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Created September 30, 2017 17:30
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Model Description
adminhtml/system_config_source_admin_page returns list of all the items in Magento Admin menu
adminhtml/system_config_source_allregion returns list of all country regions grouped by country
adminhtml/system_config_source_catalog_timeFormat returns time format (12h or 24h )
adminhtml/system_config_source_cms_page returns list of CMS Pages
adminhtml/system_config_source_cms_wysiwyg_enabled returns list of text editor options
adminhtml/system_config_source_country returns list of all countries from directory module
adminhtml/system_config_source_cron_frequency returns list of cron frequence ( Daily, Weekly, Monthly)
adminhtml/system_config_source_currency returns list of currencies
adminhtml/system_config_source_customer_group returns list of customer groups
adminhtml/system_config_source_date_short returns list of available short date formats
adminhtml/system_config_source_design_robots returns list of robots options (index, follow)
adminhtml/system_config_source_email_identity returns list of email sending identities (General Contact, Sales Representative, etc)
adminhtml/system_config_source_email_method returns list of email methods (Bcc, Separate Email)
adminhtml/system_config_source_email_template returns list of transactional email templates
adminhtml/system_config_source_enabledisable returns list of two options (“Enable” and “Disable”)
adminhtml/system_config_source_frequency returns list of frequencies (Always, Hourly, Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly, Never)
adminhtml/system_config_source_locale returns list of locales
adminhtml/system_config_source_locale_country returns list of localized country names
adminhtml/system_config_source_locale_currency_all returns list of localized currency names
adminhtml/system_config_source_locale_timezone returns list of localized timezone names
adminhtml/system_config_source_locale_weekdays returns list of localized weekday names
adminhtml/system_config_source_notification_frequency returns array of hours frequency ( used for cron)
adminhtml/system_config_source_notoptreq returns list of three options for customer widget mandatory indetificator (“Not”, “Optional”, “Required”)
adminhtml/system_config_source_order_status returns list of available order statuses except pending payment
adminhtml/system_config_source_payment_allmethods returns list of all payment methods
adminhtml/system_config_source_payment_allspecificcountries returns boolean values for payment (“All Allowed Countries”, “Specific Countries”)
adminhtml/system_config_source_price_scope returns list of price scopes
adminhtml/system_config_source_shipping_allmethods returns list of all shipping methods
adminhtml/system_config_source_shipping_allspecificcountries returns boolean values for shipping (“All Allowed Countries”, “Specific Countries”)
adminhtml/system_config_source_shipping_taxclass returns list of tax shipping classes
adminhtml/system_config_source_store returns list of stores
adminhtml/system_config_source_tax_basedon returns list of values which tax based on
adminhtml/system_config_source_yesno return boolean options (“Yes”, “No”)
checkout/config_source_cart_summary return list of display options at the cart
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