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Last active August 29, 2015 14:10
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Figured out how to run the Scala REPL under Cygwin/tmux in
# Getting the Scala REPL to work on Cygwin
There are some [nuances]( to getting the Scala REPL working in Cygwin.
If you install version 2.11.4 for Windows, `/Applications32/scala/bin/scala` already attempts to follow these instructions. If you're running under MinGW with `TERM=xterm-256color`, it works. However when you start tmux or screen, it often changes the value of `TERM`. You can get around this by:
TERM=xterm-256color /Applications32/scala/bin/scala
It may be more convenient to drop this in a script, such as `$HOME/bin/scala`
#Set TERM so that scala's script realizes we're in a cygwin environment, even under tmux (Which sets TERM to `screen`).
TERM=xterm-256color; SCALA_RUNNER_DEBUG=true /Applications32/scala/bin/scala
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