function(x) {
pB <- x[1]
pD <- x[2]
pP <- x[3]
pC <- x[4]
noise <- x[5]
paras <- c(pB = pB, pD = pD, pP = pP, pC = pC)
out <- deSolve::ode(Inits, tODE, model, 10^(paras))
yhat <- out[as.character(out[,1]) %in% tData, "V"]
if (any(yhat < 0)) {
# message("Predict negative viral load, ABORT!")
mll <- 1e+8
} else {
x <- Y - rep(log10(yhat), times = nReps)
ll <- dnorm(x, mean = 0, sd = noise, log = TRUE)
mll <- -sum(ll)
}, error = function(e) {
mll <- 1e+8
findLL <- function(params, noise) {
# Run ODE, get UIV and sensitivities
XData <- deSolve::ode(Inits, tODE, model, 10^(params)) # par in raw scale
XData <- XData[as.character(XData[,1]) %in% tData, "V"]
Xpred <- rep(XData, times = nReps)
error <- Y - log10(Xpred)
# Calculate the log-likelihoods of the parameters
# # Calculate the current likelihoods of the current X estimates
# Noting that the estimates are in raw scale
tempLL <- sum(dnorm(error, mean = 0, sd = noise, log=TRUE))
}, warning = function(warn) {
# message(warn)
tempLL <- -1e300
}, error=function(e) {
tempLL <- -1e300
naiveMu <- vPriors$firstM[-5]
naiveSigma <- InitSigma()
naivePars <- MASS::mvrnorm(n = 1, naiveMu, naiveSigma)
naiveNoise <- Priors('random', vPriors$firstM[5], vPriors$secondM[5],
lower <- c(qnorm(1e-4, vPriors$firstM[1:4], vPriors$secondM[1:4]),
qunif(1e-4, vPriors$firstM[5], vPriors$secondM[5]))
upper <- c(qnorm(1-1e-4, vPriors$firstM[1:4], vPriors$secondM[1:4]),
qunif(1-1e-4, vPriors$firstM[5], vPriors$secondM[5]))
fit <- NULL
if (optim) {
message("\nEstimating asymtotic posterior covariance matrix...")
# Generating starting values for finding covariance matrix
Starts <- c(naivePars, naiveNoise)
fit <- tryCatch({
fit <- optim(Starts, minusLLL, method = "L-BFGS-B",
lower = lower, upper = upper, control = list(trace=1), hessian = TRUE)
}, error = function(e) {
message("Failed to estimates the posterior asymtotic covariance matrix,
use naive sigma")
# This part can add option robust to make positive definite
# and handling error of not able to inverse
if (!is.null(fit)) {
fisher_info <- solve(fit$hessian[1:4, 1:4])
prop_sigma <- sqrt(diag(fisher_info))
Sigma <- diag(prop_sigma) * (Scale^2) / 4
} else {
Sigma <- InitSigma(std = 0.5)
# print(Sigma)
message("\nInitialisation Completed. Computing chains...")
# =====================================================================
chainFn <- function(...)
# Still starting at random, but propose using the estimated covariance
if ( optim & (!is.null(fit)) ) {
Pars <- MASS::mvrnorm(n = 1, fit$par[1:4], Sigma)
Noise <- fit$par[5] + rnorm(1) * uniSteps
} else {
Pars <- MASS::mvrnorm(n = 1, naiveMu, Sigma)
Noise <- naiveNoise + rnorm(1) * uniSteps
Pars <- setNames(Pars, c("pB", "pD", "pP", "pC"))
CurrentLL <- findLL(Pars, Noise)
# Set up proposal counters
Accepted <- rep(0, 2)
Mutation <- rep(0, 2)
# Set up parameter history variable
ParaHistory <- matrix(0, nPost, nPars)
LLHistory <- vector('numeric', nPost) #only one state
# Store the burnIn for adjusting JUMP
BurnResults <- matrix(0, Burnin, nPars)
# Initialise iteration number
nIter <- 0
Continue <- TRUE
Converged <- FALSE
# Main loop
while (Continue) {
nIter = nIter + 1
if(nIter %% rMonitor == 0) cat('iter ', nIter, '\n')
NewParas <- MASS::mvrnorm(n = 1, Pars, Sigma)
Mutation[1] <- Mutation[1] + 1
# checking boundary
isInBound <- all(NewParas[-5] < upper[-5] & NewParas[-5] > lower[-5])
