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Created January 11, 2016 03:27
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Blackjack simple simulation
{-# Language GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import System.Random (randomIO)
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad.State.Strict
newtype GameAction s a = GameAction { getAction :: StateT s Maybe a }
deriving (Monad, Applicative, Functor, MonadState s, Alternative)
condition :: (s -> Bool) -> GameAction s ()
condition f = do
b <- f <$> get
if b then return () else bail
bail :: GameAction s a
bail = GameAction $ lift Nothing
choice :: (Alternative m) => [m a] -> m a
choice = foldl1 (<|>)
data Turn = Dealer | Player | Final
deriving (Show, Eq)
data BJState = BJState { dealer :: [Int]
, player :: [Int]
, turn :: Turn
, cards :: [Int] }
deriving Show
playerStand :: GameAction BJState ()
playerStand = modify $ \s -> s { turn = Dealer }
playerDraw :: GameAction BJState ()
playerDraw = modify $ \s -> s { player = head (cards s) : player s
, cards = tail (cards s) }
dealerStand :: GameAction BJState ()
dealerStand = modify $ \s -> s { turn = Final }
dealerDraw :: GameAction BJState ()
dealerDraw = modify $ \s -> s { dealer = head (cards s) : dealer s
, cards = tail (cards s) }
-- | Dealer's strategies
dealerStrat :: GameAction BJState ()
dealerStrat = choice [ holdOnSoft17, dealerDraw ]
holdOnSoft17 :: GameAction BJState ()
holdOnSoft17 = condition ((>=17) . softSum . dealer) >> dealerStand
-- | Player's strategies
playerStrat :: GameAction BJState ()
playerStrat = choice [ playerHard >>
choice [ inInterval player (2, 11) >> playerDraw
, choice [ inInterval dealer (2, 6) >> playerStand
, inInterval player (12, 16) >> playerDraw
, playerStand ] ]
, inInterval player (2, 18) >> playerDraw
, playerStand ]
playerMimicDealer :: GameAction BJState ()
playerMimicDealer = choice [ condition (\s -> softSum (player s) >= 17) >> playerStand
, playerDraw ]
playerHard :: GameAction BJState ()
playerHard = ensureHard player
inInterval :: (BJState -> [Int]) -> (Int, Int) -> GameAction BJState ()
inInterval character (a, b) = condition (\s -> cardSum s <= b && cardSum s >= a)
where cardSum = softSum . character
-- | Auxiliary functions
ensureHard :: (BJState -> [Int]) -> GameAction BJState ()
ensureHard role = condition (isHard . role)
isSoft :: [Int] -> Bool
isSoft cs = any (==1) cs && sum (aceAs11 cs) <= 21
isHard :: [Int] -> Bool
isHard = not . isSoft
aceAs11 :: [Int] -> [Int]
aceAs11 [] = []
aceAs11(1:xs) = 11 : xs
aceAs11 (x:xs) = x : aceAs11 xs
softSum :: [Int] -> Int
softSum xs | isSoft xs = sum (aceAs11 xs)
| otherwise = sum xs
-- | Simulations
execStrat :: GameAction BJState () -> BJState -> BJState
execStrat strat = fromJust . execStateT (getAction strat)
nextPlay :: BJState -> BJState
nextPlay s@(BJState _ _ Dealer _) = execStrat dealerStrat s
nextPlay s@(BJState _ _ Player _) = execStrat playerStrat s
nextPlay s@(BJState _ _ Final _) = s
gameRun :: BJState -> IO BJState
gameRun s | turn s == Final = return s
| otherwise = gameRun (nextPlay s)
winner :: BJState -> Int
winner (BJState d p _ _) | softSum p > 21 = -1
| softSum d > 21 = 1
| softSum d < softSum p = 1
| softSum d > softSum p = -1
| otherwise = 0
getCardIO :: IO Int
getCardIO = do
x <- ((+ 1) . (`mod` 13)) <$> randomIO
return $ if x >= 10 then 10 else x
simulate :: IO BJState
simulate = do
d <- forM [1..2] (const getCardIO)
p <- forM [1..2] (const getCardIO)
cs <- forM [1..50] (const getCardIO)
let st = BJState d p Player cs
gameRun st
report :: Float -> Float -> IO ()
report n acc = do
putStr (show (acc / n))
putStr " "
putStr (show n)
putStr " "
ss <- forM [1..10000] (const simulate)
let r = fromIntegral $ sum $ map winner ss
putStrLn (show r)
report (n + 1) (acc + r)
main = report 0.0000001 0.0
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