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Last active August 29, 2015 13:56
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Web Dev Resources

##The following are some resources you might find helpful:


Codecademy HTML/CSS - Basic HTML/CSS tutorials

Codecademy Javascript - Basic Javascript Tutorials

Codecademy PHP - Basic PHP Tutorials

Codecademy Ruby - Basic Ruby Tutorials

Codecademy APIs - Tutorials using some basic and useful APIs

Reddit Web Dev FAQ - Very basic getting started FAQ with links to threads detailing various topics


HTML5 Boilerplate - Good starting point when building a new site

Codecademy - Basic HTML/CSS

Normalize.css - Good to include with your CSS, resets most weird browser CSS

Twitter Bootstrap - A grid-based layout system along with miscellaneous add-ons

Yo Bootstrap - Collection of free themes for Bootstrap from around the web

ZURB Foundation - Similar to Bootstrap, but with slightly different syntax and usage

CSS Diner - Helping to learn how to use CSS selectors

####Javascript jQuery - Very inclusive Javascript library that simplifies many functions

Modernizr - Library to help detect HTML5 and CSS3 features in a user's browser

Node.js - Javascript platform for building network applications

####PHP PHP Homepage - PHP Homepage: Download, docs and all

####Wordpress Wordpress - The Wordpress Homepage: Download, docs and all

Wordpress Plugin Repository - Central listing of Wordpress Plugins

Underscore Starter Theme (_s) - Very basic theme for use in creating custom themes

####Ruby Ruby Homepage - Ruby Homepage: Download, docs and all

Try Ruby - A 15 minute getting started tutorial with Ruby

Ruby Gems - Central resource for finding and downloading gems

Rails - The Ruby on Rails Framework

Rails for Zombies - A getting started tutorial with Rails


Adobe Kuler - Helpful when picking color schemes for any site

One Page Love - A collection of site to provide design inspiration

Dribbble - More design inspiration

####Stock Photos Gratisography - Free, high resolution stock photos

Unsplash - More free, high resolution stock photos

Pic Jumbo - Free stock photos

Superfamous - Free stock photos (attribution required)

Splash Base - Free, high resolution, public domain photos

####Icons Themify Icons - Free 320 icon set

Font Awesome - Another free icon set

IcoMoon - 450 icons (in the free set, more available for purchase)

Freepik - Free icon sets for specific purposes (cloud computing, construction, health, etc.)

Glyphicons - More free icons (attribution required)

####Fonts Google Web Fonts - Huge repository of fonts for inclusion in web projects

Beautiful Web Type - Collection of some of the best fonts from Google Web Fonts

Brick - "Webfonts that actually look good"

FontSquirrel - Collection of handpicked fonts, also good for making web fonts from font files

Devicons - Icon Font for developers (programming language/framework logos mostly)

####APIs Codecademy SendGrid - Learn how to send emails from your site with the SendGrid API

Facebook - Facebook's Developer Center

Google Maps - Google Maps API

####General Mozilla Developer Network - Helpful reference for HTML/CSS and Javascript syntax and usage

CSS Tricks - Despite the name, it has hints and code snippets for a variety of languages

Google - Goes without saying. Will often lead you to these other resources

Stack Overflow

GTMetrix - Analyze the performance of your site

CodePen - Show off code snippets

JSFiddle - Show off code snippets

Criticue - Get feedback on your web projects

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