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Created December 15, 2021 21:34
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Showing how to test a basic insert trigger in Apex
//Deploy with: sfdx force:source:deploy -p force-app/main/default
//Note: 2 or more -p arguments don't appear to work. It only deploys the path in the last argument.
trigger LeadTrigger on Lead (before insert) {
for(Lead leadReference : {
leadReference.Age_Nearest__c = 1;
//Run with: sfdx force:apex:test:run -n TestLead --resultformat=human
public class TestLead {
public static void leadShouldInsert() {
Lead subject = makeLead();
Database.SaveResult result = Database.insert(subject);
public static void createLeadWhenTodayIsBirthday_AgeNearestIsTodaysAge() {
Date aYearAgo =;
Lead subject = makeLead(aYearAgo);
Lead fetched = [select id, Age_Nearest__c from Lead where id =];
System.assertEquals(1, fetched.Age_Nearest__c);
private static Lead makeLead() {
Lead lead = new Lead();
lead.Birthdate__c = Date.newInstance(2000, 1, 1);
lead.Company = 'Initech';
lead.LastName = 'MacReady';
return lead;
private static Lead makeLead(Date birthdate) {
Lead lead = new Lead();
lead.Birthdate__c = birthdate;
lead.Company = 'Initech';
lead.LastName = 'MacReady';
return lead;
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