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Created December 1, 2012 14:09
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Steps to replay my analysis is very simple.

  1. Download Wikipedia PV data

You can download daily Wikipedia PV data from following website.

Wikipedia article traffic statistics

JSON format is also available from the link in "traffic statistics" page. For example:

$ wget -O sakura.ayane.201211.json
  1. Merge & convert JSON files into one table

ls *.json | perl > wikipedia_pageview.table
  1. Play with the data

Now we are ready to play with the data. Hope break_wikipv.R helps your analysis.

# generate breakpoint
gen.breakpoints <- function(df, nbreaks=20){
l <- sort(unlist(df))
bp <- NULL
n <- nbreaks
while(length(bp) < nbreaks){
bp <- unique(l[floor(seq(1/n, 1, 1/n) * length(l))])
n <- n+1
c(-1, bp)
# plot transit frequency
plot.transit <- function(df, bp, title=""){
# create transit data <- ddply(data.frame(1:nrow(df), df), 1, function(x){
v <- cut(unlist(x)[-1], bp)
levels(v) <- bp[-1]
data.frame(from=v[-length(v)], to=v[-1])
# plot
d <- ggplot(, aes(x=from, y=to))
d + geom_bin2d() + scale_fill_gradient(low="grey80", high="black") +
theme_bw() +
opts(axis.text.x=theme_text(angle=-90, hjust=0)) +
opts(title=title) +
geom_abline(colour="black") +
geom_abline(colour="black", intercept=6) +
geom_abline(slope=-1, intercept=nlevels($from)*0.75, colour="black")
# for a quick check to plot the data of specific name
# Example : pp("²“¡‘”ü", df)
pp <- function(n, df){
x <- unlist(df[n,])
r <- as.Date(names(x), "X%Y.%m.%d")
from <- r[1]
to <- r[length(r)]
pv.m <- tapply(x, cut(r, "month"), median)
ylim <- max(pv.m)*2
# ylim <- max(x)
plot(seq(from, to, by="days"), x, xlim=c(from, to), ylim=c(0, ylim), xlab="date", ylab="pv", main=n, xaxt="n", col="gray")
plot(as.Date(names(pv.m)), pv.m, xlim=c(from, to), ylim=c(0, ylim), xlab="", ylab="", main="", xaxt="n", type="l", lwd=2, col="red")
# axis.Date(1, at=seq(from, to, "3 months"), format="%Y/%m")
axis.Date(1, at=seq(seq(from, by="month", len=2)[2], to, "3 months"), format="%Y/%m")
# main
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# read table data
f <- "wikipedia_pageview.table"
df <- read.delim(f)
# add filters if needed
df <- df[,regexpr("X2012.12", colnames(df))!=1]
# df <- df[sample(nrow(df), 30), c(1:5,10,20,30:32)]
# df <- df[,(regexpr("X2010", colnames(df))==1 | regexpr("X2009.12", colnames(df))==1)]
# df <- df[,(regexpr("X2011", colnames(df))==1 | regexpr("X2010.12", colnames(df))==1)]
# df <- df[,(regexpr("X2012", colnames(df))==1 | regexpr("X2011.12", colnames(df))==1)]
# convert to per-month data
df.m <- apply(df, 1, function(x){
tapply(x, cut(as.Date(names(x), "X%Y.%m.%d"), "month"), median)
df.m <-
# generate breakpoint
bp <- gen.breakpoints(df, 20)
# calculate score
# transit probability matrix
m <- matrix(0, length(bp)-1, length(bp)-1)
invisible(apply(df.m, 1, function(x){
vl <- cut(unlist(x), bp)
for(i in 1:(length(vl)-1)){
m[vl[i], vl[i+1]] <<- m[vl[i], vl[i+1]] + 1
m2 <- t(apply(m, 1, function(x) x/sum(x)))
score <- ddply(data.frame(1:nrow(df.m), df.m), 1, function(x){
v <- as.numeric(cut(unlist(x[-1]), bp))
# score1. distance from x-y=0 : (y-x)/sqrt(2)
d0 <- (v[-1] - v[-length(v)])/sqrt(2)
s1 <- sum(d0)
s11 <- sum(d0 * v[-1])
# score2. transit probability
s2 <- 0
for(i in 1:(length(v)-1)){
s2 <- s2 + log(m2[v[i], v[i+1]])
# score3. variance
s3 <- var(sqrt(v[-length(v)]^2 + v[-1]^2))
s31 <- var(sqrt(v[-length(v)]^2 + v[-1]^2) * v[-1])
data.frame(s1, s11, s2, s3, s31)
rownames(score) <- rownames(df.m)
score <- score[,-1]
write.table(score, "score.txt", quote=F, sep="\t")
# head(score[sort.list(score$s1, dec=T),], 40)
# head(score[sort.list(score$s2),], 40)
# head(score[sort.list(score$s3, dec=T),], 40)
# plot global transit frequency
plt.g <- plot.transit(df.m, bp)
ggsave("global_transit.png", plt.g)
# plot indivisual transit frequency
invisible(sapply(rownames(df.m), function(n){
plt <- plot.transit(df.m[n,], bp, title=n)
ggsave(sprintf("%s.png", n), plt)
use strict;
use warnings;
use Path::Class qw(file);
use JSON::XS;
use Encode;
use Date::Simple qw(date);
use utf8;
my $sdate = date("2009-12-01");
my $edate = date("2012-12-31");
my %table;
while(my $file = <>){
$file =~ tr/\x0A\x0D//d;
### $file
my $data = decode_json file($file)->slurp;
### $data
foreach(keys %{$data->{daily_views}}){
$table{$data->{title}}->{$_} = $data->{daily_views}->{$_};
### %table
my @keys;
for(my $d=$sdate; $d<=$edate; $d++){
push(@keys, $d);
print join("\t", @keys) . "\n";
foreach my $name (keys %table){
print encode('utf8', $name);
for(my $d=$sdate; $d<=$edate; $d++){
print "\t" . (exists $table{$name}->{$d} ? $table{$name}->{$d} : 0);
print "\n";
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