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Last active May 26, 2021 06:43
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AutoHotkey (AHK) - open programs
windowHandleId := WinExist("ahk_exe WindowsTerminal.exe")
windowExistsAlready := windowHandleId > 0
; If the Windows Terminal is already open, determine if we should put it in focus or minimize it.
if (windowExistsAlready = true)
activeWindowHandleId := WinExist("A")
windowIsAlreadyActive := activeWindowHandleId == windowHandleId
if (windowIsAlreadyActive)
; Minimize the window.
WinMinimize, "ahk_id %windowHandleId%"
; Put the window in focus.
WinActivate, "ahk_id %windowHandleId%"
WinShow, "ahk_id %windowHandleId%"
; Else it's not already open, so launch it.
Run wt
; Hotkey to use Win+Q to launch/restore the Windows Terminal.
windowHandleId := WinExist("ahk_exe KeePassXC.exe")
windowExistsAlready := windowHandleId > 0
; If the KeePassXC is already open, determine if we should put it in focus or minimize it.
if (windowExistsAlready = true)
activeWindowHandleId := WinExist("A")
windowIsAlreadyActive := activeWindowHandleId == windowHandleId
if (windowIsAlreadyActive)
; Minimize the window.
WinMinimize, "ahk_id %windowHandleId%"
; Put the window in focus.
WinActivate, "ahk_id %windowHandleId%"
WinShow, "ahk_id %windowHandleId%"
; Else it's not already open, so launch it.
EnvGet, ProgramFiles32, ProgramFiles(x86)
EnvGet, ProgramFiles64, ProgramFiles
if (!ProgramFiles32)
ProgramFiles32 := ProgramFiles64
Run % ProgramFiles64 . "\KeePassXC\KeePassXC.exe"
; Run/show/hide KeePassXC using Win+K
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