if (isInBound == FALSE | any( ) {
badMove <- TRUE
} else {
badMove <- FALSE
# JumpBack <- Jump(Pars, NewParas, Sigma, Noise) # the same
# JumpNext <- Jump(NewParas, Pars, Sigma, Noise) # the same
isAccept <- FALSE
if (badMove == FALSE) {
ProposedLL <- findLL(NewParas, Noise)
Ratio <- ProposedLL - CurrentLL
# Ratio <- ProposedLL - CurrentLL + JumpBack - JumpNext
isAccept <- ! & ( Ratio > 0 | (Ratio > log(runif(1))) )
if (isAccept) {
Pars <- NewParas
CurrentLL <- ProposedLL
Accepted[1] <- Accepted[1] + 1
# Now mutating the noise given the new (if updated)/current par
newNoise <- Noise + rnorm(1) * uniSteps
Mutation[2] <- Mutation[2] + 1
ProposedLL <- findLL(Pars, newNoise)
isAccept <- FALSE
Ratio <- ProposedLL - CurrentLL
isAccept <- ! & ( Ratio > 0 | (Ratio > log(runif(1))) )
if (isAccept) {
Noise <- newNoise
CurrentLL <- ProposedLL
Accepted[2] <- Accepted[2] + 1
# Save parameters if converged and according to thinning rate
if (Converged & (nIter %% thinning)==0 ) {
ParaHistory[(nIter-nIterConverg)/thinning, 1:4] <- Pars
ParaHistory[(nIter-nIterConverg)/thinning, 5] <- Noise
LLHistory[(nIter-nIterConverg)/thinning] <- CurrentLL
# If not yet converged
if (!Converged) {
# Save parameters in burn in for adjusting
BurnResults[nIter, 1:4] <- Pars
BurnResults[nIter, 5] <- Noise
# Adjust parameter proposal widths
if (nIter > rMonitor & (nIter %% rMonitor) == 1) {
message("Iteration", nIter)
message(rep('=', 80))
arate <- Accepted/Mutation
cat(100*arate[1], '% mutation acceptance for parameter ', 1:4, '\n')
cat(100*arate[2], '% mutation acceptance for parameter ', 5, '\n')
# Adjust JUMP if out range
outBound <- (arate[1] < (target - acceptTol) | arate[1] > (target + acceptTol))
if (outBound) {
# Update default scale
Scale <- tuneScale(Scale, arate[1], targetRate = target)
# update cov
region <- (nIter - rMonitor):(nIter - 1)
covv <- cov(BurnResults[region, 1:4])
Sigma <- tuneCov(covv, Sigma) * (Scale^2) /4
# Adjust for sd
if (arate[2] < (unitarget - acceptTol)) {
uniSteps <- uniSteps * 0.9
} else if (arate[2] > (unitarget + acceptTol)) {
uniSteps <- uniSteps * 1.1
message('Current estimates: ')
cat(round(BurnResults[nIter,], 5), "\n")
# Reset counters
Accepted <- rep(0, 2)
Mutation <- rep(0, 2)
if (nIter >= Burnin) {
Converged <- TRUE
nIterConverg <- nIter
message("\n", rep('=', 80))
message('Stop tuning at iteration number ', nIterConverg, "\n")
cat('Accepted rate ', arate, "\n")
message(rep('=', 80))
} else if (nIter == nIterConverg + nPost * thinning) {
Continue <- FALSE
colnames(ParaHistory) <- colnames(BurnResults) <- c("pB", "pD", "pP", "pC","sd")
attr(ParaHistory, "mcpar") <- c(thinning, nPost*thinning, thinning)
attr(BurnResults, "mcpar") <- c(1, Burnin, thinning)
attr(ParaHistory, "class") <- attr(BurnResults, "class") <- "mcmc"
return(list(ParaHistory = ParaHistory, LLHistory = LLHistory, Burn = BurnResults))
#end chains
# =====================================================================
OutParallel <- c, parallel::mclapply(seq_len(n.chains), chainFn,
mc.cores = n.chains, mc.silent = FALSE))
MCMClist <- OutParallel[c(1, 4, 7)]
LLlist <- OutParallel[c(2, 5, 8)]
Burnlist <- OutParallel[c(3, 6, 9)]
class(MCMClist) <- class(Burnlist) <- "mcmc.list"
endt <- proc.time() - startt
return(list(MCMC = MCMClist, Burn = Burnlist, LL = LLlist, runtime = endt))
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